
The Name Of This Book Is Secret Quotes

The Name Of This Book Is Secret by Pseudonymous Bosch

The Name Of This Book Is Secret Quotes
"True, I cannot tell you the year this story begins, or even the month. But I see no harm in telling you the day. It was a Wednesday."
"I can’t tell you about their schools or their friends or their favorite television shows. Or if they ride skateboards. Or if they are champion chess players. Or if they compete in fencing competitions. Or even if they wear braces."
"But the real reason is nothing so glorious. It’s very simple. I can’t keep a secret. Never could."
"Better to cry wolf over and over than never to cry wolf at all."
"Please be SILENT and LISTEN. I am the SCHOOLMASTER and you are in THE CLASSROOM."
"He and Cass crouched down and pulled their shirts over their noses, as if the room were filling with smoke."
"As you can tell, Cass is very practical; she has no time for trivial matters. Her motto: Be Prepared."
"Each parent insisted on making breakfast for Cass: Max-Ernest’s father offered pancakes. Then his mother offered waffles."
"He was going to be the funniest and best stand-up comedian of all time. He just needed to practice."
"Cass didn’t exactly mind that her predictions hadn’t come true. After all, she didn’t wish for disaster."
"Trust me, the older you get the more appealing the idea of a bedtime story becomes; and the rarer the chance to hear one."
"So you see, breaking the reed wasn’t the end of the world, just the end of the reed. And the end of this story. Not to mention the end of these cookies."
"Human beings are more important than things."
"The magician's story goes straight to the heart of mine."
"Some secrets are not meant to be known—but once known you can never forget them."
"I am an old man and I have survived worse things—but I do not want to die without I first make right an ancient wrong."
"Never trust a magician. We use words only to divert your attention."
"The Midnight Sun is a place of healing, and we insist that nothing contaminate the atmosphere."
"Luckily, Gloria’s eyes were closed. Cass backed away as quickly and quietly as she could."
"The night before, the lamp on top of the pyramid had shined so brightly that it could have been daytime."
"Her only hope of getting inside was to find an underground passage."
"Cass cracked the door open—then stepped back in fright: the room behind the door was occupied by hundreds of people."
"I’m Ms. Mauvais. Forgive me for not introducing myself earlier. I trust the Midnight Sun is everything you hoped?"
"You mean you would operate on them!?" Cass exclaimed in obvious horror."
"What man would marry a woman with ears like yours?"
"It was inevitable, in a life as long as Ms. Mauvais’s, that she expose her hand now and then."
"They say that eyes never lie. But I think it’s much truer to say that hands never do."
"‘See. How ’bout that? They’re not evil then, after all....You know, it’s OK to be wrong sometimes.’"
"‘He’s an artist....Here, what do you think of mine?’"
"‘I’m afraid we got off on the wrong foot the first time we met. Please will you let me make it up to you now?’"
"‘For your name is a mirror. And you are the reflection of us all.’"
"‘Hold on, ye all—let’s hope this limousine likes the bumps!’"
"‘If you don’t run after them, I’ll cut you all off! No elixirs for any of you!’"
"Well, I know about good stories, and I’m all for them." - Grandpa Larry
"I guess I should tell you, I mean, now that we’re alive and everything." - Cass
"It’s like I dreamed the whole thing. The spa. Ms. Mauvais. Everything." - Cass
"I can’t help thinking that someone must have hypnotized me while I was unconscious." - Gloria
"And now Cass—she couldn’t stop herself—she cried for the first time since these adventures began, as if she’d been saving up her tears and now she was spending them all at once."
"Their concern for their son had made them overcome their differences—and agree to split up." - Max-Ernest's Parents
"You didn’t honestly think they’d gone up in flames—did you?" - Narrator about Dr. L and Ms. Mauvais
"I don’t want to give you any more ways to identify her than I already have." - Narrator about Cass
"The funny thing was: even after the letter was decoded, it still didn’t sound exactly like English. It sounded foreign." - Narrator
"Congratulations for escaping yourselves from the Midnight Sun." - P. B.