
The Twin Quotes

The Twin by Natasha Preston

The Twin Quotes
"Everything is going to be different now, and he seems to be in a hurry to start our new life."
"Things weren’t perfect before, but I want my old life back."
"I’m always happier in spring. But right now, it might as well be winter again."
"There’s been nothing but silence from me. It’s not because I don’t care; it’s because I don’t know what to say."
"Nothing is big enough to fill the enormous void left by our mom."
"Or I’ll want that to work, but I know it’s going to take more than a couple of distractions to make the pain disappear."
"I wish so much that she didn’t have to be, you know? So much has changed, and I’m not ready for any of it."
"I want things to go back to the way they were."
"I don’t handle it well when there’s nothing I can do."
"Anything can be accelerated if done properly."
"I want to remember Mom without the heavy sadness and bitter anger."
"I think you have to be open to it for it to be helpful."
"Believe it or not, it does help. You just have to find someone you're comfortable speaking to."
"It’s not always easy to find the right words."
"Stop living in the future, Ivy. We’re here now."
"You can coast through under the radar or you can have a freakin’ party."
"Everyone knows you meet your lifelong friends in college."
"Plateaus are normal. We’ve all been there."
"It was more like months and it felt like years."
"Hey, you might suck now, but you won’t always."
"I’m not going to pretend that I’m okay because I’m not."
"Nothing will be difficult for a little while."
"Trust me, you’ll be surprised what that does for you."
"I’m not usually wrong when my gut tells me something is off."
"I would spend my life swimming like that if I felt the same complete freedom."
"I pushed it too hard, but I beat my personal best time."
"It took me longer than I’d like to admit to pull myself together, but I did it."
"All I want is my nice little life back, so I’ll let things slide for now to keep the peace I’m so desperate for."
"The decision he will make is to not see anyone until we’re settled."
"I need a pause button on life because I’ve reached my limit for now."
"I’m fine with him dating; I’m not fine with him introducing anyone new to my life yet."
"I can’t shake the feeling that something else is coming."
"I’m not emotionally ready for anything else."
"You haven’t been sleeping well; you haven’t for a while."
"Someone’s opinion about you only matters if you care about them."
"I promise I won’t keep anything from you again."
"I’m trying not to be too hostile to everyone, though I feel it."
"Giving Ty space is clearly what he needs; getting in his face right now isn’t going to make things better."
"I refuse to react to her again. I’m cutting off the oxygen."
"People aren’t happy that you’ve been lying. People aren’t happy that Ty is hurting."
"I couldn’t care less about being popular, so if the cheerleaders hate me now because Ellie’s boyfriend kissed me for half a second before they got together, then so be it."
"Nice to know my two best friends have been discussing me again."
"Humans are a little more complicated than that."
"I wish she would want to make her life less crumbly, not make mine more."
"I’ve done nothing but that and it’s not working."
"Relief washes over me, and I sink to the floor."
"That’s the twin thing to do. That’s the human thing to do."
"I’m not going to react to her again. If that’s what she’s trying to make me do."
"Everyone only sees the success, not the sacrifice and effort."
"You can’t be angry when you’re listening to Ed, and I need to slightly tamp the anger burning in my stomach."
"I feel like screaming. The desperate need to fix this and have everything go back to normal itches at my skin."
"The girl with all the secrets will only get better at hiding them if challenged."
"I rarely see you, Ivy. You don’t get into trouble and I will admit, this seems out of character, but I cannot ignore the fact that the paper was in your locker."
"Someone else put it in there. I changed my code to my damn birthday!"
"But I’m so glad Dad couldn’t get out of work to see this."
"Everyone is talking about me anyway. People who don’t even know me are talking about me."
"You don’t need to make me look bad to make yourself look good. One day it will all fall apart—everyone will know what you’ve done, and you’ll be left with nothing."
"I’ve planted exam papers and wrecked a pool without leaving a trace of evidence."
"Nothing magically happened for me. I worked my ass off for it all."
"Friendships work both ways. I put in the effort with them too."
"You have no idea who you’re dealing with. Be grateful it’s only your friends and swim team that you’ve lost."
"Enjoy your weekly milkshake and listening to Leo give you a play-by-play of every game. It’s exactly what you deserve."
"My God, you’re a bitch. I should have killed you when I had the chance."
"You don’t know what you’re talking about. You weren’t there! He was only with her to spend time with me."
"No one is talking about locking anyone up," he says, his voice soft yet firm.
"This isn’t forever. You have all the help and support you need in here. When you’re ready, we’ll be waiting."
"One day you’ll see you that you locked the wrong daughter up, and it’ll be too late for us."
"You’re finally seeing things clearly," I whisper. "All you’re seeing is what she wants you to. How can you not get that?"