
A Ring Of Endless Light Quotes

A Ring Of Endless Light by Madeleine L'Engle

A Ring Of Endless Light Quotes
"To live forever in this body would take away much of the joy of living."
"The awareness that our mortal lives had a beginning and will have an end enhances the quality of our living."
"There’s a kind of vanity in thinking you can nurse the world."
"The obligations of normal human kindness—that we all owe."
"We all have our own cross to carry, and one is all most of us are able to bear."
"I saw Eternity the other night, Like a great ring of pure and endless light, All calm, as it was bright."
"There is in God, some say, A deep but dazzling darkness."
"His poems know far more than he does, and if he listens to them, they teach him."
"We live in a world which teaches us to clutch. But when we clutch we're left with a fistful of ashes."
"It's hard to let go of anything we love. We live in a world which teaches us to clutch."
"We do not inherit the sins of our fathers, even though we may be made to endure their punishment."
"It is not given to man to begin; that privilege is God’s alone. But it is given to man to begin again—and he does so every time he chooses to defy death and side with the living."
"Suffering, in Jewish tradition, confers no privileges. It all depends on what one makes of that suffering."
"Gravity and levity—wherever there's laughter, there is heaven."
"It seems almost providential that you’d already planned to take this summer to write that book."
"Perhaps it’s easier when there is no alternative."
"I’ve sometimes wondered what I’ll do when you kids are all out of the nest. But it won’t be to go back to singing."
"The universe is part of this one cry, that every life is noted and is cherished, and nothing loved is ever lost or perished."
"It’s not that they make me feel insignificant; it’s the very opposite; they make me feel that everything matters, be it ever so small, and that there’s meaning to life even when it seems most meaningless."
"If I’m confused, or upset, or angry, if I can go out and look at the stars I’ll almost always get back a sense of proportion."
"I don’t want just a relationship. Relationships aren’t real unless they end in bed, and they don’t have to go any further than that. What I want is the real thing, and I’m not ready for it yet."
"You like to go down to the cove by yourself, don’t you, Vicky? And sit on the rock and look out to sea?"
"It’s as though I’m out on the other side of myself—I’m not in the way."
"Poets are born knowing the language of angels."
"This is where we want to be. With Grandfather. No matter what."
"Funny how we hate to have God be more forgiving than we are."
"I realized that with Zachary the usual rules didn’t apply."
"I wasn’t sure what he was driving at, but I knew that it was important to him."
"Sometimes if I need to cry I want to do it all alone, without anyone to bother me, even with comfort."
"Meditation, I thought, sitting there on the rock in Grandfather’s cove, has something to do with that light."
"Maybe you have to know the darkness before you can appreciate the light."
"Mother says my seesaw moods are part of my adolescence and they’ll moderate as I grow older."
"The ocean sparkled with diamonds; it wasn’t a bit like Homer’s 'wine-dark sea.'"
"It was lovely to walk in the rain, to feel it against all of my body."