
The White Lioness Quotes

The White Lioness by Henning Mankell

The White Lioness Quotes
"Times were hard, and hardly anybody was able to feel secure in their work any more."
"She felt, all the same, uneasy. Could they manage the mortgage and interest payments?"
"I'll take the coast road home and stop for a while and look at the sea instead."
"She had often driven along that road, and never tired of it."
"The countryside was hilly, and the road wriggled its way through."
"Skane is a lovely place, she thought to herself."
"He was considered a proficient policeman, persistent and occasionally astute."
"Was he to end up a sullen and unpredictable old man?"
"You ought to be able to work it out for yourself."
"Who says you have to marry somebody your own age?"
"He's going to get married? Better tempered in his old age?"
"Anything to do with money or complicated negotiations, she hands over to me."
"She's easily moved. And upset. She's troubled by other people's suffering."
"Everybody likes her. She's even-tempered, laughs a lot, finds it easy to talk to people."
"During those ten years she had given birth to two children and worked diligently with Robert to establish the firm."
"It was as if someone had robbed him of a significant portion of his life."
"The thought of being in his apartment without being able to listen to a CD was too much for him."
"Nobody could have wanted to kill Louise," Akerblom said. "So how could you possibly find whoever is guilty?"
"I can't tell you why a particular gun is popular in one country but not in another. It just is."
"If I understood it rightly," Wallander said, "this well is less than five kilometres from the property Louise Akerblom was going to look at."
"There's always somebody wanting to see me," Mabasha said. "Question is, do I want to see him?"
"I want a name," he repeated. "If I don't get a name, I won't ever be there."
"Whoever did it missed the aerial sticking up."
"She's dead, isn't she?" Tureson suddenly said.
"I don't know," Wallander said. "To be absolutely honest with you, I just don't know the answer to that question."
"I would commit suicide," he said. "But I have no intention of dying."
"A political surgeon", whose job was to remove tumours forever threatening the healthy body of South Afrikanerdom.
"We're not just fighting alongside and against the living, we've also got to fight those who insist on coming back to life to haunt us."
"The bottom line is that nobody can get away."
"You know how to think when you're planning the final details of the assassination."
"A man who is prepared to die in a suicide attack."
"I'll do whatever I have to do, and I'll do it alone."
"A child should grow, grow bigger; but in my country a black child had to learn how to grow small and smaller."
"Barbarism has always had a human face. That's what makes barbarism so inhuman."
"Progressing from being a nobody to being a somebody is the longest journey a human being can undertake."
"Violence became a part of the everyday programme of fear."
"Spirits are part of our families. They are invisible members of our family."
"Freedom we achieve will not primarily be the voting slips we find in our hands, but the release from those inner chains that have been holding us prisoner."
"Perhaps the spirits of his forefathers forced to live in smoky, slummy townships."
"The habits of submission have to be broken and the whites must be made to understand that if they're to survive the immediate future, they have to hand back land to the deprived blacks."
"The purpose of life was quite simply to take care of one's children. Nothing else."
"I often wonder how it is that I'm still alive."
"The world depicted in the loose sheets of paper, and the surgical clarity of the records on the disk, were both aspects of the same person."
"Every day I expect some crazy fanatic to get to me."
"The fog enclosed him completely; he thought he could hear the lapping of waves, but it was the fog that dominated."
"Try being a policeman. What we do is never boring."
"You can't solve the murder of that woman either."
"The joy of liberation, she thought. That's what I feel. Like emerging from the sea and knowing I'm clean."
"Shock is a staircase. There are many steps. We are not standing on the same one."
"We don't share each other's secrets. Everything is still too unsure, too uncertain."
"He's promised to let Linda go. That's all I can tell you."
"Welcome to Kliptown. Maybe it's Kliptown, maybe it's some other shantytown."
"Some things were just dictated by life itself."
"She had prepared a small case with some money and clothes."
"The impossibility of reading their thoughts."
"My ancestors used to make them over a thousand years ago."
"The day the secret is revealed, the knife will lose its power."
"He wondered how he was going to come to terms with everything that had happened."
"It was striking how pale he looked, and how thin his face seemed to be. It was almost skeletal."
"Killing a human being, he thought. However much you hate somebody, no matter how desperate you were, there will be a wound in your soul that will never heal."
"He sat in the darkness thinking about each of these men in turn, dredging his memory for clues. But he found none."
"He realised that was her normal voice, and that the one she had used all those years had been a sham. Everything had been a sham."
"Maybe dead," she said. "But maybe I'd have been happy."
"You are the father of my daughter, Jan Kleyn, but you do not have a child. You have nothing but your own ruin."
"Our country is a production line for lies, 24 hours a day. What'll happen when the whole thing collapses?"
"I can't even cry over him," Miranda said. "There's nothing there."
"I hated him," Matilda said. Scheepers could see she was crying.
"I've missed that," he said. "Send my regards to Peter Hanson, and thank him."
"He's a thief," Svedberg said. "You don't thank creeps like that."
"I may well have concluded my last case," he wrote. "And I solved it badly, or rather, not at all."
"Get well soon and hurry back. Your colleagues."
"He looked round. His eyes focused on the hill beyond the stadium."
"He raised his arms over his head like a victor. His smile was very wide."
"It was a historic moment, but it was a historic moment that nobody would ever know about."
"I am an Afrikaner myself, he thought. I ought to be able to understand these lunatic people."
"He was alone with his gun and a few birds hopping around on the ground."