
Parable Of The Talents Quotes

Parable Of The Talents by Octavia E. Butler

Parable Of The Talents Quotes
"All that you touch, You Change. All that you Change, Changes you. The only lasting truth Is Change. God Is Change."
"Consider— We are born Not with purpose, But with potential."
"God is Change, and, in the end, God prevails."
"We give our dead To the orchards And the groves. We give our dead To life."
"Death Is a great Change— Is life’s greatest Change. We honor our beloved dead. As we mix their essence with the earth, We remember them, And within us, They live."
"The universe And God Share this wholeness, Each Defining the other."
"Darkness Gives shape to the light As light Shapes the darkness."
"Chaos Is God’s most dangerous face— Amorphous, roiling, hungry."
"God is Trickster, Teacher, Chaos, Clay— God is Change."
"We remember," the others whispered. "They live."
"We have lived before we will live again. We will be silk, stone, mind, star."
"To shape God with wisdom and forethought, to benefit your world, your people, your life, consider consequences, minimize harm."
"Beware: At war or at peace, more people die of unenlightened self-interest than of any other disease."
"God is Change and hidden within Change is surprise, delight, confusion, pain, discovery, loss, opportunity, and growth."
"The child in each of us knows paradise. Paradise is one's own place, one’s own people, one's own world, knowing and known, perhaps even loving and loved."
"If you still want me to," he said, "I’ll tell you what happened."
"You can't change everything in your life all at once. You just can't."
"Everything was crazy. Ben and Greg were crying. People were running everywhere. All the houses were burning."
"As wind, As water, As fire, As life, God Is both creative and destructive."
"Prodigy is, in its essence, adaptability and persistent, positive obsession."
"To make peace with others, Make peace with yourself."
"We can, Each of us, Do the impossible As long as we can convince ourselves That it has been done before."
"Purpose Unifies us: It focuses our dreams, Guides our plans, Strengthens our efforts."
"Be not carried about with diverse and strange doctrines."
"You do what you're told and only what you're told. You don't touch one another. Whatever filth you're used to, it's over. It's time for you to learn to behave like decent Christian women—if you've got the brains to learn."
"The son of a bitch smiled and pressed his button over and over as though he were fucking me, and he grinned while he watched me groaning and thrashing."
"I knew almost nothing about hate until this thing was put around my neck. Now, sometimes it's all I can do to stop myself from trying again to kill one of them and then dying the way Emery did."
"My brother said a collar makes you envy the dead. As bad as that sounds, it didn’t, couldn’t, convey to me, how a collar makes you hate."
"If we haven’t found a way out, at least we’ve found a way to keep a few small things."
"You seemed so young—so vulnerable and idealistic, yet so dangerous and knowing."
"We need the stars, Bankole. We need purpose! We need the image the Destiny gives us of ourselves as a growing, purposeful species."
"But what could I do about either of them? And how could I let the fear of them stop me?"
"We’re a beginning. It’s as though Earthseed is only an infant like Larkin—‘one small seed.’ Right now we would be so very easy to stamp out. That terrifies me. That’s why we have to grow and spread—to make ourselves less vulnerable."
"It’s not like anything humanity has ever done before. And if I can’t have it, if I can’t help to make it happen… then, maybe Larkin can!"
"In order to rise from its own ashes, a phoenix first must burn."
"The destiny of Earthseed is to take root among the stars."
"We are Earthseed. The life that perceives itself changing."
"Choose your leaders with wisdom and forethought."
"To be led by a coward is to be controlled by all that the coward fears."
"To be led by a fool is to be led by the opportunists who control the fool."
"To be led by a thief is to offer up your most precious treasures to be stolen."
"To be led by a liar is to ask to be told lies."
"To be led by a tyrant is to sell yourself and those you love into slavery."
"You can't know how I loved him. He came from me, and he knew me, and he was mine."
"I need to know that you're someone I can trust with my life."
"It’s just that I couldn’t stand to lose everything again."
"I wish I could give you more. I wish I could help you more."
"If you want a thing—truly want it, want it so badly that you need it as you need air to breathe, then unless you die, you will have it."
"I have not given them heaven, but I’ve helped them to give themselves the heavens."
"Earthseed is about preparing to fulfill the Destiny."
"What a cruel and terrible thing escape would be if escape were possible."
"If you have a chance to meet others, you’ll begin to recognize them. It just takes practice."
"We are Earthseed. And the Destiny of Earthseed Is to take root among the stars."
"The truth is, preparing for interstellar travel... is bound to be a job so long, thankless, expensive, and difficult that I suspect that only a religion could do it."
"People fascinate me. I care about them. If I didn’t, Earthseed wouldn’t mean anything at all to me."
"For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath."