
Finlay Donovan Jumps The Gun Quotes

Finlay Donovan Jumps The Gun by Elle Cosimano

Finlay Donovan Jumps The Gun Quotes
"You don’t have much experience with children, do you?"
"The poor man would probably suffer a heart attack and wind up dead on the floor before I made it back, and the last thing I needed to deal with was one more corpse."
"New year, new me. I wasn’t a criminal or a killer, at least not by my own choice."
"I’m not playing chicken. I’m putting my foot down."
"Just because you made a few mistakes doesn’t mean you deserve to be miserable."
"Let’s focus on solving one problem at a time."
"He’s not a kid, I’ll be eighteen in a month."
"I’m already acquainted with his goon squad, but thanks for the concern."
"You’ll be lucky if he doesn’t tip off Nick just to spite you."
"It’s Lizzo’s world, Finn; we’re all just living in it."
"If Feliks wants EasyClean dead, he’ll have to do it himself."
"I’ll tell your editor you’re on board with the changes."
"I’m fine," I said, swatting pine needles from my shirt.
"I don’t understand your hesitation with the cop."
"You’re trying to kill me, aren’t you? Ever since third grade, when you ran over me with your bike."
"You just missed Sam. She’s nice. And hot."
"This is exactly the opportunity we need! Steven has the kids, I need a safe place to lie low until we can sell the Aston, and you need to find EasyClean."
"If I thought you had it in you to kill someone, I might actually be worried!"
"I promised I'd never find a partner I liked better than me. The week he met you, he showed up on my front porch to collect, and he hasn't stopped talking about you since."
"I’ve got to run. I just want to look nice, that’s all."
"What are you talking about? It’s perfect! You can ask us all your weird writer questions and get loads of ideas for your book."
"And now, it’s what’s going to get us out."
"My memories of that night are very clear, and Zhirov’s restaurant isn’t where I wanted to take you."
"He’s got dirt on you and he’s not afraid to use it."
"We’re all liars. Some of us are just better at hiding it."
"People who work in law enforcement see a lot of things most of us couldn’t stomach, and their job is pretty thankless."
"The graveyard shift is when many of those crimes are reported and detectives are woken from a nice, peaceful sleep to investigate a crime scene."
"If you were hurt in your last relationship, it makes sense that you might be searching for clues that a new romantic partner could secretly be a bad guy."
"The use of metaphors can be a safe way for our minds to explore subjects that are hard to talk about."
"Creating a character can be a cathartic way to explore our own fears and traumas."
"He thought the sex was good? That man wouldn’t know good sex if it was happening in his own damn pants!"
"It’s not necessarily unusual, or concerning, for children to be uninhibited when expressing themselves."
"Children are remarkably resilient, Finlay. Grown-ups can be, too."
"You really want to know? I’ve known Mr. Baker since October of last year."
"Whatever this woman told you, Officer, I swear to you that I did nothing inappropriate in the restroom of the Walmart!"
"I thought we were moving the body." "Not the body. Just the marker."
"Why don’t I take the kids to the vending machines and get them a snack," Vero said, still a little breathless, "while you… you know… do whatever it is a grown, single woman might do when presented with a truly, truly spectacular research opportunity."
"You don’t have to tell Nick everything. You know that, right?"
"I know you said the repairs could wait until I got home, but I wanted to surprise you."
"Remember to ethfoliate and moithturize. Vero says it’s very important."
"I’ll find you after dinner." His eyes flicked over my shoulder. "There are some things we need to talk about."
"I know you probably don’t want my advice, and I’m probably the last person who should be giving it, but there are some questions you shouldn’t answer, Finn. It’s okay to hold back."
"Feliks Zhirov escaped from jail this morning, so yes, Steven, they are worried about the safety of our kids. Are you taking them home with you or not?"
"I'm not coming out unless you have a warrant."
"Are you seriously pulling a Zach on me?"
"Because I handcuffed myself to the toilet paper dispenser."
"You know, I’m getting really tired of crawling around on public restroom floors."
"Under the present circumstances, I didn’t think stealing liquor from the faculty lounge would be the wisest choice."
"I would rather rip my own toenails out than welcome Steven back into my bed."
"We should all be lucky enough to have an ex-wife like that."
"If Feliks had anything to do with that fire, Stuart Kirby is already dead."
"After the fire, Commander Ortega had ended the lockdown and ordered that everyone be sent home."
"Why aren’t there any names on them? How will we know who won?"
"I was under the impression we came in second place."
"For answering the call of duty last night."
"When I was your age, we had real competitions."
"Don’t worry about it, Charlie offered to drive you."
"We need to talk about that money in your suitcase."