
When Crickets Cry Quotes

When Crickets Cry by Charles Martin

When Crickets Cry Quotes
"Seconds before, God had painted the sky a mixture of black and deep blue, then smeared it with rolling wisps of cotton and sprayed it with specks of glitter, some larger than others."
"Maybe God was down here drinking His coffee too."
"If God was down here drinking His coffee, then He was on his second cup, because He'd already Windexed the sky."
"Some people spend their whole lives trying to outrun God, maybe get someplace He's never been."
"Trouble is, they spend a lifetime searching and running, and when they arrive, they find He's already been there."
"In my experience, the folks who choose dusk usually have something to hide."
"A man named Shakespeare did, in a story called Hamlet."
"A lot of dead writers feed my mind with their ever-present whisperings."
"But I will wear my heart upon my sleeve for dazes to peck at: I am not what I am."
"My dear, we are the music-makers and we are the dreamers of the dreams."
"Any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind."
"Therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; It tolls for thee."
"You stir man to take pleasure in praising You, because You have made us for Yourself, and our heart is restless until it rests in You."
"That which we cannot speak about, we must pass over in silence."
"The cry of the cardinal, heard at random across the planet, is the sound of the multitudes pleading for the one."
"No, I'll not weep: I have full cause of weeping, but this heart shall break into a hundred thousand flaws or ere I'll weep."
"Beauty is mysterious as well as terrible. God and devil are fighting there, and the battlefield is the heart of man."
"Every heart has two parts, the part that pumps and the part that loves."
"You can't just fix the one with no concern for the other."
"Love is no tool; neither is a woman's heart."
"Without the heart, she could be the Goddess of Love, you could have all the mind-blowing sex you could physically handle, but when the shooting is over, and you're starting to think about getting a bite to eat, smoking a cigarette, or what you do with her now, you're just lying in bed with a woman who means little more to you than the remote control for your TV."
"If you're working for a bank, you don't study the counterfeit to know the real thing. You study the real thing to know the counterfeit."
"You put that crap in your heart, and you can't help but find it coming out your mouth. It'll color and flavor your whole person."
"I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you."
"I want to live in any language means I want to live."
"The honest ones will tell you that few of us are immune to a bit of a God-complex."
"The human body takes all that punishment and keeps right on ticking."
"Remember, ladies and gentlemen, you will learn many techniques and procedures, but the best tool you'll ever work with is the one that fits between the earpieces of your stethoscope."
"Our mouths might say, 'Oh, it was nothing, really,' but in our minds we're saying, You bet it was good work."
"We might glide across the surface, row in perfect, clean strokes, or swim discreetly in the shallows, but in the end, the water carried us."
"And don't think we leave it inside the OR. Because most of us have an overdeveloped sense of self, we treat most relationships the same way."
"I had never told anyone of my future plans. I figured I could talk all I wanted, but talk mattered little. Actions spoke."
"Every human on the planet is dying. Emma was just dying at about six times the rate as the rest of us."
"The human heart is remarkable in that it is designed to pump continuously for a hundred and twenty years without ever needing to be reminded what it was meant to do."
"Life was always sunny, always half-full, but at times his soul cried."
"If you wanted to know what he was really feeling, what his heart might say, you needed to listen to him breathe through that harmonica."
"The storm had cooled the night air, but it was not cool. Sort of a warm summer blanket that you didn't mind wearing."
"I didn't know how much longer she could keep it up."
"The clouds had blown through, ten billion stars shone down from above."
"After the funeral I packed one bag, listed our Atlanta penthouse with a Realtor, called the Vietnam Veterans to pick up anything they wanted, and drove north."
"Charlie smiled. 'Cindy, honey, life is either a daring adventure, or it is nothing.'"
"If God ever made one man to do and be one thing, it was you."
"Hope is not the result of medicine or anything that science has to offer. It is a flower that sprouts and grows when others pour water upon it."
"Lord, You're the only one here who really knows what He's doing, so we're planning on You taking charge."
"Reese, hope lives here, and death can't kill it."
"We're not finished with this one, not hardly-You're just barely getting started."
"You might say that I still believe in the tooth fairy, and sometimes the best things happen while you're asleep."
"Whether I wake up or not... I'll have a new heart."
"I keep a close watch on this heart of mine. I keep my eyes wide open all the time."
"Why? God knows what's going on down here. He's not unaware. But why all this? Huh? Why?"
"If anybody's got a direct line to God, it's Annie."
"What I wouldn't know for some time was how long she'd been dead, or, when she woke up, if she woke up, how much damage had been done to her brain."
"I'd worry about the damage in the days to come. Right now I had to find a heart."
"While I thought about how to get Annie and myself out of the mess I'd just got us into, a nurse tapped me on the shoulder."
"The sound of 'might have a heart' resonated through me like the plasma now coursing through Annie's body."
"I'm not going anywhere until you get here with a heart, or until you don't."
"People used to ask me, amid so much terror, pain, and hardship, how transplant surgeons could stay so hopeful. So positive."
"But for the first time since my internship, I stepped up to the chief resident and honored my relationship with the patient above all else."
"Even dead, Annie's old heart was about to begin a new journey, which, when ended would open doors for other Annies."