
The Thursday Murder Club Quotes

The Thursday Murder Club by Richard Osman

The Thursday Murder Club Quotes
"If you fail to prepare, you prepare to fail."
"After a certain age, you can pretty much do whatever takes your fancy. No one tells you off, except for your doctors and your children."
"We wake early because there is much to do and only so many days left."
"Nothing you need to concern yourself with. Ron and Ibrahim should be taking care of it about now."
"It's not a deal I can agree to. Nothing unprofessional, I promise you."
"There's always a way, isn't there? But you would be interested? If we could make it happen?"
"I would really, really like to chase murderers."
"You know I couldn’t tell you anything confidential. That’s not a deal I can agree to."
"Sometimes wild ducks still visited. Good luck to them, was Bogdan’s view."
"An old man can only turn down a seven-figure sum for a big hill for so long."
"Priests weren’t like divorcées in their early fifties who could stand to lose a few pounds, were they?"
"You had to pretend to have some respect, and maybe you actually should have some respect."
"We’re only moving the bodies, Father. It will be done with the greatest of care, and the greatest of respect."
"Legally he had had to put the job out for public tender."
"Some of these graves are over a hundred and fifty years old, Mr. Ventham."
"Every single fragment of every bone, in every single grave, needs to be found, needs to be documented, and needs to be respected."
"I am here today, to ask you to think again, to leave these ladies where they are, to leave them in peace."
"If I can’t change your mind, then I will make this as difficult as I possibly can for you."
"You are not my biggest problem, Father, not even close."
"In life you have to learn to count the good days."
"Memory was the bogeyman that stalked Coopers Chase."
"Forgetfulness, absentmindedness, muddling up names."
"Of all the things to lose, to lose one’s mind?"
"So every day Elizabeth opens her diary to a date two weeks ahead and writes herself a question."
"You can hold your breath for three minutes if you really put your mind to it."
"It has been a long day, and whether it has got us any closer to catching Tony Curran’s killer, I’ll let you decide."
"There’s no fight here. You’ve had your consultation, you’ve made your objections, they were all overturned."
"Something about that makes him feel uncomfortable. Bogdan has uncovered a bone, and that makes him the guardian."
"He shifts his kneeling weight to get a better angle to clear away more dirt."
"Two skeletons. One inside the coffin, and one outside. One small, one big."
"Somebody should take a look at it, that was fairly certain."
"Ian Ventham, exiting Chris Hudson’s Ford Focus is calm—happy, even."
"But at that very moment he sees Father Matthew Mackie, standing there in his frock and little white collar like he owns the place."
"Ian aims a shove at Mackie’s shoulder, knocking the older man backward."
""Calm it, Mr. Ventham; calm down," yells Donna."
""I’m protecting sacred ground. Peacefully and lawfully," says Father Mackie."
"Every single person who saw me fall came over to help."
"I always find it peculiar that Ibrahim doesn’t come and visit you, Penny."
"Chris Hudson has his own office, a little bolt-hole where he can pretend to work."
""I can come back?" says Terry, and Chris realizes he has been staring at him for a beat too long."
"Chris would never be able to wear a T-shirt that tight."
""I wonder if you’d like to come in and give us some fingerprints and a bit of DNA?" says Chris."
"Elizabeth is back in Willows, sitting in her low chair in Penny’s room."
"So, we were all witnesses to a murder," says Elizabeth. "Which, needless to say, is wonderful."
""First question, then," says Ron. "How do you know it was a murder? Looked like a heart attack to me."
""So, one of these seventy people killed Ian Ventham. Now, these are nicer odds than the Thursday Murder Club usually faces, but can we narrow down the field still further?""
""It’s brilliant," agrees Ron. He is considering biscuit three, but knows there’s no way he would get away with it."
""I think between us we can trim down the list a little further," says Ibrahim."
""Who wanted him dead?" says Ron. "Who gained? Did the same person kill Curran and Ventham?""
""Funny to think, isn’t it?" says Joyce, wiping crumbs from the front of her blouse. "That we know a murderer? I mean, we don’t know who it is, but we know we definitely know one."
"Once you’re in, there is no other door but the exit."
"There’s security, but the security man is a cousin of my friend."
"Don’t get ideas and start murdering each other, though, please."
"It’s a secret, though; only one other person knows."
"But I laid a pretty good false trail, I think."
"The Thursday Murder Club goes on meeting, mysterious notes are pushed under doors, and murderers fit replacement windows."
"We are a small family, but I think we pack a punch."