
Red Mist Quotes

Red Mist by Patricia Cornwell

Red Mist Quotes
"We don’t go to hell, we build it on a foundation already laid for us. We build hell like a shopping mall."
"I’ve been right here in one cell or another most of my life, all because I loved you, Jack."
"Life is short. Dawn said that a number of times when she was with me the first time we met."
"If you don’t have a reputation to protect, just plead guilty. Better than getting a jury of your peers."
"I keep trying to make myself feel better by thinking, Well, Kathleen, it’s not a real glass mirror."
"I almost can’t comprehend it. It’s not like he was part of the life I have now, but he was my past."
"I can’t imagine he or someone, perhaps the warden herself, wasn’t aware that Kathleen Lawler had slipped me a communication I’m not supposed to have."
"People like you don’t get where they are by being easy. They step on people and have to kick them out of the way or belittle them for the fun of it."
"My every action has to be legally well informed. I’m expected to assist the United States government as needed and directed."
"I’m not someone who believes in coincidences, and she’s right, at least about the events of late. There are too many coincidences for them to be random and meaningless. They add up to something, but I really can’t imagine what."
"You really can’t love unconditionally. People can burn and beat love out of you. They really can kill it, and it’s not your fault you don’t feel it anymore, and how liberating it is to finally realize that."
"The injuries don’t heal but continue to be inflicted, by lawyers, by the media, by jurors, by witnesses who testify that someone like me had it coming or caused it."
"Don’t do anything rash. Be deliberate and logical, I tell myself, as I drive in the rain."
"It’s easier if they’re dead, she said, and she was right on one count at least. It’s much harder to lie when you’re dead."
"Emotions still run high about that case. A lot of people are eager for her to get what they perceive she deserves."
"I’m working for you but helping her, too. I haven’t walked off the job, Doc."
"I certainly hope he wouldn’t divulge information to her or anyone."
"Barrie Lou had a panic attack, all right. She was literally scared to death."
"Not everyone has the gift of being happy with what they've been given."
"It's not people at the prison you got to worry about, it’s the FBI you got to worry about."
"If a burglar injures himself while ransacking your house, he sues."
"Unfortunately, assumptions are easy to make when you believe a case is already solved."
"Everybody sues. Litigation is the new national industry."
"I'm grateful you felt morally obligated to tell me that someone might be spreading lies about me."
"They won’t make it painless or merciful."
"You have to live where you wake up, even if somebody else dreamed you there."
"What I do see is you know how to work Marino."
"I only eat when my body’s hungry instead of when I am," he says. "It took me half my life to figure it out. It’s like I wait until I’m hungry at a cellular level, if you know what I mean."
"It really works. No shit. The goal is not to think. When you need food, your cells will let you know, and then you take care of it."
"Don’t Think You’re Fat, Just Eat. A play on words. I’m not really telling people not to think they’re fat. I’m telling them not to think about it at all."
"I don’t know why the hell you keep saying that."
"Maybe you could be a bit more evasive," I reply.
"Rose didn’t smoke, not even once her whole life. She didn’t have any bad habits and still got cancer, and maybe that’s why."
"Smoking doesn’t cause skin cancer," he says.
"Don’t Smoke Cigarettes Anymore. Just Bum Them. Maybe that’s another book you can write."
"Jaime certainly doesn’t feel that way, despite her protests to the contrary."
"Nobody remembers where anything came from and they help themselves. They steal."
"I lay here listening to loud metal groans and reverberations and I thought, ‘Something is coming.’"
"If you can’t breathe, you can’t holler, especially through steel doors."
"She’s over there strangling, I mean, I could hear it, and I’m hollering and nobody comes."
"It’s what she said! I swear to God Almighty!"
"I could not have been a thousand miles south in Savannah at four-fifty-five p.m. and in Boston’s Back Bay by seven p.m., having dinner."
"A little charm right now would be welcome."
"It’s not like we got a panic button we can push! They let her die in her cell."
"I don’t give a damn what anybody says. Nobody’s prepared for vast numbers of infectious or contaminated dead bodies."
"There is one question with only two possible answers. Jaime is dead inside this apartment or she’s not, and Lucy already knows."
"I carried in the take-out sushi last night. I might have delivered death to Jaime in a white paper bag."
"He has remained in the doorway, looking at the body, looking around, having no informed idea what he needs to be looking for."
"I would direct that the truck, our mobile containment autopsy facility, be driven to Savannah right now."
"I imagine her dumping out the contents of her pocketbook, perhaps looking for a medication that might relieve her suffering."
"Nature has its symmetries and laws, even if they are beyond the limits of our understanding, and there are no accidents, not really."
"Kids take things to heart in a way adults don’t. They get imprinted."
"I don’t have a clear definition of what I believe, except there is something and it’s beyond me."
"I’m not sure I can manage. I pray for strength."
Statistics," she says. "Data that are gathered so we can look for patterns and predict.
"Customer data is gold, and it’s sold constantly and at the speed of light," Lucy says.
"No guarantees that secure information doesn’t end up in the public domain."
"As I understand it, Southern Cross Security wasn’t sold. It went bankrupt," I point out.
"The Jordans." She must be looking for their alarm company information.
"You’re annoying when you think you’re somehow exempt from feeling what the rest of us do."
"I wonder if there’s such a thing as Hackers Anonymous," Lucy muses.
"Why would anyone send an inmate twentysomething-year-old postage stamps?"
"The most potent poison on the planet, and it shouldn’t be this easy to get," Lucy says.
"You can’t cure a chipped plate. All you can do is live with it or throw it out."
"You were never broken." I feel the anger again. "Primum non nocere. First, do no harm."
"It’s looking like she got killed by what she ate, right? Maybe chicken and pasta and cheese spread."
"Well, I think you should call Briggs." He takes a plate from me.
"Based on what?" he says what I knew he would.
"The irony is, she was done anyway," Lucy says.
"What if the person gets killed in a car wreck or struck by lightning or blows an aneurysm."
"It’s true. Living proof." She indicates the computers on the desk.
"Why should you have cared? Why was it up to you to give a shit?"
"She set me up, and she lied. She set you up, and she lied."
"You can be poisoned by your wallpaper if there’s enough copper arsenide in it."
"I’m just not aware of any deaths from that, any homicides, as I’ve said," he adds.
"That’s what stinginess will get you. She gives away her daughter and thirty-two years later gives her botulism," Marino says.
"All hell’s going to break loose, Kay," he says. "And you need to stay out of the way. A million miles from it."