
The 6th Extinction Quotes

The 6th Extinction by James Rollins

The 6th Extinction Quotes
"Life always finds a way to fill any environmental niche."
"Marines never leave a soldier behind. Even a four-legged one."
"She bent down and gave Nikko a good rub, while covertly freeing her cell phone from his collar."
"Until she understood more, she intended to play her cards close to her chest."
"Whoever you are, mister, you’re not getting rid of me that easily."
"The perfect place to train soldiers for combat operations in mountainous terrain and in cold-weather environments."
"For a small price, you can learn to do your own genetic experiments, even patent your creations."
"We’re on final approach," the pilot announced over the radio. "We’ll be wheels down in ten."
"So when it comes to an accident like this one, it was not a matter of if but of when it would happen."
"The genie’s out of the bottle," he mumbled, referring not only to events here but also to the rapid escalation of bioengineering projects going on across the country.
"Painter studied the fog-shrouded mountains in the distance."
"The sudden escalation in the number of labs doesn’t surprise me."
"Looks like everyone took up your invitation," Lisa said.
"How could I refuse his future bride anything?"
"Then you’d better hurry. But first tell me this, is Dr. Hess dead or is he missing?"
"I think I’ll go hit the gym instead," he said, "Work off some steam."
"What’s one more ghost town here in the mountains?"
"Would anyone ever be allowed to return here?"
"Same here, kid. Sounds like you’ve had an exciting couple of days."
"Who knew national security could be so dependent on the day of the week?"
"It’s all we can do. We still don’t know what to be watching for, or even what we’re dealing with."
"We need to catch a break... even a small one."
"It’s the unexpected that’ll bite you in the ass every time."
"Sometimes only one path was left open. To make hard and difficult choices."
"You can’t let sentimentality cloud your professional judgment."
"Nature by necessity must innovate to survive."
"Something has to be done, or we’ll reach a critical mass and lose everything."
"If you’ve had enough to eat, we should get to work."
"I won’t share my technique with you. The method for making that viral shell will die with me."
"Amazing things . . . free from government regulation and far from oversight."
"You’re already thinking outside the box. Now let’s get to work."
"Sounds like we could use some clever survival strategies of our own."
"The ecosystem down here is not driven by the sun, or photosynthesis, but by chemicals—by chemosynthesis."
"The life found in this ecosystem is not based on DNA, but on a variant using a different genetic backbone, namely XNA."
"If anyone ever tried to hurt Belle, they’d sorely regret it."
"God, help me... I can’t let Cutter know how I did it."
"Even chemosynthesis cannot fully explain how all this formed."
"Nature is the greatest innovator of all. It will survive us."
"Rather than accept that someone had accomplished what he could not, he would rather dismiss Kendall’s accomplishment as dumb luck or a fluke."
"Prions were infectious proteins responsible for such maladies as mad cow disease in bovines and Creutzfeldt-Jakob in humans."
"The end of the human race will be that it will eventually die of civilization."
"Being inhuman is human. We are already beasts who feign morality."
"Civilization is a destructive illusion of control, nothing more."
"Fear not, my friend. Not only did I engineer the prion to be nonfatal, but I also designed it to self-destruct after a certain number of iterations."
"Society is a destructive illusion of control, nothing more."
"It’s time to uncivilize this world, to halt this ridiculous experiment before nothing of this planet is left."
"To let the only law of the land be survival of the fittest."
"We are the main driving force behind one of the greatest extinctions on this planet."
"Survival of the fittest will be the law of the land."
"Survival of the fittest was not all there was to life, to evolution, but that in equal parts altruism, even morality, could be as strong an environmental factor as any."
"God created the heavens and the earth in seven days. He would destroy his in seven minutes."
"To him, the bottom of the world was always a magical place."
"The Law of the Jungle was not all there was to life, to evolution, but that in equal parts altruism, even morality, could be as strong an environmental factor as any."
"She whispered to the silent forest. 'I am Jenna Beck, daughter of Gayle and Charles. I live at the corner of D Street and Lee Vine Road.'"
"Let me worry about D.C. You get that nuke in the air."
"It was time to start anew, to plant a fresh garden. But to do that, the old one must die and be tilled over."
"As if the violent death were a cue, more of the sloths charged out, drawn by the scream, the bloodshed, the death of one of their own."
"The Law of the Jungle; survival of the fittest—will get him killed."
"Nothing’s lost forever. Especially when it’s all up here." Cutter tapped a finger against his skull.
"By the time you wake, my friend, it’ll all be over."
"Wasn’t exactly your beachside wedding," Painter said, swirling a glass of single malt in one hand.
"It was perfect." Lisa pulled tighter against him.
"First Kane, now that dog. Before long, Sigma will have to build its own kennel."
"You know, probably have to save the planet again."
"Nice, mate. Now I see why you wanted to come and introduce us in person."