
Anne's House Of Dreams Quotes

Anne's House Of Dreams by L.M. Montgomery

Anne's House Of Dreams Quotes
"Thanks be, I’m done with geometry, learning or teaching it." - Anne Shirley
"The garret was a shadowy, suggestive, delightful place, as all garrets should be."
"Through the open window, by which Anne sat, blew the sweet, scented, sun-warm air of the August afternoon."
"You always hated geometry." - Diana Wright
"Oh, I’ve always liked teaching, apart from geometry." - Anne Shirley
"I shall never forget what I felt when I saw Matthew bringing in a girl. I wonder what became of the boy we would have got if there hadn’t been a mistake." - Marilla
"Married life will most likely cure her of that." - Mrs Rachel Lynde, on Anne's romantic nature
"But that would be terrible queer, Anne. Why, it wouldn’t really seem legal." - Mrs Rachel Lynde, on Anne's wedding ideas
"By the way, I can’t realize that we really have telephones in Avonlea now." - Anne Shirley
"And you’ve decided not to have any bridesmaid?" - Diana, to Anne
"I don’t know that I’m wholly grateful to the A.V.I.S. in the matter of the telephone." - Anne Shirley
"Oh, so that is why you said, 'You’ve got a new clock at Green Gables, haven’t you?'" - Anne Shirley
"I’ve found a nest for us, Anne." - Gilbert Blythe
"This house you have found is my house of dreams and none other." - Anne Shirley
"We mean to be married in the orchard – with the blue sky over us and the sunshine around us." - Anne Shirley
"I’ve seen a great deal of your work these last three years." - Paul Irving to Anne
"The moon’s a great friend of mine, I’ve loved her ever since I can remember." - Captain Jim
"It’s what I dreamed of doing long ago when we talked together of what we wanted to do in life." - Gilbert Blythe
"If life were to stop short just now it would still have been richly worth while." - Anne Shirley
"The race that knows Joseph is the salt of the earth, I reckon." - Captain Jim
"The day had begun sombrely in grey cloud and mist, but it had ended in a pomp of scarlet and gold."
"‘That old house up the brook always seems so lonely,’ said Anne."
"As the dusk deepened, the great beacon cut swathes of light through it, sweeping in a circle over the fields and the harbour, the sand-bar and the gulf."
"He was a decidedly fine-looking person – tall, broad-shouldered, well featured, with a Roman nose and frank grey eyes."
"The woods call to us with a hundred voices, but the sea has one only – a mighty voice that drowns our souls in its majestic music."
"The dusk was hanging a curtain of violet gloom over the sand-dunes and the headlands where gulls were huddling."
"‘The secret is I don’t skimp the cream,’ he remarked airily."
"Leslie had her mother’s looks and her father’s brains, and something she didn’t get from either of them."
"She spoke, as she looked, shyly, yet eagerly."
"She was dressed in some dark material, very plainly made; but swathed about her waist, outlining its fine curves, was a vivid girdle of red silk."
"The sky was faintly filmed over with scarfs of silken vapour. Cloud fleets rode at anchor along the horizons."
"Leslie is clannish – her own could never do wrong in her eyes."
"The sun had set and in the south-western sky hung Venus, glorious and golden."
"The last day of the old year was one of those bright, cold, dazzling winter days, which bombard us with their brilliancy and command our admiration but never our love."
"‘The old year has just another hour to stay with us. I’ve seen seventy-six New Years come in over that gulf yonder, Mistress Blythe.’"
"Winter set in vigorously after New Year’s. Big white drifts heaped themselves about the little house, and palms of frost covered its windows."
"Leslie, so clever and beautiful you’d think she was meant for a queen, and instead she’s cooped up over there, robbed of almost everything a woman’d value."
"There's nothing so painful in the world."
"To love him – unsought – and when I'm not free to love anybody."
"I felt as if someone had struck me a terrible blow."
"I didn't say anything – I couldn't speak – but I don't know what I looked like."
"Oh, I would die of shame if I thought he knew – or suspected."
"I never dreamed of such a thing until that day, a week ago, when he told me he had finished his book and must soon go away. Then – then I knew."
"I was so happy all this summer, Anne – happier than I ever was in my life."
"I couldn’t help it, Anne – I couldn’t help it."
"I couldn’t have him know. But I’m glad you know."
"Bless us, Anne-girl, I’m not matchmaking."
"Oh, Gilbert, I wish everybody could be as happy as we are."
"Men and politicians are all tarred with the same brush."
"Yes, but I wish you could have seen the sunrise this morning."
"Oh, Anne, that night in April when Gilbert told me he thought Dick might be cured!"
"Miss Cornelia’s conversation was singularly devoid of spice that day."
"Do you think I’m too young and inexperienced for matrimony?"
"I’m not going to marry the best man in the world."
"I could have had him any time these twenty years if I’d lifted my finger."
"It’s all I have to offer Owen – his artist soul delights in it."
"Captain Jim’s face when they gave him the book – his book, transfigured and glorified."
"I am glad for Owen’s sake and yours that the book is such a success."
"Such houses must exert an influence over those who live in them."