
The Winner Stands Alone Quotes

The Winner Stands Alone by Paulo Coelho

The Winner Stands Alone Quotes
"People are never satisfied. If they have a little, they want more. If they have a lot, they want still more."
"God accompanies your every step and will be annoyed because he can see that you're not paying attention to the miracle of life."
"Normal is anything that makes us forget who we are and what we want; that way we can work in order to produce, reproduce, and earn money."
"Believing that art is either worth a fortune or worth nothing at all."
"Using every means possible to show that, although you're just an ordinary human being, you're far above other mortals."
"Believing that other people are always better than you - better-looking, more capable, richer, more intelligent."
"Assuming that women don't like football and that men aren't interested in home decoration and cooking."
"Vanity of vanities, all is vanity, and there is nothing new under the sun."
"Setting out rules for waging war (the Geneva Convention)."
"Believing that you can be sure of everything you've achieved."
"More weeks and months of coffee and insomnia for the bright young talent who rewrites each scene, which are then rejected or reshaped by the producer."
"Films that break this rule have to be very violent to make up for it, or have loads of crowd-pleasing special effects."
"The producer tries to negotiate. He wants to know how many cinemas in how many countries and under what conditions."
"The days when everyone knew who had won the Palme d'Or are long gone."
"People listen and accept because they have no option. The Superclass rules the world; their decisions are final."
"To do this she needed to purify her soul, and so she turned to the four forces that had always guided her: love, death, power, and time."
"She had promised herself that she would never forget the difficulties she had been through and that her life would contribute to dignifying human life."
"A smile appears on Gabriela's face. 'I said might, I didn't say will be working with.' The smile remains."
"For some months afterward, the mouse was sunk in gloom; it had known the heights and seen a vast and beautiful world."
"They rely on Javits, the independent megadistributor, the hero who managed to break the monopoly of the big studios."
"Anyone who fails to respect our moments of freedom should be removed in such a way that they'll never even consider coming back."
"All she wanted was to recover her will to live, and to feel once again that she had a future."
"At sixteen, she had learned in the hardest way possible that she was incapable of fighting for her own security."
"The world in which she had lived up until then did not belong to her anymore."
"She needed to leave Antwerp, to travel the world, to recover her joy and her strength."
"The boys were let off for lack of evidence; the prosecution had needed two witnesses to corroborate the charges."
"She didn’t ask her advice or try to convince her, she simply said that she wanted to leave Antwerp for good."
"They drink a cup of black coffee with no sugar, and eat some fruit and fiber, so that any other food they consume during the day will pass quickly through."
"They all dream of easy success, only to realize that it doesn’t exist."
"By seventeen, they have all suffered innumerable disappointments, betrayals, humiliations, and yet still they believe."
"They step out of childhood straight into a world of glitz and glamour, without passing through adolescence."
"I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference."
"In this world, only love deserves absolutely everything. Nothing else makes sense."
"Risk everything in the name of chance and keep well away from everything that offers you a world of comfort."
"Talent is a universal gift, but it takes a lot of courage to use it. Don’t be afraid to be the best."
"The soul suffers, suffers greatly, when we force it to live superficially. The soul loves all things beautiful and deep."
"How can we be so arrogant? The planet is, was, and always will be stronger than us."
"The young all have the same dream: to save the world. Some quickly forget this dream, convinced that there are more important things to do."
"Everything starts with a meeting of the main suppliers of dyes."
"He needed his roots. There is a place in the world where we are born, where we learn our mother tongue and discover how our ancestors overcame the problems they had to face."
"The planet will simply erase us from its surface and carry on existing. Why don’t they start talking about not letting the planet destroy us?"
"Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word from God's mouth."
"In her youth, she had always felt rejected by others and never able to be herself."
"If sin achieves something good, it is a virtue, and if virtue is deployed to cause evil, it is a sin."
"She saw that he was intelligent and would go far in life, plus he seemed to understand her."
"Love, she believed, would grow over time as they became closer."
"The years passed, there were the inevitable failures and sleepless nights, then things started to improve."
"She felt comfortable with him. When he had told her that he'd never met anyone like her and suggested they live together, she felt she had nothing to lose."
"She had no children, and her husband was so married to his work that he probably wouldn't even notice she was gone."
"I left it all behind, and I don't regret it one bit. I would have made the same decision because I know that I need to live without fear."
"My husband has lost his reason. Whether it stems from his war experiences or stress from overwork, I've no idea."
"Many generous, compassionate people can, from one moment to the next, change completely."
"He would only kill someone he loved if he saw that she was mad, had completely lost her way and begun to destroy her own life."
"Fashion may renew itself every six months, but one thing remains the same: bouncers always wear black."
"Every color has a purpose, although people may think they're chosen at random."
"Cinderella! If people believed more in fairy tales instead of just listening to their husbands and parents, they would be experiencing what she's experiencing now."
"He has finally understood that you cannot search out happiness at any price. Life has given him all it could."
"The Superclass are as dependent on their success as an addict is on his drugs, and nowhere near as happy."
"He is protected by the spirit of the girl who understands his mission perfectly, and who is now beginning to open his eyes to the real reason for his trip to Cannes."
"Just being alive is bad for the health. It always ends in death sooner or later."
"A sense of gratitude is important; no one gets very far if he forgets those who were with him in his hour of need."
"A man's dignity isn't measured by the people he has around him when he's at the peak of his success, but by his ability not to forget those who helped him when his need was greatest."
"Everyone has their ups and downs. Some of his former backers had spent time in prison, but he had never abandoned them, even though he no longer needed their help."
"The first thing you do when you arrive at a hotel is give a large tip to the concierge without asking anything in exchange; all successful businessmen do this."
"You can get anything you want with those three things, even a silver envelope with the seductive words 'For you' written in fine calligraphy."
"He had held off using it until the very end because if Ewa had failed to understand the other messages, this—the most sophisticated of all—would leave no room for doubt."
"Life has many ways of testing a person's will, either by having nothing happen at all or by having everything happen all at once."
"What terrifies her now is the sense that everything could change from one moment to the next; how can she make sure that the miracle of today continues tomorrow?"
"If you love someone, you must be prepared to set them free."
"Accumulating love brings luck, accumulating hatred brings disaster."
"Leave cinema to the filmmakers, music to the musicians, and literature to the writers."
"People get lost in the desert because they're taken in by mirages."
"To everything its proper time; it would be best to wait for the right moment."
"Despite his many years of working in this glamorous world, he still has a lot to learn."
"Murders can take place next door or out in the street, but parties like this only occur at the very top of society."
"The lavish invitation card would arrive two months later."
"They need to prove to everyone that they're still members of the Superclass."
"The most important words in any language are the short ones: yes, for example, or love or God."
"I never planned to be a model, and I didn’t even think I was capable of falling in love."
"They think they're at the peak of their careers and the inevitable descent frightens them."