
Overkill Quotes

Overkill by Sandra Brown

Overkill Quotes
"By midnight, boundaries of behavior had begun to wobble under the influence of liquor, controlled substances, and carnality."
"Perfect. She was here to have a good time, and that happened to be his specialty."
"When he’d complimented her on the dress, she’d told him she’d worn it 'on the red carpet,' but he didn’t know which red carpet, and didn’t care."
"He inhaled deeply, then sat up, flung his head back, and shouted an obscenity toward the ceiling to express his ecstasy."
"Best years of my life have been the five since our divorce."
"Rebecca Pratt, often seen on red carpets with high-profile personalities, has remained single since her bitter divorce in 2017 from Super Bowl MVP quarterback Zach Bridger."
"But the weather front had moved on east, leaving the sky a crystal-clear blue."
"They’re thinking that every man has his price."
"The room had been decorated with a sports theme."
"It was a tragic accident, and as much her fault as Eban’s."
"I’ve got to go before the market closes."
"You didn’t beat the system, Eban. You bought it."
"I have what I’d most coveted: distance from the tragedy of Rebecca."
"I meant it when I said they should have thrown away the key."
"I’m the one who actually went to prison."
"I don’t want to put myself through it again."
"This isn’t Georgia. What work are you doing up here?"
"He was fiftyish, with ruddy cheeks and thinning hair, paunchy in the way of men who toil for long hours at a desk but never break a sweat."
"Money is irrelevant. I won’t sell for any amount. Period. End of that discussion."
"What had she been thinking? Certainly not about the jeopardy in which she was placing her career."
"Even as a child, if he was ever caught doing what other people considered to be wrong, Eban would use a passive-aggressive tactic: behave as though he had every right to be where he was, doing whatever he was doing."
"Prison was more educational than Harvard or Princeton."
"I don’t think you give a flip about Eban Clarke getting justly punished. I think it’s because you’re a washup and have less to lose now."
"You’re all over the cable sports networks. Pat called me early afternoon, asked if I had my TV on. No, I said. But when I tuned in, there you were. Old footage, but you’re the feature of the day."
"It’s time we got your outrageously expensive and self-aggrandizing defense attorney back in the loop."
"I’ve loved you like a brother, but I’m done."
"Nothing taken, no sign of a break-in? You don’t even know there was an intruder. It’s quite a leap to think it was Clarke."
"Thanks," Zach said. "But what if we get there and there’s a mob of media camped in your yard?"
"Not a problem," Bing said. "I’ve got a scattergun in my trunk."
"Well, if he ever does reappear, I get first crack at him."
"Maybe by tomorrow, it’ll have blown over."
"Use Kate Cartwright," she suggested. "Just in case."
"That’s what you think," Bing muttered as he went into his room and shut the door.
"I’m the one who should be apologizing. Less than a week ago, you were living privately and peacefully, which is what you craved."
"You go for years screwing indiscriminately, and you pick now to—"
"He was actually very controlled. He didn’t raise his voice once, not even when he told me that I would no longer be working on the Eban Clarke case."
"Just like a goddamn politician," Bing said.
"The attorney general is up for reelection. Last thing he’ll want is a scandal."
"Mine still aren’t as loud or fragrant as yours, Cal."
"He’d negotiated a plea bargain that got you probation if, at my trial, you swore on the Bible that Rebecca didn’t utter a peep, or make a motion, or signal in any way, shape, or form of communication that she was running out of air."
"No need to whisper," Eban said. "In fact, you can mute it. I think you get the gist."
"I hope you enjoyed the feature. I gave it a working title. Phase One of the Dismantling of the Homicide Case against Eban Clarke. What do you think?"
"For instance, she might approach you with an offer of clemency, to which you’ll say, ‘No fucking way, bitch,’ or something as emphatic."
"He didn’t want to know, you dimwit! He’d negotiated a plea bargain that got you probation if, at my trial, you swore on the Bible that Rebecca didn’t utter a peep, or make a motion, or signal in any way, shape, or form of communication that she was running out of air."
"He told me that he’d been diagnosed with terminal stomach cancer. He chose this easier way out."
"He realized that Eban had exploited information he’d given him yesterday morning."
"As soon as I go, Melinda. If I don’t, Eban will keep coming here to pester us, or worse."
"In any case, it’s no longer your choice. I’m mandating it, Eban. I want you to go upstairs, pack, and leave. Today."
"Before I married Cal, he admitted how out of control and sordid his life had become while in Eban’s orbit."
"Eban has always been the host and paid the others’ way. But he’s the parasite, and he’s feeding on my husband."
"While my father-in-law was consulting with a client, I sneaked out with the pistol he keeps in his desk drawer."
"I have to own up to my part in this or I’ll never be happy."
"You were afraid that you and Theo might never return from that trip."
"Little good their remorse does Rebecca."
"I’m no longer comfortable with extending her life only to stand by and watch her steadily decline."
"Because her choices went against my beliefs."
"We never would have met if she hadn’t been out advertising the goods and trolling."
"You made me out to be the bad guy who sailed in and welcomed the opportunity to kill my cheating ex-wife."
"You think having a Bible at your elbow makes you holy?"