
More Than Human Quotes

More Than Human by Theodore Sturgeon

More Than Human Quotes
"His eyes were excellent, and could readily distinguish between a smile and a snarl; but neither could have any impact on a creature so lacking in empathy."
"He had exactly enough fear to keep his bones together and oiled."
"His spectrum lay between terror and contentment."
"A spleen, a kidney, an adrenal—these have definite functions and an optimum level for those functions. But this was a thing which only received and recorded."
"Sometimes the world’s too much to live with and a body sort of has to turn away from it to rest."
"It’s still; something pulls you down onto it, that is all."
"He ate like an animal, everything edible he could find, and he ate (when he could) only enough and nevermore."
"The idiot lived in a black and gray world, punctuated by the white lightning of hunger and the nickering of fear."
"He slept like an animal, well and lightly, faced in the opposite direction from that of a man."
"He had no preferences. It happened that where he was there was more wilderness than town."
"Sometimes the very thing you're looking for is so revolting to you that you won't go near it."
"Every young kid does. So Baby learned to understand when someone talked, and he’d answer with this semaphore stuff."
"They all try to simplify something which is complex by its very nature."
"You can’t walk in on the first psychotherapist you find in the phone book and make any demand that occurs to you just because you can pay for it."
"It was as if there was a revolving drum in my head, and on it were photographed the places and things and people I was after."
"Everywhere we go, everything we do, we’re surrounded by symbols, by things so familiar we don’t ever look at them or don’t see them if we do look."
"The ego is too important to let slide that way."
"Nobody ever looks at what’s around him with any kind of attention until he gets into a place like this."
"I think people only cry when there’s a chance of getting help from somewhere."
"It’s just that you don’t want to get straightened out."
"Psychiatry is like a road map. There are always a lot of different ways to get from one place to another place."
"You’ve been on this whole road before. Start at the other side of the bridge."
"Just talk. Don’t try to get too far into what you’re saying."
"What Lone said was, 'Do everything she tells you, only stay together.'"
"You’re quite strong for your age, aren’t you, Gerard?"
"What happened? About the twins? Well, when we’d been there about a week or so we began to notice something that sort of stunk."
"All I know is I got to do what I’m doing like a bird’s got to nest when it’s time."
"What’s he to you, Miss Gerald? You’ll have to tell me a little more than that."
"He’s crazy. Did you know that?" "I don’t think so."
"You can’t hide behind that either. Now listen to me."
"For your arm, not a psychiatrist. You’ll never have to go through that again."
"You’re crazy," he muttered tiredly. "That’s what they say about you. So we have something in common."
"Get presentable, will you? Do you know how long it is since you’ve eaten anything?"
"You think I’m crazy?" "No." "I’m sick," he whimpered.
"Anyone who can have keys can have a razor," she said gently.
"Have you had your breakfast yet?" Something was kindled in her eyes.
"I’ll find that device or whoever made it. And I’ll kill that Thompson!"
"Morals are an obedience to rules that people laid down to help you live among them."
"You want to be wanted. You want to be needed."
"Ethic is too simple a term. But yes, multiplicity is our first characteristic; unity our second."
"Atomic war is a ripple on the broad face of the Amazon."
"Here at last was power which could not corrupt."
"Here was the withheld hand as thousands died, when by their death millions might live."
"He saw himself as an atom and his Gestalt as a molecule."
"A laughing thing with a human heart and a reverence for its human origins."
"Recognized it for what it has always been for mankind - self-respect."