
The Dark Secret Quotes

The Dark Secret by Tui T. Sutherland

The Dark Secret Quotes
"Starflight suspected that he might be dead, except that everything hurt so much."
"He couldn’t remember what he’d dreamed and what was real."
"But Starflight was sure he could remember the large NightWing taking him aside."
"He curled onto his side and felt jagged rocks press into his scales."
"I hope she’s not here. I hope she’s safe somewhere."
"He tried to listen, but his dreams dragged him back down."
"He was definitely hearing voices — unfamiliar voices, very close by."
"Starflight’s eyelids felt too heavy to open, as if extra scales were piled on top of them."
"Which made everything better and worse all at the same time."
"He glanced up at the skylight, wondering if he could fit through it but knowing perfectly well he was too terrified to try."
"Starflight’s experience with dragon queens thus far had not been exactly wonderful."
"He didn’t see any guards or rivers of lava. He didn’t see any other NightWings at all."
"He could feel the heat crackling along his scales."
"But it didn’t feel true. This awful place was nothing like the NightWing utopia he’d always imagined."
"There were a few possibilities, but only one other dragon I know talks like you."
"The wind off the ocean seized the tree branches and rattled them fiercely."
"The RainWings were in awful danger. This wasn’t a matter of a few dragons disappearing here or there."
"But he knew he wasn’t. All the pieces fit together too well."
"So. Your first test. You," he said to Starflight. "All you have to do, if you can, is stay alive."
"But his muscles already ached with exhaustion, and he knew he’d never make it to the fortress before Flame caught up."
"The last thing Starflight wanted to do was jump into that darkness."
"Starflight turned to the back of the cave, which overlooked a huge, dark abyss."
"Leaping off a cliff into the pitch-black was the clear winner."
"He spread his wings and hopped off the edge, flapping to lower himself down slowly."
"Even if someone peered into the chasm, his black scales should keep him well hidden in the shadows."
"Because she’s a RainWing, and he was afraid she’d figure out the plan and warn her tribe."
"Starflight wrapped his wings around his talons, rested his head against the rock wall behind him, and sighed."
"Does that mean amused or terribly annoyed? What do you think?"
"Starflight smiled into the dark. He would love to be present for that conversation."
"You don’t need a map when you have excellent traveling companions."
"His eyes closed, and sleep came for him."
"They're in the same situation I am. They're just trying to survive this arena."
"Everything I ever read — all the scrolls written by NightWings for generations — said 'Don't mess with fate. Things will happen the way they're foretold and nobody can change that.'"
"That's not scientifically possible and has it been under the lava this whole time?"
"Prophecies aren't like treasure hoards where you can mix and match which gems you like and trade out the ones you don't."
"I've been wondering, since no one ever sees her and apparently no one even hears her except Greatness ... if she were dead, this would be a pretty clever plan."
"We're doing this before nightfall. Tell me everything you know."
"You are an ignorant dragonet, with no powers of your own, and no one will ever listen to you."
"What if they had grown up somewhere like this? Would they still be the way they are, or would they be happy and kind, like the RainWings?"
"If I can't make my own decision, then do what Sunny would do."
"I mean you’re all I think about, and I want to be near you and it hurts when I’m not."
"If anything happens to you I don’t know how I’d be able to breathe or think or do anything ever again."
"You’re the only dragon who sees me the whole way I am and likes me anyway."
"So stop talking like a scroll and just tell me you’ll see me soon, OK?"
"We’re going to make this rainforest safe, and we’re going to do it like real RainWings."
"If they believe there’s a deadly monster lurking in there — that it’s not safe to go anywhere near it — they won’t be tempted to conquer the rainforest themselves."
"I wouldn’t give up; I’d never give up on you."
"I think that’s me, like all the happiness inside us is trying to burst out."
"That is too weird, hearing my friend called ‘Your Majesty.’"
"If you try to hurt my RainWings, I will make you regret it."
"We escape now, together … or we all die."
"I bet watching her lead an invasion is fairly strange, too."
"You can’t make prophecies happen the way you want. Whatever’s going to happen will happen — that’s the whole point of destiny."
"I hope you know what you’re doing. This is a terrible plan. NightWings can’t be trusted."
"I’m not an ordinary RainWing. My venom is aimed at your eyes right now and I am not afraid to use it."
"We’d be in luck if Morrowseer tried to follow him."
"I’m afraid they might … have some grievances."
"We made you. You dragonets are only important because of us, and we can destroy you just as easily."
"I’ll gather the NightWings and bring them through."
"Don’t make excuses. When you get there, tell the queen you’re sorry and accept whatever punishment she gives you."
"You know I don’t like giving speeches, so I’ll just say this."