
Devil In Winter Quotes

Devil In Winter by Lisa Kleypas

Devil In Winter Quotes
"I always treat ladies like wenches, and wenches like ladies."
"There's a certain symmetry in that, isn't there?"
"The Scottish marriage vow is an irrevocable bond that never can be broken."
"It's bad luck if the bride trips over the threshold."
"When you hide something from me, I want it all the more."
"Morality is only for the middle classes, sweet."
"I would never be so bourgeois as to sleep with my own husband."
"I've always been inclined to use French letters—not only to prevent conception, but also to avoid the more exotic ailments that afflict the unwary."
"I doubt it. I would never ask fidelity of him."
"I'm afraid I'm going to have to limit the amount of time you spend with your father."
"I would never strike a woman. I would never harm you. You know that, don't you?"
"You are safe. I swear on my life, you will never feel pain from my hands."
"I can't let you take the chance. Bloody hell, do you want to find yourself in that bed six months from now with your lungs rotting away?"
"You’ll have to think of a way to solve this, Evie. Think of something fast…because otherwise…I’m about to screw you senseless."
"You’re my wife. My better half, to be certain."
"I want you more than I’ve ever wanted anything on this earth."
"Never try to turn back on a new road—you don’t know what adventures await you."
"It’s my right to kiss you, whenever I want, for as long as I want. That was our bargain."
"My love, I hope you didn’t assume that the next three months of suffering was to be one-sided?"
"I’ve learned that while gossip about others is often true, it’s never true when it is about oneself."
"Men don’t think that way, sweet. Your father assumed—and rightly so—that you would be better off living away from him."
"Men his size can’t usually move that fast. Now if he would just—damn, there’s a missed opportunity—"
"I want you to live in safe and respectable surroundings. The club is no place for a lady."
"I’m going to take your bet. I’m going to win it."
"You dare to make demands of me that no other woman would think of asking."
"You’re not going for a half hour of light exercise at the pugilistic club."
"For some reason her concern gently undermined his hostility, and softened him."
"If Sebastian insisted on sparring according to gentlemen’s rules, he would be no match against the ruthless attacks he might encounter."
"The trick is to keep your eyes on your opponent while you’re doing it."
"Men of my position don’t stomp feet, knee the groin, or butt heads while they’re fighting."
"You fault me for having standards? Not at all. I fault you for having two sets of them."
"He’s trying to assume a job that even I couldn’t manage."
"You have to make people afraid of crossing you."
"I wouldn’t care if you had married the devil himself."
"I’ve never pretended to be a model of virtue."
"You’re the most ungentlemanly man I have ever encountered."
"I’ll wager that few, if any, have ever been read, dear."
"Why, sometimes during a particularly engaging story, I can feel my heart racing!"
"The point is, now that it’s a fait accompli, we want to find out how we can best help you."
"Anything, love. Anything at all to make you happy."
"I’m going to take care of you until you’re well enough to throw me out on your own."
"You realize, of course, that you’ve given me the perfect excuse to stay."
"You can't go twenty minutes without finding something to worry about, can you? You won’t have to be anything other than what you are."
"I want to fill every part of you…breathe the air from your lungs…leave my handprints on your soul."
"I’ll be as kind to him as I would be to my own husband."
"He’s not going to die, you know. It’s only nice, saintly people who suffer untimely deaths."
"I doubt it would have made him better," Westcliff interrupted. "It may well have finished him off."
"Only you could love such a vile, selfish peacock, Evie."
"I’m doing it for yours. And for Westcliff, who for some reason can’t seem to give him up as a lost cause."
"I want to make love to you, Evie, as I have never done with anyone before."
"I’m going to be a terrible influence on you."
"You’re not a wallflower. But you have my permission to hide in corners, my sweet—so long as you take me with you."