
Night Broken Quotes

Night Broken by Patricia Briggs

Night Broken Quotes
"A werewolf pack that eats together stays together."
"The dishwasher was running, stuffed full and then some."
"Dealing with Christy was usually enough to give me a stomachache."
"If I had to make enough chocolate chip cookies to feed Richland while she was here, it would be okay."
"I’m not worried about her coming between us."
"As long as Adam loved me, I was sure I could deal with the worst Christy could throw at us."
"I don’t open my door to people whose names I do not know."
"It’s not her fault you didn’t recognize his accent."
"Be very careful. You’ve made mistakes before."
"I have no intention of letting you run around my city unprotected."
"Your house don’t sound like a safe place to be at the moment."
"Under the moon, I will hunt, fight, live and run with you and yours who shall be mine."
"From this day forward, mine to me and mine. Pack."
"It’s my job to make sure all the members of my pack are safe and well fed, so they don’t get desperate."
"You are too busy taking care of everyone else to take care of yourself."
"I’m married to a man who will be young a hundred years from now."
"If you ever find out who it is, I’ll take my dog back and hope he objects."
"She can open the doors. If she knows you don’t like her, she’ll try to follow you everywhere."
"Giving her power down there did not hurt mine."
"You see enough hunts, you pay attention to how prey is killed."
"We are taking her word that it isn’t a werewolf?"
"Finding out and stopping it is more important to public safety than trying to not make them paranoid."
"If something is out there doing this, then I think that it’s too late to worry about what is safe for the public to believe in."
"I battled with Bran when you were just a kid and came out on top."
"Like a gambler on a winning streak, I was worried that I’d ruin it in the last moves."
"No sense getting people killed unless they are actually guilty of something."
"Safe is good. Not all the time, no. Sometimes, though, it is better than water in the desert."
"Any fight you live through is a fight well fought."
"The only thing Adam has to do with this is that he has poor taste in wives."
"The only time bodies start appearing around me is when there are werewolves involved."
"I thought that went without saying. Weird things like me."
"It’s not your fault, Christy. It is just a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time."
"We might die fighting him, but if we do not try and stop him, we are already defeated."
"I know that Stefan is more than a little in love with you, you know that, right? It's what makes Marsilia hate you so much."
"I’ll certainly try not to wander off with Coyote again without your knowing about it. But ‘try’ is all I’ve got."
"I need you to survive, too. I need to know you survive."
"If you live through one of Coyote’s games, it delights him because then he can push you into one that is more dangerous."
"I love you, too. I told him, and he smiled because he’d let me see what he felt."
"No one in the room spoke, but they watched us leave, knowing where we were going, and I didn’t care."
"We didn’t speak. All of the words had already been said."
"This was about saying good-bye. About impregnating my skin with his scent so that I would have him with me after he was gone."
"He pulled my face up to his and kissed me tenderly despite the speed of his pulse."
"You should know that you can’t hide things from me."
"‘Play the hand you have,’ my papa liked to say."
"I’m glad I have you and Dad. That way, it’s okay that Mom is...Mom."
"I could hear the two horses eating outside and Medea’s purring."
"But death isn’t a tragedy to God, only to those left behind."
"Lies aren’t always destructive, are they? Sometimes a few lies hurt no one."
"I have faith that it will help. But death isn’t a tragedy to God, only to those left behind."
"The odds that the car was Guayota’s skyrocketed into the certainty zone."
"We ended as we’d begun, with me on him, watching his face as I moved on him and he in me."
"She’s not perfect, but she’s my mom, you know?"
"He saw my flinch and paused in his combing to kiss me."
"If I have not said it, you should know that you brought joy into my life when I thought there was no joy left in the world."
"I understand why you have to go and why I have to stay."