
On The Way To The Wedding Quotes

On The Way To The Wedding by Julia Quinn

On The Way To The Wedding Quotes
"Love existed. It was not a wispy figment of the imagination, designed to keep the poets from complete starvation."
"I love you," he said, because it was the only thing to say. It was the only thing that mattered.
"One doesn’t choose who they fall in love with. It just happens. In an instant."
"And then he turned, and all I could think was—I am ruined."
"I cannot possibly be happy without him. Not possibly."
"One is never too young to acquire important skills."
"You understand nothing. How can you possibly think a person can choose who she falls in love with?"
"There is comfort in having a family, I think. It's a sense of…just knowing, I suppose."
"You cannot act like the rest of them. You need to set yourself apart."
"To be honest, for the most part it’s a nuisance."
"If she really loved someone, she would risk anything."
"It would be too much. I wouldn’t…I wouldn’t..."
"You would have no choice. It would be beyond your control. It just…happens."
"I suppose there would be no harm in taking an extra day."
"Breakfast has always been her favorite meal."
"You could never carry it off. You’re far too traditional."
"It is only that it never felt quite so immediate."
"Hermione can wear whatever color she desires."
"Wouldn’t it be nice to do something just because she wanted to, and not because it was expected?"
"Turning one’s back on the house—and its many inhabitants. His sister Francesca had often said that after a day or two with the entire Bridgerton family, trees could be quite good company."
"‘He’s not.’ She bit her lip. ‘But he is my brother. And if he were interested, I would have to support him, wouldn’t you think?’"
"‘You would have lost all of my respect, I assure you.’ ‘The horror. Oh, the horror,’ he said, laying one hand over his heart."
"I’m a terrible shot, but I do know how to dodge a bullet."
"‘My God,’ he swore, searching her face with urgent eyes, ‘what happened to you? Are you all right? Did someone—’"
"‘I couldn’t open the door,’ she finally whispered."
"Lucy’s chin drew back in surprise. She’d never heard a woman curse before."
""I’m fine," Lucy said, relieved that she had not seen her as Mr. Bridgerton had."
"It was just for a moment. Just a few seconds, really, but she could pretend."
"Lucy wanted to cry. No one had ever looked at her like that."
"Lucy’s eyes widened. Maybe it was just a flower."
"Gregory had kneed him in the balls. Not too hard."
"He was not going to look attractive tomorrow, that was for sure."
"He tossed back his drink and poured another."
"She looked past Hermione’s shoulder, down to the floor. The men had finally stopped thrashing about, but she wasn’t sure she cared any longer."
""It was just the most natural, wonderful thing in the world.""
"He’d wanted to kiss her until they both fell apart from the passion of it."
""I couldn’t move," she said, testing out the words as they left her lips."
"His mouth grew more urgent, and she opened to him, reveling in the warmth of his kiss."
"She hadn’t meant to touch him, hadn’t even thought about it. Her hands seemed to know where to go, how to find him, bring him closer."
""I am glad I caught you," he said, although he was no longer sure that he was."
""I expect you shall," she replied. "But it won’t be the same. I am engaged, you see.""
"He wasn’t likely to trust his judgment next time when it came to matters of the heart, but that seemed far more preferable to a dull marriage."
"But somehow she was responsible for his coming to his senses. If there was any one true thing to be known that morning, that was it."
"It was just in case. Because she might. She might turn around, and she might have something to say to him, and then he might reply, and she might—"
"Something is not right. But for the life of him, he did not know what."
"It’s not about what makes one happy! It’s about what one learns, and who one befriends."
"You are insufferable. It is one of my finest qualities."
"There is no point in feelings if one couldn’t use them toward a tangible end."
"She didn’t want to be commended for knowing how to settle for second-best."
"There are times when only the Lord’s name will properly convey one’s desperation."
"If ever you fall madly and inexplicably in love... Well, I shouldn’t trust it."
"I am quite proud that I raised such self-sufficient sons."
"Someday you will understand—when you have children of your own—how lovely it was to hear that."
"It’s a useful talent. I confess I forgot that detail when I formulated my plan."
"There is no need to promise. There is no way you could not."
"I love you," he mouthed. And his eyes said the same.
"Take what you are given, and make the best of things."
"You should be thanking me," Uncle Robert said harshly. "Half the men of the ton are brutes. I’m giving you to the only one who won’t bother you."
"I—I want children," Lucy said, latching on to the first excuse she could think of.
"You, my dear Lucinda, are the final payment of a longstanding debt to Lord Davenport."
"Because you are acting like a bloody idiot," he snapped.
"I won’t marry him," she said, and her voice did not waver.
"I have sworn in my heart to protect you," he said, his voice passionate and fierce.
"I love you," he whispered, her name a question, a statement, and a plea—all in one.
"We are not speaking of a childhood transgression, a Gypsy in the family tree. Your father committed high treason."
"I love you, too," she whispered, and then her eyes widened, as if she were stunned that she’d said it.
"This was her moment. Her one moment to hold bliss in her hands. And it would have to last a lifetime."
"I will marry him," she said, sightlessly gazing at the window. It was raining. When had it begun to rain?
"You make me better, Lucy. You make me wish, and hope, and aspire. You make me want to do things."
"I love you. There is nothing in this world or the next that could ever make me stop loving you."
"You are the finest person I know, the most honorable human being I have ever met. You make me laugh. And you make me think."
"I don’t know how else to say it. I love you."
"It was treason. A gentleman did not forsake his country."
"Love existed. He knew that it did. And he would be damned if it did not exist for him."
"If I weren’t willing to do that, do you really think I’d be standing here speaking with you in the same tones I use to discuss the weather?"
"A state of affairs which normally brings me great joy, to be sure, but it does present a host of difficulties."
"It’s nothing that you wouldn’t have had to do, anyway. The only difference is that you will have an audience."
"I cannot kill you, but I can cause you great pain."
"It was the best thing that could possibly have happened. Shootings, blackmail, treason…No one will ever look to me as the cause of the annulment now."
"It is a good thing I love you so well," he said wearily, "because otherwise, I should have to fit you with a muzzle."
"Love existed, he thought to himself. And it was grand."