
A Knight Of The Seven Kingdoms Quotes

A Knight Of The Seven Kingdoms by George R.R. Martin

A Knight Of The Seven Kingdoms Quotes
"Another day done—and who knows what the morrow will bring us, eh, Dunk?"
"Off to Ashford to see the fair maid, heigh-ho, heigh-ho."
"There ought to be a septon here, to say some prayers over him, but he only has me."
"You were a true knight, and you never beat me when I didn’t deserve it."
"All men are fools, and all men are knights, where women are concerned."
"Knights are built the same as other men, and I never knew a joust to change the price of eggs."
"A true knight is cleanly as well as godly."
"Why would they name it a dragonfly? It looks nothing like a dragon."
"The summers have been shorter since the last dragon died, and the winters longer and crueler."
"A falling star brings luck to him who sees it."
"A hedge knight is the truest kind of knight, Dunk."
"It may be that the gods have a taste for cruel japes."
"Every knight swears to protect the weak and innocent, but we keep the vow best, I think."
"A man can’t do a bloody buggering thing about the gods."
"Other knights serve the lords who keep them, or from whom they hold their lands, but we serve where we will, for men whose causes we believe in."
"He might have prayed then, if he had known a prayer all the way through, but there was no time."
"The only other foes he faced in the melee were three Kingsguard, whose vows forbade them to harm a prince of the blood."
"I trust in stone and steel and water. I trust in moats, ser, and mine will not go dry."
"You would think that younger sons and landless knights would swarm about her ladyship like flies. You would be wrong. The four dead husbands make them wary, and there are those who will say that she is barren too."
"The world changes, ser. This Chequy Water rises in the Horseshoe Hills, which were wholly mine when last I looked. The water is mine as well."
"She loved the boy, and him her. It never went beyond a kiss or two, but … it was Addam she wept for after the Redgrass Field, not the husband she hardly knew."
"When you pardon rebels, you only plant the seeds of the next rebellion."
"Every day, for a good fortnight. They made soldiers of them."
"We do not suffer attacks on Coldmoat or its people. So tell me why I should not have you sewn in a sack."
"If Ser Eustace wants to talk with her ladyship, let him come himself."
"They used to fight about it. Uncle Baelor said that clemency was best when dealing with an honorable foe. If a defeated man believes he will be pardoned, he may lay down his sword and bend the knee."
"The singers leave out much and more. Daemon was the Warrior himself that day. No man could stand before him."
"You can know a man by his friends, Egg."
"Born to betrayal, born of lust and weakness. Never to be trusted, great or small."
"The long and short of it is, most like you’re squiring for a bastard."
"The Wall has stood eight thousand years, it will last a while longer."
"Words like that can cost a man his head. Some might say you're talking treason."
"Cook or be devoured, now there's a beggar's choice."
"I never knew a robber knight. Do you think he means to steal the dragon's egg?"
"The only way to keep from being bitten was to sit close to the fire, breathing smoke."
"I’d show you mine, ser, but it’s at Summerhall."
"Pray excuse me. There are jugglers yet to come, and you do not want to miss the bedding."
"You have forgotten Prince Rhaegel, my friend."
"Old dead history. They're here now, aren't they? So they bent the knee, and King Daeron gave them pardon."
"Every boy dreams of serving in the Kingsguard."
"You have as much chance of wearing a white cloak as I do. Kings do not heap honor on the likes of you and me."
"A knight must needs be courteous, my mother used to say."
"Lord Peake came to see me after my last joust. He offered me a place at Starpike."
"I said I might not be able to lose to the Fiddler even if I were trying."
"You have one, ser. Two, once I find Egg."
"It is good to know there are some true knights still."
"Daemon's mine. I will command his Kingsguard. You are not worthy of a white cloak."
"I'm sorry. I just meant to send a raven to my father."
"Daemon dreamed that a dragon would be born at Whitewalls, and it was. The fool just got the color wrong."