
The Girl In The Ice Quotes

The Girl In The Ice by Robert Bryndza

The Girl In The Ice Quotes
"Christmas and New Year had been and gone, leaving a cold aseptic void."
"The silence and the cold pressed down on her."
"Fear began to trickle through Andrea's body."
"The sky was starless, and the browny-orange cloud seemed so low."
"Snow had spattered against its smooth yellow sandstone bricks."
"The wind gave a low howl as it blew among them."
"The ornate wrought-iron-and-glass building took him by surprise."
"Her eyes were wide open in a milky death stare."
"He felt the girl's limp arms tangling with his."
"Her full lips were slightly parted, and one of her front teeth was broken off."
"The streets were clean, with freshly painted post boxes."
"The pub was accessed via an inner door with badly cracked safety glass."
"You just charged me twenty pounds to advertise. I could make a call and have a team of officers here in five minutes, and you’d be responsible . . ."
"Nothing bad is going to happen. Now, please, look at this photo again."
"Your information could lead to us finding out who killed this woman, Andrea."
"I need uniform and a squad car to The Glue Pot pub on London Road in Forest Hill."
"She couldn’t shake off the feeling she was being watched."
"The streets were silent, and every noise seemed amplified."
"It’s a baking hot day on a run-down street in Rochdale."
"She gives the nod, and her black-clad team moves stealthily."
"‘It’s behind you’ – but blood fills her throat."
"She exhaled, and her breath came out in a long stream."
"It was only when she saw the steering wheel in front of her that she got her bearings."
"She looked at the digital clock on the dashboard."
"Taken every August for three weeks, they followed a similar pattern."
"Here was Lady Diana in a swimming suit and sarong combo."
"Andrea seemed closer to David; in many of the photos she had drawn him into a reluctant bear hug."
"Barbora was dark and beautiful like Andrea, and rapidly seemed to become a close friend."
"Andrea seemed to have made Barbora a genuine friend."
"Then, in late 2013, Barbora abruptly vanished without explanation."
"The area around the boathouse and boating lake was littered with condoms. We’re working on analyzing them all, but it’s taking time."
"‘She got plenty of male attention. What about a scorned lover?’ asked Erika."
"She was more Kardashian bling. I’m more into Shoreditch, y’know?"
"‘It’s one of Marcie’s,’ said Marsh, following Erika’s gaze."
"They’re a bunch of low-life scum who own a massive lorry transportation network in the south of England."
"I think she had friends that she didn’t want her fiancé, Giles Osborne, to know about . . ."
"You think you can analyse me. Rationalise what I did, why I killed? I did it because I CAN."
"Power reeks from your pores, and it infects people around you."
"There’s so much bad stuff out there that the only way I think I can cope with it all is to keep working."
"To move on, I have to let you go at some point. I have to keep going, Mark. Keep working. Keep living my life."
"Most days I don’t think I can go on without you, but I have to."