
The Pumpkin Spice Café Quotes

The Pumpkin Spice Café by Laurie Gilmore

The Pumpkin Spice Café Quotes
"Jeanie Ellis had never killed a man before, but tonight might be the night."
"Jeanie was officially the new owner of The Pumpkin Spice Café."
"Every night, she’d heard strange noises."
"Jeanie was starting fresh. Jeanie was a new woman."
"No one could live a laid-back, quaint, small-town life with a murderer outside their back door."
"Jeanie shook her head. Her thoughts were way off track, and she was about to be potentially murdered."
"Oh, good, Jeanie thought vaguely. At least I’ll be able to see my attacker before I die."
"Gourds or no gourds, she probably shouldn’t let her guard down just yet."
"The quaint seaside town of Dream Harbor and its inhabitants knew nothing about her, and she planned to take full advantage of that."
"Jeanie’s gaze roamed over the other three crates that he’d carried in."
"Jeanie rubbed a hand down her face, breaking the spell."
"It’s just so weird. I keep hearing these sounds. Every night."
"Jeanie had a tendency to overthink. To over-talk. To overwork."
"He did not need to know about the latest town scandal."
"I believe we have the PS Café’s new owner with us tonight."
"That made her sound even crazier than she had this morning."
"Jeanie’s hair was swept into a neat twist at the back of her head."
"The doctor said the heart attack was stress-induced."
"She did not do rest and relaxation very well."
"Jeanie Ellis, Dorothy’s niece, and the new owner of The Pumpkin Spice Café."
"The realtor she’d called from the bare floor of her new apartment."
"Her feet didn’t ache from running around in heels all day."
"The space was small, just big enough for a few round tables and chairs."
"You haven’t seen anything until you’ve had an alpaca spit on you."
"Her hair hung into her tear-stained face."
"Her gaze lingered on his face for a beat longer."
"Annie had taken over pointing out all the key players in the town."
"The crowd stopped talking, pleased with itself."
"Jeanie’s eyes lit up like he’d solved the world’s problems."
"She was a study in contradiction. Competent, but lost at the same time."
"She smiled at him from across the room. Her real smile."
"It’s just something Pete wrangled me into."
"She’d nearly agreed to let her put the café up for sale."
"Jeanie Ellis, you are the world’s biggest idiot."
"But grumpy or not, she was glad Norman had stuck around."
"She bit down on her bottom lip to prevent herself from more rambling."
"Her closest friend had become her brother."
"Her black hair a messy nest on the top of her head."
"What was she going to do? Hold him hostage?"
"She’s the best. She’ll get you all straightened out."
"I think maybe you’re not used to being treated right, Jeanie."
"Somehow in the frenzy of the last few years, Jeanie hadn’t even had time to realize she was lonely."
"Everything else would fall into place after that."
"Customers want their coffee. They don’t care if I’m standing on my head while I serve it."
"Ghosts can be tricky. Are you sure it’s gone?"
"She would call him if she threw up and was too weak to move afterward, and he would come."
"So, the New Jeanie plan had a new level, a final tier in which she gets the handsome farmer."
"This little guy was making all that noise?"
"You don’t know him like I do, Jeanie. Just be careful."
"The only good part about her was she brought him into town more."
"If equal-opportunity orgasms and parity in relationships are crazy ideas, then I don’t want to be sane!"
"If you’re thinking of becoming more than friends, just make sure you’re serious about it."
"A woman on her own needs self-defense skills."
"You don’t have to be a hippie to run a coffee shop."
"She wasn’t a good match for Logan in the first place."
"He was being ridiculous, getting sucked in way too fast, just like last time."
"He’s the best kisser in the entire world and his stomach has those lines."
"Whoever Lucy was, I think she was a fool to leave."
"Crystal and I were supposed to run the festival tent for the first half of the day, until I had to judge the contest, and then Joe was going to take over. But Crystal’s kid threw up last night so she called in sick and Joe can’t get here until noon. And I can’t get a hold of Norman at all, which is really weird."
"I wanted her ‘I like it here’ to mean: ‘I like you and your smelly old farm and your slightly nutty grandparents. I like you and I’m sticking around.’ He wanted her ‘I like it here’ to give him some kind of guarantee that of course, no one could really give him."
"‘So, what are you going to do?’ Jeanie shrugged. She didn’t know what she was going to do about it. Threaten her employees? Install security cameras? She didn’t really love either of those options, but she had to do something."
"Everything that Jeanie told him about wanting to start over here, for things to be perfect, played over in his head. She was running from her old life, from her fears, wasn’t she?"
"With every layer he tore away, he could feel himself falling deeper, faster, more irreversibly in love with this woman."
"‘I think I screwed things up with Jeanie.’ A slow smile crept across Noah’s face like he had been waiting for this moment. ‘Feels like this conversation could use a beer.’"
"‘But I want to...’ Don’t say you want to be responsible for her, for God’s sake. ‘I want to help.’"
"‘I like you, Jeanie,’ he said, his voice low and rough. ‘Okay, good.’ It was good. A good start. But Jeanie still didn’t know where that left them and this weird, secret limbo they were in."
"‘How did you like that other book I gave you, Jeanie?’ Jacob asked. His tone implied some inside joke that Logan did not want any part of."
"‘I guess I’ll need to get a car. I never really needed one in Boston,’ she said, smiling at him from the passenger seat."
"It had been perfect. Perfect despite the unpacked boxes and the words left unsaid. Today he would say them."
"Today he would tell her that he wanted her. That he had fallen head over heels in love with her."
"Jeanie had no intention of staying. And he’d fallen for it, again."
"Sometimes life punched you in the face and then kicked you while you were down."
"I understand if you want to press charges."
"Imagine loving someone for so long and never saying it."