
The Summer Of Songbirds Quotes

The Summer Of Songbirds by Kristy Woodson Harvey

The Summer Of Songbirds Quotes
"You only know your reality until you’re introduced to another one."
"You are all I care about. I’m not going to lose you again."
"You have no idea the pressure I’m under, Lanier."
"We shouldn’t be in such close proximity. And I shouldn’t be thinking about him this much."
"This gives me an idea. Hey, could you do Lanier’s bachelorette at camp weekend after next?"
"If I tell her, I will absolutely turn myself in. Because I, unlike you, have principles."
"Every wedding is a reminder of the parent I lost."
"I need you to get on board, please, because I’ve already started wrapping up projects I can and handing over things I’m in the middle of."
"Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game."
"Camp was where I was normal. No one had families or parents around. It was just kids being kids."
"I realized I could do anything. Anything at all. This place taught me that; the two of you taught me that."
"You know me and camp. Camp was my one stable safe place. Not that your house wasn’t!"
"I couldn’t imagine saying goodbye to those summers, to those memories."
"June, do you want to save the camp? More than anything."
"Camp and you. You were my stable safe place, Lanier. You always have been."
"I’ll never forget the sign by the softball field: 'Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.'"
"I knew even then I would never love anyone the way I loved him."
"I was aware of his hand on my neck as I felt the muscles of his back, made tight and strong from years of sports and outdoor activity."
"I always worried when I had to give Daphne bad news. She wasn’t Melanie, no matter how much she looked like her."
"I’ll tell you how much this place changed their lives; it belongs to all of us."
"You were so tough and brave. You came into your own here."
"At camp, I had friends, I had grown-ups to look up to, and counselors who adored me. I learned how to sail and fish."
"My heart raced as I rode beside him on the way to Holly Springs, my long, tan legs balanced on the edge of the open window."
"There’s something about the river that washes everything away. All the bad stuff. All the pain. All the fear."
"June, you’re my family, too, Lanie. If I was in trouble, she would do anything in her power to help me. In fact, she has."
"I could not possibly love a person more, and I will love your son just that much. Okay?"
"I’ve kept up with you through Mom and Lanier for all this time, and I’m so proud of you. I always was."
"I need you to hear me say is that, for seven years, whatever I was doing, whoever I was with, I was thinking about you."
"I never stopped loving you either, Huff. Not for a millisecond."
"It’s a promise Huff is still keeping today, twelve years later."
"I needed to walk out. But then, my heart beating fast, he stepped closer to me."
"Our hearts beat in time, our bodies were a melody, our breath the lyrics."
"I was so consumed with the panic that I had almost killed the two people I loved most in the world."
"I’m sorry I put you through that. If it gets to be too much, I’ll tell someone. I’ll get help. I promise."
"Because what if this change isn’t just big for Henry but is big for me too? What if I relapse like my mother—whose relationships were always her biggest trigger—because it’s all too much?"
"I can’t let her go down. I can’t let my brother go down with her."
"It was hundreds of bad nights where I reasoned Daphne was just having fun when in reality she was going down the same slippery path as her mom."
"I knew Daphne. I had known her almost my entire life. She would only, could only, break his heart."
"If you walk away now, we are finished. Forever. No coming back."
"I have Melanie’s eyes. And her lips. And that gorgeous hair. But otherwise, you are all you."
"That was something Daphne saw firsthand with all Melanie’s breakups and heartbreaks. That affected her; I’ve lived those effects with her for decades."
"I will miss you every day, Huff. But I have to go."
"I can’t keep living a life where I’m terrified to do anything because I’m so afraid I can’t be anyone but her..."
"I’m not emotionally equipped to have that conversation today, though, so I change the subject."
"I’m not going to be with someone like that. I’m not going to raise children who never experience consequences because their parents are still cleaning up their messes for them in their thirties."
"I want to start over. I want to build back that trust we once had. I want to prove I can be the person you deserve."
"But I know that, no matter what happens with Holly Springs, there’s all I’ve ever really wanted."
"There are still problems to solve and wounds to heal, just like there always have been. But I’m reminded of another of my favorite signs at camp: It’s true that we can’t control the wind. But this group is better than any that I know at adjusting our sails."
"I’m grateful that you were always my safe place, my getaway."
"You don’t have to thank me. I want to be there for Henry. For you. You guys are my family. It’s time to do this for real."
"Of all the people in the world, you owe me an apology least of all."
"You were my responsibility. And I failed you a long time ago. What you said about Lanier being the only one who was always there for you was true. It should have been me. I should have done more."
"I realized that maybe I was simply afraid of what comes next, of the unknown."