
The Last House Guest Quotes

The Last House Guest by Megan Miranda

The Last House Guest Quotes
"There are things even you don’t know. I can’t do this anymore. Remember me."
"The silence was perfectly, tragically Sadie Loman, leaving everyone wanting more."
"I’ve known enough of loss to accept that grief may lose its sharpness with time, but memory only tightens. Moments replay."
"The official cause of death was drowning, but there would have been no surviving the fall—the rocks and the current, the force and the cold."
"Sadie was my anchor, my coconspirator, the force that had grounded my life for so many years."
"The path to death is just a personal interest."
"You could have a dream as long as you were willing to give something up for it."
"Just as long as you remained invisible, as was intended."
"We are older," I said, which made Parker smile.
"The familiar line formed between his eyes. 'Probably the wind. I could feel it even when I was driving in last night.'"
"The summer after my parents died, a heavy ache would settle in my legs every night, even though, by all accounts, I was too old for growing pains."
"Sadie didn’t handwrite many things. She kept notes on her phone, sent texts and emails. Always had her laptop open on her desk."
"For all the times that Sadie had reached into my closet, she’d never placed her hands on this."
"Sadie would hate everything about this. From the bell, to the quote, to the tribute."
"I’m sorry. I wish it didn’t have to be this way."
"The state of my living room suggested otherwise."
"She saved you, you know. Told Grant that stealing the money was her idea, that she was the only one responsible."
"But I knew exactly what Sadie would do when presented with each move."
"I was many things, but I wasn’t a thief. I would not lose everything I’d worked for because of her misplaced rebellion."
"But that was the thing about loving someone—an apology only counted when you knew their flaws and made it anyway."
"You did this. I can’t imagine what it must’ve been like for her, growing up in this house."
"All must worship at the shrine of Bianca Loman."
"It was a mistake. A fight, then, like in any family. Words not holding, emotion that would settle."
"As I tapped my brakes at the crosswalk, I heard the rattle of metal under the passenger seat."
"Setting my laptop up at the kitchen table, I logged on to the Wi-Fi and sent Grant an email."
"The police had access to these, too, now, but Detective Collins seemed focused only on the thing that wasn’t there."
"She sees us, I’d said, so sure from the way she was standing there, looking out."
"I believed it had bonded me not only to Sadie but to my place in the world."
"I don’t watch people, Avery. I’ve got better things to do."
"Every earthly possession in the car beside me."
"I felt a prick on my shin, saw a bead of blood rolling toward my ankle."
"I could feel my heartbeat in my toes, my fingers, my head."
"Push and push until something shatters."
"The view of the bluffs, where she’d stood at least once before."
"A house full of faces, both strange and familiar."
"You can come with me. It's a one-bedroom apartment, but I can sleep on the couch."
"I have never seen so many liars in one place."
"It's not hard to find out if you know what you're looking for."
"What good would that do now? I'd be burying all of us. And for what? We can't change the past."
"I thought we had lost them all, but when the EMTs arrived, they discovered the woman in the backseat was still alive."
"Parker can get away with literally everything."