
Knife Edge Quotes

Knife Edge by Malorie Blackman

Knife Edge Quotes
"Being born a nought shouldn’t automatically make you a second-class citizen."
"Never, ever allow yourself to feel. Feelings kill."
"I’ll sit you on my lap and tell you how the corners of his eyes crinkled up when he laughed."
"We’re not on the playing field. We’re not even in the game."
"Do unto others as they would do unto you – only do it first."
"You bring a sweet embrace, and with the smile upon your face, you bring me grace, my rainbow child."
"I’ll never let anything or anyone hurt you. Ever."
"I’m going to make them all suffer. I’m going to make them all pay."
"You’re a lighter brown than me. Much lighter. But you’re not a Nought, not white like your dad. You’re a trailblazer."
"I’ve only ever loved one other person the way I love you and that was your dad, Callum."
"If it’s possible to truly loathe and love someone at the same time, then that’s how I felt about my brother."
"I can’t bear the thought that it might be. Is it because I wanted to use you to stick two fingers up to my dad?"
"So really, I’d be providing a public service."
"I don’t want to take you back there, Callie, but I’ve got no choice."
"Words did hurt. Like now. I was just as wounded as Nurse Solomon and, worse still, I felt like I was the one who’d caused the verbal attack in the first place."
"But I couldn’t ignore his words. One of us … One of them … A rhythm playing like train wheels on a circular track – never ending but going absolutely nowhere."
"I checked my watch. Five minutes past nine. The place was empty. The bitch had stood me up. She probably had no intention of ever going out with me in the first place."
"I smiled back. And the warmth of the smile she gave me made me feel … uncomfortable. Which I didn’t expect. Which made me feel worse."
"I stood there, drowning in self-pity and misery. But drowning just the same."
"And I’ve got a suggestion. You could move in with me. You and Callie are all the family I’ve got left."
"That would be fatal. Not just physically but mentally – which would be worse. All of Jude’s laws from one to six applied in this case – but especially number one. Never ever allow yourself to feel. Feelings kill."
"I’m still so young and I have a daughter. I look at you and it scares me how little I know. About anything."
"I turned to her and said, ‘Thank you for a lovely evening. I’ve really enjoyed myself.’ ‘So have I,’ said Cara."
"But I hadn’t done a single thing to encourage it. Definitely no sex, very few kisses, limited handholding. But I’ll say one thing for Cara – she’s intelligent."
"I was dying in it. I clenched my fists and hit her. Her whole body fell backwards. She looked up at me, too shocked to even cry out."
"I told him. ‘But if I join your group and you ever try to deal me out that way, you’ll regret it.’ ‘Ooh! The mother is a lioness as well, is she?’ Jaxon pretended to quake in his walking boots."
"‘Forget about me.’ ‘I’ve already forgotten about you.’ Callum"
"You think you’re real slick, don’t you?"
"You’ve got logs on each shoulder, and hatred up your sleeve."
"It’s just that I’d never seen that photo of her before. She looked like she was almost praying."
"You’ve got a voice, but what about the rest? You’ve got to move, dance, do something to show a little stage presence."
"Sometimes I sit in the living room with Sephy, whilst Callie cries in her cot in Sephy’s bedroom, and I have to bite my lip not to say anything."
"You can’t come here. You can’t play there. No mixing. No matching."
"I’m sure you can take care of yourself and you’ve got those lovely, muscled bouncers on the door but I don’t want to cause you any more trouble than necessary."
"I’ve got one more song for you. This song is Rainbow Child for my daughter, Rose."
"She was so vile I’ve tried to blot her from my memory."
"I close my eyes, you kiss me, Your touch brings me no shame. I hold on tight, you move within As I call out your name. I breathe you in, you hold me Like you'll never let me go. I look into your burning eyes And feel our loving grow. But it's just a fantasy, A trick of the light. Can you hear what I'm saying? We take these dreams, Pretend they're real And give no name to the game we're playing. I'm the lover in your hand, Trickling through like so much sand. You're forbidden fruit, I watch you fall, You're two words that describe it all – Erotica-exotica."
"I’m the lover in your hand, Trickling through like so much sand. You’re forbidden fruit, I watch you fall, You’re two words that describe it all – Erotica-exotica."
"I breathe you in, you hold me Like you’ll never let me go. I look into your burning eyes And feel our loving grow."
"It’s just a fantasy, A trick of the light. Can you hear what I’m saying? We take these dreams, Pretend they’re real And give no name to the game we’re playing."
"I didn’t kill Cara Imega. As God is my witness, I’m completely innocent."
"I wish she wasn’t because she hasn’t come forward. But Sephy knows I didn’t do this. I couldn’t kill anyone."
"I know it was him. Sephy already told me that Andrew Dorn works undercover for her father Kamal Hadley."
"My heart began to thump painfully in my chest. This was it. What would Jude do now?"
"I pressed the button on the remote control to switch off the TV. I sat in the roaring silence as my heart thundered inside me."
"Happy days are here again! I’m no longer charged with murdering… that Cross woman."
"I can’t help but smile. ‘I love you, Rose. I want you to be happy,’ I whisper. ‘It’s what you deserve.’"
"Sephy lives by her heart, not her head."
"I’d give my life if it’d help Sephy to find some kind of peace but it doesn’t work that way."
"I carry on exhaling, trying to force air, trying to force life back into Callie."