
Anne Of Ingleside Quotes

Anne Of Ingleside by L.M. Montgomery

Anne Of Ingleside Quotes
"Trees are like children. It’s dreadful the way they grow up the minute you turn your back on them."
"Every spot she looked upon had some lovely memory."
"Nothing ever seems impossible in spring, you know."
"It’s lovely to feel you like going home."
"I suppose we must put another board in the table, but after all is said and done it’s better to be lengthening the table than shortening it down."
"Oh, Susan, there is no such thing as a common day. Every day has something about it no other day has."
"I’m a big boy… I won’t cry… I wo-o-o-n’t."
"He must go home. Right away at once. He must see Mother before she… she… died."
"It was such a nice feeling to know that someone was looking after you… that someone wanted you… that you were important to someone."
"Your mother is sound asleep and well and happy, my lamb."
"I suffered awful agony of mind, Susan," said Walter gravely.
"Darling, I’ve no notion of dying, and I love you so much it hurts."
"The days of miracles are not yet over and that you may tie to."
"There was no one like Dad in the world."
"She’s sweet, Susan… oh, look at her darling little curly toes!"
"Yellow hair! Like the Drews!" said Susan in measureless contempt.
"I think we are a very nice family, don’t you?"
"It’s early for fall," said Aunt Mary Maria in a tone that implied that the fall had insulted her.
"The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. Blessed be the name of the Lord."
"I’m partial to poppies," admitted Miss Cornelia.
"That she is not, Miss Blythe, and Susan Baker will never stand by and hear her so miscalled."
I suppose they had," agreed Aunt Mary Maria. "I’m sure they did enough squealing anyhow.
"Don’t you find life here rather dull?" an old Queens’ classmate from Charlottetown had asked Anne rather patronizingly one day.
"I never argue with a lady. Five dollars it is."
"Mrs Doctor dear, you have always been kind enough to give me a week’s vacation whenever I felt I needed it."
"I’m thinking seriously of trying my hand at matchmaking," retorted Anne.
"Do you mean a marriage?" said Mrs Churchill.
"I’m afraid we’ll have a thunderstorm. Mercy on us, Richard, that cat is bigger than ever."
"You can buy a dog's body but you cannot buy his love."
"Life is something more than 'delicately balanced organic chemistry'."
"God doesn’t make bargains. He gives… gives without asking from us in return, except love."
"You don’t s’pose I’m blaming God for this?"
"I’m not frightened. It’s only my stomach feels a little queer."
"What a world it is! What a beautiful, interesting, wonderful world!"
"It was an October of winds, small winds that purred in the valley and big ones that lashed the maple tops."
"Ingleside rang with laughter from dawn to sunset."
"Anne was busy in her garden every warm day, drinking in colour like wine."
"Always… always, Jem. He shares that privilege with us."
"The seasons that seemed so long to Baby Rilla were beginning to pass all too swiftly for her."
"Life and death are in the power of the tongue."
"A hand-me-down cap is bound to fit somebody's head, but it doesn’t follow that it was made for him."
"Mothers were the same all through the centuries… a great sisterhood of love and service."
"Cock Robin did come back when Ingleside and Rainbow Valley burned again with the green, evasive flames of spring."
"I saw a ship a-sailing, a-sailing on the sea, And oh, it was all laden with pretty things for me."
"Motherhood was very sweet… but very terrible."
"I was often very hungry before I came to Green Gables."
"The same summer will never be coming twice."
"The year is looking back sadly to her lost spring."
"It’s a dreadful mistake to cherish bitterness for years."
"You can’t help it. You had to let the old go and take the new to your heart."
"The seasons are changing. Winter isn’t what it was."
"A bitter east wind was snarling around Ingleside like a shrewish old woman."
"Nan’s new kitten had ruined the choicest fern."
"I don’t wonder they poisoned Socrates. They ought to have."
"I can talk to the chairs and tables, of course."
"She felt all the time like a creature in a nightmare, trying to overtake someone with fettered feet."
"Was she turning into one of those peevish creatures who had no patience with anybody?"
"She was sick and tired of never-ending, monotonous duties."
"He never noticed that I had on a new dress last night."
"The worst of it all was that Gilbert never noticed that there was any change in her."
"The house about her seemed whispering tonight… whispering sinisterly, as if it were no longer her friend."
"Life which had seemed so grey and foolish a few moments before was golden and rose and splendidly rainbowed again."
"The moon was shining over dew-wet fields."
"What would matter drifted snow and biting wind, when love burned clear and bright, with spring beyond?"
"Through the open doorway came the soft sound of children breathing."