
The Devil's Star Quotes

The Devil's Star by Jo Nesbø

The Devil's Star Quotes
"Water, like cowardice and lust, always finds the lowest level."
"She was what most people would call dead."
"Our Saviour's Cemetery. Crowded with famous people. Famous dead people."
"I just know that I couldn't smell a dead body."
"It takes somewhere between twelve and twenty-four hours to digest food. For everyone."
"Do you think it was a lover who did this?"
"You only work eight to ten hours every day. Not more than twelve, anyway. Plus the weekends."
"It was without question a much more scenic background for singing songs and hurling abuse."
"Harry told the officer he’d make his own way back, stepped out onto the pavement and straightened his back."
"‘Police,’ Harry said, and prepared himself to tackle the stairs."
"‘Lisbeth has gone,’ he whispered. His voice was surprisingly clear."
"‘It gets so warm here in the afternoon in these attic flats,’ Barli apologised."
"Harry sat down. ‘Thanks, but I don’t drink when I’m on duty.’"
"‘She was only supposed to be nipping down to the shop to buy some potato salad to go with the chops,’ Barli gasped."
"‘First of all I rang her on her mobile, but of course she’d left it here.’"
"‘Have you ever heard of anyone going out in just a bikini with a fiftykroner note while the meat is frying on the grill and then deciding that this is a good opportunity to hop it?’"
"‘What have you got to lose? Have a good look in the mirror . . .’"
"‘It’s your impression then that the marriage worked especially well?’"
"He heard the outer door slam shut and groaned. He needed a drink. And pronto."
"‘Do you know Jesus?’ Marit asked in a loud, clear voice and with a smile."
"‘Unfortunately, I don’t,’ the man snuffled. ‘And neither do you, my girl, but perhaps you know Roy Kvinsvik?’"
"‘Find him. Find him, Harry. And punish him. Punish him severely. Will you promise me?’"
"‘Do you realise how worried I’ve been about you, my lad?’ She viewed Harry askance while she hugged Oleg."
"The sailing boats stood out against the blue sea like tiny white triangles."
"‘How’s it going?’ he asked. ‘Fine,’ she said."
"The tone was neutral, the accusation scarcely perceptible."
"‘Can’t you at least look at me when I’m talking?’ ‘No.’"
"‘It’s just that true paradoxes don’t exist.’"
"‘Time was simply something that came and went, until the money stopped coming.’"
"‘The tardy advance of time started the moment you entered the redbrick building.’"
"‘Everything can be formulated as a paradox.’"
"‘He closed his eyes, but opened them again in a hurry when images of Sis appeared on the inside of his eyelids.’"
"‘They cannot see that, but I am invisible.’"
"‘The concept of the serial murderer is just as controversial as everything else I’m going to tell you now.’"
"‘You look as if you’re at a funeral, and that’s probably true in some respects.’"
"‘He tried to write, but his pen didn’t work.’"
"‘You’re right about what?’ Skarre called out."
"‘It’s always sexually motivated. Always.’"
"‘I know what you’re getting at, Harry. The killer has strong preferences with respect to the geographical location of the crime.’"
"‘Can we say the words aloud now?’ she asked. ‘Serial killer?’"
"‘You can dream your way to hell and back in that time.’"
"‘He stood in front of the basin with the tap running, looking at himself in the mirror.’"
"It’s a question of what you want. Do you want a small, poky house for people with small, poky lives or do you want to have opera houses and cathedrals, majestic buildings that point the way towards something greater than you yourself, something you can strive for."
"I’m not asleep... Oh shit, I’m so theatrical!"
"You long for the person you wish I could be."
"The future was the only thing that mattered from now on."
"I’m guessing that you’re going to tell me that you went through my suitcase when you got up in the night."
"And you found piles of letters from my lovers, didn’t you?"
"Forgive me. That you love me is all I need to know. The rest is unimportant."
"But why? Why is he voluntarily giving us the key to the code and thus to his next moves?"
"He’s trying to tell us how we can catch him."
"According to a code-savvy friend of mine we have to find the answer to the question 'why' before the code is fully cracked."
"I’ve been trying to keep my head above water."
"This is a dodgy area for a little girl on a Friday night."
"It’s the combination of the distance between the planets and the mutual attraction that keeps them in orbit."
"I don’t think I can go on any longer. He’s changed."
"Whatever it is you want from me, I haven’t got it."
"I probably hoped it was true. For my own sake."
"It’s just a question of waiting for the rat."
"I like you. And there’s no need to blush, my dear."
"It’s like you’re allowed to be yourself."
"He likes young women, Sven does. And they like him."
"There were a few things he had to sort out, he said."
"Now he lives in the Czech Republic. Bohemia, he usually calls it, the show-off."
"It was just a question of waiting for the rat."
"That’s where we come in, Harry. We take the responsibility."
"It feels a bit like jumping out of a burning house."
"Normally, he’s a cold sod, but he went ashen and for a while seemed almost stunned."
"Drink up, then you can have a smoke before I put the cuffs back on."
"You don’t believe me, do you? You think the opposite, that Tom Waaler is the one who’s going to rescue you from this – what shall we call it? – tiresome situation, don’t you?"
"I thought you were smart, Sivertsen. All these puzzles you set up, the way you stage-managed everything, with you always one step ahead."
"Did you know that colder weather is forecast?"
"As far as I’m aware, we don’t usually tell you about that kind of thing, Groth."
"She would pretend that she was sleeping when he crept into bed."
"She concluded that the unlocked front door had not been properly closed and that she had woken up when it blew open."
"At 1.30 she got up. Harry had gone back to his place."
"The white Ford Escort passed through the summer’s night like a rumbling, ageing submarine."
"I discovered that I had inherited a gift from my father – the power of falling in love."
"I’ll ring you back early in the morning. Shall we say that, Olaug?"
"You have to trust me because that’s the logical follow-on."
"It’s just best for him, Eikeland. Not for you."
"He said that he was going to lie low at his place."
"The ones you want to come, never do. It’s the others who come."
"Nothing will happen to your little brother as long as you do what we tell you. And none of this will come out."
"The ones you have to make do with, my dear."
"It’s not just her son. She’s frightened for her lodger who was in the mountains over the weekend and hasn’t returned. I don’t know what to say to her."
"As little as possible. It’ll soon be over."
"I’ll give you a chance to keep your job, Lønn. We know Harry’s been ringing from his taxi driver friend’s phone. Where is he?"
"I don’t know where he is. He would never even have dreamed of putting me in such an impossible situation."
"You have no idea what a fright you gave me just now."
"It can’t be him, it’s… it’s… not possible."
"Death is no revenge. Death is a delivery, a happy ending."
"Love is a thirst, Harry. It needs to drink."
"Don’t you want to hear the proof first?"
"You’re no different from me. It’s passion that drives you, too."
"I knew you would do the right thing in the end, Harry."
"I’m trying to anticipate every eventuality."
"Imagine how much blood he lost. And the shock."
"I’m afraid I threw it down the disposal chute, Harry. Did you really think I wouldn’t search for planted weapons?"