
Over My Dead Body Quotes

Over My Dead Body by Jeffrey Archer

Over My Dead Body Quotes
"No, I’m the assistant manager of the Midland Bank in Shoreham, Kent."
"I’m on holiday and I promised my wife that for the next ten days, I wouldn’t tell anyone I was a detective."
"I would have known that was a cover immediately, because no hitman would have asked me if I was a detective."
"I shall go to Harvard and study history, before going on to law school."
"I wouldn’t be any good at suffering fools gladly."
"A natural curiosity, so you immediately spot something that doesn’t feel quite right."
"You have to be patient. Which is why women often make better police officers than men."
"First impressions are often misleading, so assume nothing."
"I’m bound to ask, is a single painting worth a life sentence?"
"If that man found a wallet on the London Underground stuffed with fifty-pound notes, he’d hand it in to the nearest police station and not expect a reward."
"Simple and well planned, except the accomplices made two mistakes."
"But don’t forget we still have the body of the late Fraser Buchanan."
"I wonder what time the jewellery shop opens in the morning?"
"You’re just as clever as Inspector Watchit, who always takes the credit for your ideas and then gets promoted."
"The golden hour, that sixty-minute period immediately after the killing, is the best chance of recovering the evidence necessary to secure a conviction."
"Even heaven on earth becomes a prison after a while."
"If they’ve got away with murder once, they might well consider doing it a second time."
"It’s my responsibility to assist the public at all times while passing on any useful information to my superiors."
"No one back at headquarters gave much thought to promoting PC Plod and making him a sergeant."
"The law of double jeopardy means that if Pugh was found not guilty, he can’t be tried again."
"I wouldn’t recommend that. She’d go straight to her friend Mrs Warwick and tell her you’re very much alive."
"That’s the last thing I want you to do. She’s still my best chance of tracking down her late husband."
"I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?"
"Don't you want to marry me?" asked Ross, sounding desperate.
"Yes, I do," she said quietly. "But after I've told you the truth, you won't want to marry me."
"Listen, listen, listen, in the hope they'll say something they later regret."
"By telling the truth for a change?" suggested Beth.
"I apologize for having behaved so badly, and would quite understand if you felt you could never forgive me."
"I'm not like you, straightforward, uncomplicated and scrupulously honest."
"However, during the past few weeks, I've come to realize just how much I value your friendship."
"Believe me, I'm determined to prove to you and William whose side I'm on."
"You're being paid a thousand pounds a week to sleep with me?" said Ross in disbelief.
"For the first time in my life, I've decided to do what William would call the decent thing."
"I’ve begun in-depth investigations into both the Roach and Abbott families," said Ross.
"Roach’s weapon of choice is a serrated kitchen knife. He’s known as 'the butcher'."
"So, who’s cooking supper tonight?" "My turn." "Al dente or overcooked, madam?"
"The Fitzmolean has recently been offered Caravaggio’s Fishers of Men," said Beth.
"I'm not sure even she knows which side she’s really on," said William.
"Don't listen to people who tell you it will get easier as time goes by. It doesn’t."
"You have the bow, detective, all I can do is supply the arrows."
"Try to remember, Ross, we’re not in the back streets of Battersea. We don’t have any authority here."
"Anything that was all part of his escape plan should the police ever turn up."
"The future of two boys is involved, and their whole lives will be affected by your headmaster’s decision."
"If you treat folks right, they’ll come back and do business with you again and again."
"We won’t even reach Faulkner’s front door without him."
"He can’t have done, because my friend has a study on the same corridor as me, at Harvard."
"He already knew his study door was unlocked, because that was all part of his escape plan."
"When you’re your own worst enemy, you need friends."
"Once dressed, he tried to concentrate on the problems he’d be expected to deal with."
"A screaming child with its mother on one side of him, and a man on his other who kept up a running conversation."
"The vast wooden gates began to slowly open as they approached the prison."
"‘You’ve made a dreadful mistake,’ protested Faulkner. ‘I’m Captain Ralph Neville RN.’"
"‘But I told you to do that hours ago,’ said an exasperated Booth Watson."
"Then you were wrong, Chief Inspector. Both of you will report to my office immediately – immediately!"
"The Hawk clenched a fist and punched the air several times, the smile not leaving his face."