
So Lucky Quotes

So Lucky by Dawn O'Porter

So Lucky Quotes
"Being a mother hasn’t been the sweet experience I imagined it to be. In fact, my kid is an asshole."
"I didn’t want a girl. I wanted a boy. I have no idea how to teach a girl to love herself."
"I love her, of course. But I don’t love parenting."
"Living with a toddler is like living with someone with a complete lack of empathy."
"I hate how the male gaze is still more powerful than a woman’s self-worth."
"I hate that after my appointment I’ll spend the day making a young girl look thinner and smoother when there was nothing wrong with her in the first place."
"It’s comforting to know that genius can lie in the socially impaired."
"The self-righteousness of parenting is what grates on me the most."
"I am very consistent and I offer very comforting advice to people when they need it. I’m quite proud of that."
"I thought, if I had a boy, then Liam could just take care of that side of things."
"I didn’t want to wish it away. They say I’ll miss her being small. I won’t."
"I hate that I talk to her like that when she is only three and a half."
"I have to get out of here. They saw my legs. Oh God, they saw my legs."
"How does everyone else make parenting look so easy?"
"What on earth does a twenty-eight-year-old blonde, beautiful, thin, rich and engaged to a finance exec turned TV star, know about self-loathing?"
"All kids want is their parents to tell them everything is going to be OK."
"The only way to get really hurt is to let people get close to you."
"I have no sympathy for this woman or her hypothetical daughters."
"Women go on and on about wanting to be valued for more than their looks, but they do this to each other."
"Being cared for is very claustrophobic for me."
"I am like her partner in crime, a silent investor keeping her business afloat."
"Being a mother has made you selfish. Sex-crazed."
"But history reminds me what a terrible idea that would be."
"I’ve always thought my marriage was quite normal, until recently. Maybe I’ll look back on it one day, and not believe I was in it."
"All problems are relative. You can’t compare everything to the death of a child."
"It’s been really terrible for a long time. He has some weird sex phobia and it’s made me do something terrible and now I’m in such a mess and I don’t know what to do about it."
"That’s the point of feminism if we don’t help women?"
"It’s so hard to find anything that takes the pain away."
"I’ve always been a little jealous, to be honest. We actually share the same feelings, in a way."
"You just did what I’ve always told her she should do. So I guess I should just sit over here and shut up."
"I know how it feels to have someone I love taken away from me, so why wasn’t losing my dad lesson enough?"
"I hate myself. Today was the day I was supposed to gain something, not lose everything."
"You’ve got your looks, you’re so beautiful."
"You don’t know what it’s like to be defined by the way you look. I’m a body, a face."
"Lauren, come on, seriously, there are other ways to cope."
"We can all find a reason to hate ourselves, OK? We can’t just pop some pills to deal with it."
"Girls at school used to Sellotape raisins to their faces and take the piss out of me."
"My belly looks like a dartboard after giving birth."
"I’ve got terrible haemorrhoids from too much anal."
"When women come together, the world gets better. We don’t know our own power sometimes."
"I’m worried about Lauren. Heartbreak is terrible for anyone, let alone when the world’s making you out to be crazy."
"I can’t be afraid of myself anymore. Because I am ready to be liberated from the jail I have been in since school."
"Everyone has the right to act badly. It’s how we recover that matters."
"You are the strongest woman I know. Together we can get through anything."
"I’m going to bath Tommy and get him down."
"Saying the words that feel impossible to say is the best way to get through anything."
"Finding out you’re married to a cheat when you’ve invested half of your life in them is no joke."
"You mustn’t think like that. There are happy and successful relationships all around us."
"I don’t want to be trapped. I don’t want Tommy to be raised by a domestically frustrated woman."
"If I don’t admit and accept that her death is a part of who I am then I will never be happy."