
The Bunker Diary Quotes

The Bunker Diary by Kevin Brooks

The Bunker Diary Quotes
"Why six? I don’t know. I’m the only one here."
"It feels underground in here. The air is heavy, concrete, damp. It’s not damp, it just feels damp."
"The lights come on at eight o’clock in the morning, and they go off again at midnight."
"There’s a low humming sound deep within the walls."
"I thought he was blind. That’s how he got me. I still can’t believe I fell for it."
"I keep playing it over in my mind, hoping I’ll do something different, but it always turns out the same."
"It was early Sunday morning when it happened. Yesterday morning."
"I wasn’t doing anything in particular, just hanging around the concourse at Liverpool Street station, trying to keep warm."
"I found a fake Rolex once. Got a tenner for it. So it’s always worth looking."
"I don’t smoke, but cigarettes are always worth keeping."
"Sunday morning is a good time for finding things. People get drunk on Saturday night."
"I’m a nice guy. I coughed to let him know I was there, then I walked up and asked him if he needed any help."
"I thought about it. You could walk away if you wanted to. You don’t have to help him."
"The back of the van was pretty empty too, just a few bits of rope, some shopping bags, a dusty old blanket."
"I knew I’d been had then, but it was already too late."
"I thought I was dying. I struggled, lashing out with my elbows and legs, kicking, stamping, jerking my head like a madman."
"I don’t know what time it was when I finally fell asleep."
I didn’t have any of that "where am I?" feeling you’re supposed to get when you wake up in a strange place.
"The room was blacker than anything. Lightless. Sightless."
"I kept touching the walls and tapping my foot on the floor to convince myself that I was real."
"I thought the blind man might be waiting for me to fall asleep, but there was no chance of that. I was wide awake."
"I have to get out of here, that’s what it means. We have to get out of here."
"It’s like trying to escape from a sealed box."
"Who are you? What do you want? What’s your thing?"
"I’ve been here for nearly forty hours. Is that right? I think so."
"I’m still here. Still alive. Still staring at the walls. Writing these words. Thinking."
"I know I haven’t been hurt. I’m all in one piece."
"I know I’m hungry. And frightened. And confused. And angry."
"My pockets have been emptied. I’d had a £10 note hidden away in one of my socks, and now it’s gone."
"He knows I’m Charlie Weems’s son, he knows my dad’s stinking rich."
"I’m beginning to think he’s refused to pay the ransom."
"I picked it up and started leafing through it. Then I realized that I wasn’t that bored, and I put it back in the drawer."
"There’s a bible in the bedside cabinet."
"The notebooks are good quality—black-leather covers, fresh white pages."
"The pen’s a Uni-ball Eye, Micro, black."
"Her name’s Jenny Lane. She’s nine years old."
"She’s just a girl, for God’s sake. She’s just a little girl."
"I don’t know what you’re supposed to do with little girls in shock."
"I know I am, though. A couple of times today I felt really tired."
"I wish I could have done more to help her."
"So, no kidnapping then. Not for the money anyway."
"He’s not going to get much of a ransom from a guy who works at Costco, is he?"
"I suppose if I push this too far you’re going do something unpleasant, aren’t you?"
"I can hear the others talking in the kitchen."
"The clock on the wall is nothing. It relates to nothing. It’s just a machine."
"The time is now. That’s all there is to it."
"You just do what you do, don't you? You just do it. What else can you do?"
"You think you are [nice], but everyone thinks they're nice."
"The only thing He can't take away from us is time."
"We’re living like animals now. Living on needs."
"Nothing else comes into it. It’s me and me alone."
"He's gone. Shit, man, what's the matter with you? He's gone."
"On top of a mountain, I saw a zebra eating some chips with his girlfriend called Debra."