
Oona Out Of Order Quotes

Oona Out Of Order by Margarita Montimore

Oona Out Of Order Quotes
"The party flowed with cinematic choreography: plastic cups and beer bottles tilted back in a syncopated rhythm; clusters of guests bobbed heads and danced to a new wave soundtrack as if the floor were a giant trampoline, a ribbon of tipsy laughter running through the room."
"It might have been only a basement in Brooklyn, with mirrored walls and tan carpeting, but tonight it was their Studio 54, their Palladium, their Danceteria."
"A group of fifty with the noise and energy of hundreds—most on their college winter break—they’d come to celebrate New Year’s Eve and Oona Lockhart’s nineteenth birthday."
"It had no second hand, which gave the illusion of time moving slowly, sometimes even stopping."
"A single black diagonal line bisected the silver face dotted with tiny black stars: 9:15 P.M."
"Suddenly, one floor up, there was a crashing thud and shatter."
"Dale’s booming laugh forced his head back."
"Having a liberal mother had its advantages, but Oona would’ve preferred more boundaries."
"She tightened her hold around Dale’s waist, felt this was the pinnacle of her happiness."
"There was a rumble below signaling an approaching train."
"No way would she end up in such a stately abode."
"Her fingers grazed the edge of the envelope in her pocket."
"You form other friendships over the years. And you’ve gotten a lot closer with your mom."
"So while you just turned nineteen on the inside—Happy Birthday, by the way—your body is the age it’s supposed to be in 2015."
What is "it," exactly? If Kenzie was able to keep you from running off, he’s filled you in, but you’re probably reading this on the subway, so I’ll tell you.
"You’re physically and mentally healthy, but you’re experiencing your adult life out of order."
"Every time I go to sleep, I pray I’ll wake up from this nightmare, a teenager again, with Dale beside me."
"She fixed up one of the guest bedrooms for me to stay over whenever—you’re a cool boss like that."
"Right now, convincing anyone else would be tricky to impossible, and a doctor might sooner put you in a padded room than believe it."
"I’ll stop here. Take some time to grieve and process but don’t drown in the depression."
"Your phone is in there, too—it’s silver, about the size of your hand."
"A short while later, she reached an avenue filled with shops, bars, and restaurants."
"Ever since Oona and Dale had been mugged, she’d been scared to ride the subway alone, especially late at night."
"As much as she would’ve liked to join in, she could muster only a weak smile."
"You can’t tell anyone about the time travel. Mom and Kenzie know, that’s it."
"The last time she’d shrieked at this decibel, two men were dragging her father back onto a boat, his clothes hanging off him in tatters, blowing air into his waterlogged dysfunctional lungs."
"She tried to hold on to the numbing effects of the winter swim, even as each shiver commanded her to feel something."
"The guest of honor shouldn’t be doing cleanup. I can handle the mess."
"It’s a lot different from the ones I used."
"It’s easier to dwell on smaller things without adding them up."
"Once she was alone, the confining space felt hot, oppressive."
"Instead of spending the year sleeping, I’ll spend it listening to music."
"The scent permeating the kitchen wasn’t coffee or tea—it was something more complex: spicy winter treats hidden in the woods."
"Sometimes when you’re sure of who you are, it kind of ... protects you in some way."
"The girl who doesn’t say no to champagne doesn’t ask what the powder is; she inhales."
"The day love makes sense, check the pork chops for feathers."
"A great white flash, and she was in a nest of wires painted with Day-Glo stars; another flash and she was among real stars, in deep space, gliding past a nebula."
"Dale, can you see this? You should be here with me."
"We all start here, and we all come back here. You are only stardust."
"In ten years this place is gonna be filled with designer boutiques."
"I don’t know what’s worse, how rude you are, or how ignorant."
"You sure you don’t want to go to a hospital?"
"You want to explain what the hell happened back there?"
"And how do you do that? I’m hardly a marriage expert, but I can tell you there’s effort involved."
"You were there, honey… or do you get more fucked up than you let on?"
"But you know you can only stay out of your head for so long, right?"
"Is this okay? Do you think we could go inside now?"
"I did put a different spin on the time travel specifically."
"I have a husband. A husband named Edward."
"If you’re ever in hell, go somewhere that looks like heaven."
"Make your life more about letting in the good things than preventing the bad things."
"Sometimes it’s easier to talk to a stranger."
"I don’t eat, I don’t sleep. But I’m always hungry and always tired."
"This country is crowded enough with foreigners. There should be some stricter rules about who gets to stay here, that’s all I’m saying."
"Most people’s lives are novels, but yours is a series of short stories."
"I wish my other students had your level of dedication."
"It’s been my dream to play for years, but my life has been… chaotic."
"Life can get in the way of our dreams. The important thing is that you found your way to your instrument."
"I’m not a good kid, I’m a loser. I dropped out of school, put my mothers’ house up for sale, and now I’m just wandering around."
"Sorry I’m late, subways were a mess. Hope you haven’t been waiting long. I’m Peter."
"Anger is a poison and forgiveness is the antidote."
"I'm sorry, but you need to get out of my house."
"I feel like I'm never gonna get it right."
"I just don’t get it. I couldn’t prevent it when I leaped backward, but I could have the year before that."
"I’m the opposite. Every year, I feel too old on the outside."
"I wish my moms were into cool bands like that."
"I have an idea. Why don’t we just skip the soup and roast chicken and go right to dessert?"
"You know how families have their little routines."
"You’re not allowed to contact Kenzie before he turns eighteen."
"She's nuts, right? That's why she couldn't raise me."
"Astonishing how, no matter how far you fall, there’s always lower to go."
"If it’s any consolation, no parent really knows what they’re doing. We’re all faking it to some extent."
"Let him be angry with you. Let him be angry with you."
"Every time I try to change things for the better, I end up ruining them."
"I never listen. But I’ll listen to you, Mom. If this is what my son needs—if the only thing I can give him right now is my absence... okay."
"You’ve given me a marvelous life. Because of you, I got to see the world, something I deeply missed when I first became a mother."
"It’s a bittersweet thing to see your child become self-sufficient, and it’s easy to slip into irrelevance. But that never happened with us."
"You taught me to be brave and curious, to make mistakes, to be my boldest and truest self."
"You have no idea how much you’ll kick ass in later leaps."
"All good things ended, always. The trick was to enjoy them while they lasted."