
The Icebound Land Quotes

The Icebound Land by John Flanagan

The Icebound Land Quotes
"Believe you are unseen, and it will be so."
"The secret of merging into the background lay with the ability to remain unmoving, even when people seemed to be looking straight at him."
"A Ranger apprentice assumes the same duties as a Ranger."
"We’re in for the mother of all storms any minute."
"You’re telling us that the waves actually…come on board?"
"You have forty-eight hours to leave the borders of Araluen."
"Both horses had sensed the presence of strangers, or perhaps a stranger, in the trees."
"That would be supernatural power indeed, he thought to himself."
"I know," he said softly, knowing the shadow of his cowl would hide any movement of his lips.
"I’d like to see you in the open," he called, in a carrying voice.
"Of course I won’t," he said briskly. "I don’t have time to look after you where I’m going."
"You try anything like this again and I’ll flog the skin off you!"
"Jarl Erak?" the boy said in the darkness, uncertainty in his tone.
"We really have to get out of here," he said softly to himself.
"Then tell me exactly what he said," Halt demanded.
"Keep on with your work," he said gruffly.
"You could use a good sword to guard your back."
"It’s time we got out of here," he said to the stars.
"I don’t know how, Halt. I just have a feeling for things like this."
"I’m starting to enjoy Gallica a lot more than I expected."
"Be that as it may," he said, "I’ll still be glad to sleep in a bed tonight."
"It’ll move faster as we get out into the middle," he told her.
"I should think it’s going to be cold here," Will said quietly.
"Oh yes indeed. Ragnak’s no fool when it comes to money."
"We don’t have our own generals or tacticians."
"I mean people who are trained in planning and tactics—with the ability to see the big picture and use our troops to best effect."
"Could you use a couple of new slaves around the Great Hall?"
"He calls me a liar to my face! This is insupportable!"
"You’re the leader here, not the follower."
"He was a man of rare humor. Strange how his sense of fun seems to have deserted him now."
"Sometimes, we tend to expect a little too much of Ranger horses. After all, they are only human."
"They’re always looking to see how they can turn a situation to their own advantage."
"The idea of knights helping the common people is one that works in a place like Araluen, where we have a strong king. Here, if you’ve got the power, you can pretty much do as you please."
"There’s nothing we can do to hurry things along. We’ll find out what Deparnieux wants soon enough."
"The vegetables were cold, were they not?"
"She is nothing but a clumsy servant who deserves neither your attention nor mine."
"I’m an ordinary sort of person," he said. "My name’s Halt. I’m from Araluen, traveling with Sir Horace. Nothing much more to tell, really."
"We’ll be fine now," she told him, "just fine."
"I didn’t haul her all the way across the Stormwhite so you could lose her!"
"I plan to," Halt called back as Deparnieux clapped his spurs to the horse.
"None of them knew how to react. None of them had expected this result."
"Their expectations of the man who had just killed him were not necessarily any higher."
"I have no wish to stay here any longer than I need."
"You want us to come with you? You expect us to follow you?"
"I want nothing of this castle, nothing of its people."
"Argue about it and I’ll put the choice to whoever replaces you after I kill you."
"Being brought up as a princess had definite disadvantages."
"She could do fine needlework and embroidery, judge good wine and host a dinner party for a dozen nobles and their wives."