
Someone Who Will Love You In All Your Damaged Glory Quotes

Someone Who Will Love You In All Your Damaged Glory by Raphael Bob-Waksberg

Someone Who Will Love You In All Your Damaged Glory Quotes
"I love any situation where all of a sudden everything changes and the rules don’t apply."
"It’s not what we do that makes us who we are. It’s what we don’t do that defines us."
"But in science, we’re constantly making new discoveries."
"I actually think that fight was a really good fight for us, as a couple."
"I love you too much. Could that be the problem?"
"No girl’s going to come up and talk to me when I’ve got another girl sitting right next to me."
"You didn’t get to the resort until Saturday."
"Every seven years, the cells in our bodies completely replace themselves."
"West scrawled HEATHER in big block letters on a yellow legal pad."
"I see them all the time. This is supposed to be a vacation, right?"
"I don’t drink," you blurted out, as if he had asked you.
"It looks like you already got some sun, Heather."
"I’ll be fine, but your display of paternal compassion has been noted by all."
"The things that are the most important aren’t shared; they are important only to us."
"And sometimes he has interesting things to talk about, like one time, he saw the new X-Men movie, and then on Tuesday, he told me the whole story, so I didn’t have to pay to see it myself."
"So whenever Harrison wants to talk about his extra-large fuck-doll that he keeps in the back of his van, and I want to be like, Dude, shut the fuck up, nobody cares, instead I’m just like, Come on, man, there are kids here."
"If any guest at the park wants to talk to you, which basically only happens if there’s a long line to talk to one of the important presidents, there’s really just two things you have to know about Chester A. Arthur."
"I like seeing Emika in the morning, because then it feels like it’s going to be a good, normal day, with no surprises."
"But also because second of all, Founding Fathers Square is about as far as you can get from Wardrobe, so you have to imagine Monroe having to walk all the way across the park covered in little kid piss."
"The only problem is I feel bad giving my sweaty costume to Emika for her to clean, which is I guess the downside of Emika working the night shift."
"Hey, Ramona, what do you think of the new Drake album? BARF. Really? You used to love Drake. You don’t like the new stuff? BARF."
"Guess you hate Drake now. And Ramona smiles, even while barfing, and is like, You’re so stupid."
"It’s not that he’s a pervert, he tried to explain; he just got confused between deaf kids and blind kids."
"But why remember what history was, when instead you can experience what history is?"
"Waj’m Maj’vht is a perfect genetic combination of the first ten presidents."
"I like the eyes, though. Waj’m’s eyes? Did you see them? They’re soulful."
"Ten men in one body—I feel like there’s a lot going on in there—I mean, when he’s not vomiting."
"Well, I might not be the sharpest commemorative butter knife in the presidential gift shop but I’m not a complete moron."
"I’m Benjamin Harrison—the less famous Harrison. Think about that for a second, I’m less notable than the guy who was only president for a month."
"Clinics. What do they know, right? Total quacks. I told Mom, no more medical advice from people who take seven years to graduate college."
"Loving someone is kind of like being president, in that it doesn’t change you, not really. But it brings out more of the you that you already are."