
The Black Ice Quotes

The Black Ice by Michael Connelly

The Black Ice Quotes
"He looked back out at the fire just as there was a loud explosion and a concentrated ball of black smoke rotated up within the gray anvil."
"The first card was from a former partner who had retired on book and movie money and moved to Ensenada."
"It's a tough one," Irving said. "Near as I can figure it, he wanted to cut his wife a break."
"There is no trap so deadly as the trap you set for yourself."
"If you want to tell me something, just tell me."
"I think what it was is that maybe they didn't want anybody checking around that USDA contractor's business. You know? They didn't want that body connected to that place. So they take the guy's body far away."
"Every customer leaves a little something, his mark, behind."
"The minute I raised a doubt he started talking about jumping to conclusions and the need to move slowly."
"I'm just letting off steam. Been one of those days. Longest fucking day of my life."
"There are too many coincidences here that I don't think are coincidences."
"Just watching you. You need a date, you got one."
"You don't have that much hemorrhage on instant death like that."
"It's a place to drink mean, as long as you still had the green."
"We both know what you did. We both know that little shit Irving automatically thinks I did it. I now have to consider myself seriously fucked as far as the permanent job goes."
"I'm working on it but I'm not, you know what I mean?"
"I don't know. I guess 'cause you told him to go to hell. I should've said that and I didn't."
"I'm sorry. That's the way I am sometimes. But I need you guys and you guys need me."
"We've got a whole history on our friend the pope. I even know he's got a velvet painting of Elvis in his office at the ranch."
"Once inside the apartment, he closed and relocked the door. He stood there, a couple of feet inside, letting his eyes adjust."
"He didn't know what he was looking for, so he started in the kitchen."
"The kisses that you gave me my love, Are the ones that are killing me."
"Bosch had found a way to make killing a man who brought a knife to a gunfight sound heroic."
"The pope is a man who likes to be seen. He likes to taunt us."
"He lit a cigarette. He wanted to get out of there."
"A hero's farewell, Bosch thought. The department wasn't into self-flagellation."
"But my tears are now drying, With my pistol and my heart."
"He saw movement in the darkness of the park across the street."
"I don't know how to love you, I don't even know how to embrace you."
"The man across the street? Is the pope the man?"
"Don't count on it, this is Mexico. You aren't jackshit here."
"I'm sorry, Mr. Dinsmore, that's confidential until we determine if you are at risk."
"I am the inspector but I am only interested in the finished product."
"I know what I am doing. It's a fellow officer's murder that brings me here. Remember? Or doesn't Moore matter?"
"I don't know what you are talking about but you're leaving."
"Anybody who's come this far has to go the distance."
"He's my partner on this, Ramos. He knows what I know."
"Mostly use 'em in Central and South America ops."
"It's for night work. You've got total night vision set up."
"The distinctive whop-whop of their rotors would forever be the sound of Vietnam to him."
"The bulls. Bosch wondered which one of them was El Temblar."
"These photos were taken at the same second yesterday."
"He's dangerous. Anybody we encounter on the ranch has to be considered armed and dangerous."