
The Fall Of Five Quotes

The Fall Of Five by Pittacus Lore

The Fall Of Five Quotes
"Sometimes it’s tough to tell whether I’m asleep or awake; every moment tends to take on a drowsy sameness when you’ve been kept in isolation for weeks."
"The only thing I’m really certain of is that my imaginings of escape aren’t real."
"The sweat-soaked mattress with broken springs that dig into my back? That’s real."
"My greatest fear is that they’ll just leave me in here to waste away, that I’ll just pass out from dehydration, not even realizing that I’m living my last moment."
"I’d much rather die free, fighting the Mogadorians."
"I take a deep swig of the warm, rust-flavored water. It’s disgusting, but I’m able to work some moisture back into my mouth."
"Sometimes I think they forget about me. Or ignore me on purpose."
"The fight, what little there’d been to begin with, had completely gone out of me."
"I’m just getting desperate. And maybe a little crazy."
"The Mogadorian reaches his hands through the bars of my cell, focusing on the wall behind me."
"The world ending and they don’t even know it."
"I’m not a child anymore. From the look on his face—a mixture of sadness and pride—I think he realizes that."
"Even if the Garde are here, I won’t risk it—won’t risk you."
"I can’t get the image of their burned faces out of my mind."
"Our advantage here is that we know Five’s exact location. Hopefully, that gives us a head start on the Mogs."
"I’m just dead weight. I want to practice shooting so I can be more than that."
"That’s not really a good idea. The Mogadorians or the government could be monitoring your house for phone calls. They could be tracking us."
"That’s exactly what I thought, and it’s why I didn’t actually go through with it. I don’t want to go home."
"I’m getting used to the idea of my boyfriend fighting an intergalactic war, but I’ll never get used to just watching from the sidelines and hoping everything turns out okay."
"You can’t say that for sure. You can’t do everything, John."
"I’d feel safer being with you. Whatever dangers you have to face, I want to be by your side."
"I’d like to see more of America than military bases and apartments."
"I think I deserve more than a gross hot dog."
"For saving my life in New Mexico. You broke the prophecy, Marina."
"It’s all about surprise with you, man. You gotta keep ’em guessing."
"It was a time of death, a time still shrouded in mystery even to our greatest historians."
"Our young planet was at a crossroads, caught between a desire for rapid development and a need to protect what is natural and life-sustaining."
"I watched our planet die through the portholes of a departing spaceship. I felt like a coward."
"What is done is done. You were not part of the Elders’ plan. That does not make you any less Loric, or any less a Garde."
"But I think it’s important for us to remember how we got here and what we’re fighting for."
"My Honor Student Fought Aliens at Paradise High School."
"And that’s why you don’t post stuff on the internet."
"If our spaceship hadn’t made it to Earth, you’d have to save the planet all by yourself."
"We’re not hearing anything that’s going to help us kill Mogadorians or protect Earth."
"I hope I didn't just set Sam up to get his heart broken."
"You should lock me in here, until the Garde return."
"We need to figure out why this is happening."
"It's cool to keep in touch with it, if that makes sense."
"The city isn’t familiar to me. It isn’t Chicago. I’m somewhere else."
"This is a vision of the future and it’s one that I hope never comes to pass."
"We’ll save her. We will stop them. All of us, together, I swear."
"With my telekinesis, I can carry them myself."
"I’m doing good work, One. I’m helping people."