
CryoBurn Quotes

CryoBurn by Lois McMaster Bujold

CryoBurn Quotes
"The dirty little secret of democracy is that just because you get a vote, doesn't mean you get your choice."
"If there was one skill I had honed in my youth, it was how to please an old man by listening to his complaints."
"Cook what you want, clean up after yourself, replace what you use, contribute money to the pantry when you can."
"With a quirk of his eyebrows, the little man made his selection, then turned to testing pens from the box of assorted discards."
"Flights of angels," he muttered in experimental incantation, "sing me to my rest."
"The only way to effect change on Barrayar had been to violently destroy what had gone before, instead of waiting for the cycle of generations to gracefully remove it."
"His hands were scraped and throbbing, his trouser knees torn and damp."
"If heights make you dizzy, the gutter could be a problem."
"After all, one couldn't expect the attache to bestir himself for just any anonymous note off the street."
"The people here are glutted with revive interviews. Nobody wants us here. Everything costs too much. The city's too big."
"The healthier you are when frozen, the better your chances of a healthy revival."
"It has been a very effective strategy for Shinkawa. If I didn't have a cryo-contract through my own employer, as part of my benefits package, I'd consider them myself."
"We've prepared a presentation on the Komarr Project for you, next."
"Keep your friends close and your enemies closer."
"One of the things that most excites me about your project is the chance at last to beat him at his own game."
"The dark's all right. It's people you have to be afraid of."
"You know the old saying, Keep your friends close and your enemies closer?"
"We can only be grateful that no one was seriously injured or killed in the whole escapade."
"But Escobar's own cryonics services are far more mature, and are further shielded from competition by what I can only call highly protectionist regulation."
"Once everyone on a planet has been sold a cryo-contract, there's no place left to go but outward."
"The hazard of a mature market, yes, I'm afraid."
"I expect, once everyone on a planet has been sold a cryo-contract, there's no place left to go but outward."
"It's hoped that, over time, this will result in a more uniform and fairer contract structure industry-wide."
"When we've squeezed the sponge dry, we'll stop."
"It's the hazard of a mature market, yes, I'm afraid."
"You could call her Spinner. Except you said she doesn't spin."
"I've seen our diplomatic personnel bought out before. I had to make sure."
"I wouldn't know. I've never lived in a house with only one bathroom."
"Then you wouldn't be part of this debriefing, and I'd be on the lookout for ways to nail you to the wall, too."
"My career may be slagged, but so will yours, my Lord Auditor."
"Reason for travel: creepy planetary conquest...?no, I suppose not."
"The task of an Imperial Auditor is to solve problems for Gregor."
"I've no intrinsic objection to legally, but it can't leave a data trail back to us."
"The world is made by the people who show up for the job."
"The other thing wealthy old Komarrans tend to have is an excess of planetary voting shares."
"I hardly know what else to call it. But I still have a hell of a lot of dots to connect before I can sign off on this investigation."
"Ah, good. I'd hoped not to leave any evidence."
"Nobody should die of old age at thirty-standard."
"If the Duronas' or anybody else's anti-aging research ever succeeds, I wonder if death at three hundred or five hundred will come to seem as outrageous?"
"All the worry people expend over not existing after they die, yet nary a one ever seems to spare a moment to worry about not having existed before they were conceived."
"I, you, Rowan, and Raven all tried to talk her into it."
"That would have been for our benefit, then. Not for hers."
"Nobody's really told me anything. But, ah... if you want me to call the police for you and your sister, before the Barrayarans all get back, I could...?"
"Nobody else has ever tried like him," which was certainly true.
"Yes, hit them where they keep their hearts, in their wallets."
"Never underestimate the human capacity for wishful thinking and willful blindness."
"Who wouldn't choose it over a risky illegal brain transplant, hell."
"Have you ever heard the phrase, Living well is the best revenge?"
"I think they are unlikely to question minors."
"You realize, the garden is going to be swarming with those gigantic spiders?"
"The belief and terror in Oki's face convinced the others."