
Cursed Bunny Quotes

Cursed Bunny by Bora Chung

Cursed Bunny Quotes
"I call myself the head," the head replied.
"It’s not like it’s laying eggs or anything. Why don’t you just leave it alone?"
"My body was created with the things you dumped down the toilet, like your fallen-out hair and feces and toilet paper you used to wipe your behind."
Your color looks different," she said to the head. "Does it have anything to do with the state of my own body?
"I may be so poor that I committed the faux pas of asking you to call me instead of calling you first, but I will pay you back for the phone call someday."
"Children grow up so fast. Mark my words, today will seem like a distant memory soon enough …"
"When we make our cursed fetishes, it’s important that they’re pretty."
"We’re in a swamp," the thin voice patiently explains, "and the car is sinking, little by little. I think you better come out of there."
"She touches her left hand with her right. There’s no ring on her left ring finger."
"Fear seeps from her fingers through her hand, moving up her arm and into her heart."
"In the midst of my hesitation, I wander into the catalogue page and find an artificial companion with brown hair and green eyes, almost identical to Model 1."
"I bury my face in Model 1’s soft brown hair."
"Goodbye, my love ... Goodbye, my love ..."
"For too long, he had become used to solely crouching in a cave or struggling mid-air or underwater."
"Strangely enough, he would come to and the beast would be lying with its neck broken or stomach ripped open, its guts spilled all over the ground."
"The white-haired old man kept shouting as he dragged the opponent out of the arena."
"The bald man kept grinning. 'You idiot. Go fight! Bite! Shoo!'"
"He couldn’t quite explain what he had understood, but he had a feeling that a very big question of his had just been answered."
"In no time, the bald man’s people had packed up their things and they were on their way out of the village."
"The youth kept looking up at him and didn’t answer."
"Suppressing the vomit, he tended to be unsteady on his feet in the arena, making him more vulnerable to the blows that rained down upon him."
"The youth wandered the mountain forest for four days."
"But why the village scene was so familiar or where he had seen it before was something that he didn’t have the where-withal to ponder."
"The woman stretched out her arm and fumbled around in the emptiness in front of her."
"If he was this used to it, perhaps he himself was a part of this cave …"
"The only evidence the bird ever existed would be the scars on the youth’s body from when he had been its prey."
"The woman and her husband installed CCTV cameras on their building wall, right next to a streetlamp."
"Her husband, who was her upperclassman in college but graduated later than she did, fiddled around in search of his ideal 'alternative lifestyle' without ever settling down on any particular profession."
"The child kept locking and unlocking the box—clunk, clunk, clunk—as the woman watched in silence, lost in her own thoughts."
"And how has a princess of the grassy plains made her way to the Ship of Time and Winds?"
"All feeling left her body as her legs mechanically propelled her forward. Each time she made a step, her foot sank into the sand."
"Riding horses over that hard and wide earth, the hoofs striking against the firmness …"
"The princess wept. Her throat was so dry that it felt like it was splitting into pieces and there was not a drop of liquid in her body, but amazingly there were still tears coming out of her eyes."
"The bulky thing she had been leaning her forehead on was soon drenched in her tears."
"The princess, held back by the soldiers, looked up at the prince on the balcony. The moment their eyes met, she became speechless."
"And then came a rumbling noise. Screams ensued. The princess, through a crack in the fingers she had put over her face, watched as the balcony of the palace collapsed."
"This is not the fault of the princess," a low voice proclaimed, making the planks beneath her feet quake again."
"‘Stay here,’ said the soft voice that rang through the golden decks. ‘Rule the winds and sands with me, sail above the horizon of time.'"
"‘I wish to live as a mortal,’ she finally answered. ‘I wish to meet a man who is like me, who will cherish and love me as I do him, to have children, to see them grow up and find their own mates and have their own children … That is the life I wish for.’"
"‘No one has asked me that before,’ he said when asked if he was happy when tied up."
"Those who are unaware of their lives slipping away while they are ensnared in the past—are in the end, whether alive or dead, ghosts of the past."