
Say You Swear Quotes

Say You Swear by Meagan Brandy

Say You Swear Quotes
"I love my brother but damn. Sometimes he needs to back off."
"It’s the oldest cliché in the books to want who you can’t have."
"We never understood the whole forbidden fruit thing until then, how not having something only made you want it more."
"It’s sweet how my twin takes his ‘big brother’ role so seriously."
"I’ve convinced myself it’s his way of differentiating himself from protective older brother to a man with eyes and hidden desires, but I’m known to be a wishful thinker."
"I need music like my twin needs football; it’s in our souls."
"We’re a bit codependent. The thought of being alone doesn’t sit well with either of us."
"I understand what he’s saying and he’s not wrong. The five of us, we literally do everything together."
"I’m not sure if that’s what’s happening here but bless you Noah Riley for your man knowledge."
"I never thought getting something you always wanted could be more painful than wanting but never having it. There really is no in-between."
"It’s always been a peaceful place for me, the ocean, so full of possibilities and hope."
"You’re not some random girl, Ari. You’re more. You mean… so much more."
"It’s as if fire meets ice and has me gasping. I’d swear his chest swelled at the sound."
"You realize my brother and best friends are among those, right?"
"I figured as much, considering I spotted you up here weeks ago."
"I need someone's all and absolutely nothing less."
"Only a fool would let you go once they had you where they wanted you."
"You don’t need to share him; it’s my choice."
"I don’t know, Mase. Maybe you should ask him."
"The magic is in the man, not his tools."
"I couldn’t live with myself if I let her down, not when she was always there."
"I owe it to her to do my best with what I’ve been given."
"You want me to come, I’m coming off a loss today, make my night feel like a win. Come with, Juliet."
"I can’t wait to see you again, sweetheart."
"I thought for sure I’d have to head your way."
"I want to relive the night with her ten times over, and then do it again. And again. It’s simple and small, but it’s perfect."
"I didn’t expect her to ask me to come, not even a little bit, so when she did, I didn’t care to think past the fact that she wanted me here."
"What matters outside of that? Not a damn thing."
"Best thing I ever did was miss that pass."
"Memories don’t die when the possibilities do. They morph into pain."
"That’s a beautiful name for a beautiful boy. Happy Thanksgiving, Deaton."
"You were excited for today, and I didn’t want you to miss it."
"I don’t want to be seen anymore, Chase. I want to be loved."
"I can’t compete here, not when everything you ever wanted is in reach now, just waiting for you to take it."
"This is Noah. I don’t have to hide a thing from him."
"You’re the one who helped me heal and I didn’t even know it happened until one day something changed."
"If hurting me protects her then that’s what you do. That’s what I’d want."
"You’re in it. The compliance department already signed off with a big green go. You’re in it."
"It’s not uncommon to have a good team and a decent season. I’ve been here for twenty-two years and there hasn’t been a single year I couldn’t claim the same, but there is a difference in good and gold, and this year, boys, the Avix U Sharks football team was fucking gold."
"You know, as a coach, there’s only so much I can do and I do it as best as I possibly can, but I know many of my boys cuss me out in their heads on a daily basis. A coach is only a coach."
"The true hero of this season’s success lies in the heart of the captain."
"I’ve known that girl was worth the world since the moment I met her."
"I don’t want to hide from myself anymore, but I can’t do this. Sometimes I want to swallow a handful of sleeping pills and hope when I wake, everything is different."
"I am so proud of you, Noah Riley. You have become the man I always hoped you’d be."
"I love you, honey. With all my heart. Always."
"Feeling lighter than I have in a long time, I head toward campus."
"You were here as my friend all those times."
"What an incredible woman she must have been."
"You gave me purpose when I wasn't so sure I had one."
"Love has made me selfish because I can't live without the man my heart belongs to."
"Love aches, but love is a blessing, something you'd be lucky to experience."
"Loss hurts, but loss is necessary, something you have to experience."
"Loss forces you to recognize who you can't live without, who you refuse to lose."
"I thought I lost you. Are you mine? Please... say you're mine."
"His kiss is a promise from his soul to mine, that no matter what happens, this is home."