
The Neighbor Favor Quotes

The Neighbor Favor by Kristina Forest

The Neighbor Favor Quotes
"I wasn’t quite sure what to make of Violet’s engagement. It seemed that out of nowhere, she’d met Eddy and decided to get serious. But Lily had fallen for a stranger she’d met online, who hadn’t even turned out to be the stranger she thought he was. Her actions had been more illogical, so how could she judge anyone?"
"It makes me very sad that you spend Christmas alone, but you asked me not to feel bad for you, so that’s all I’m going to say on the subject."
"I know you’re reading this email and thinking that I must be a truly sorry person. But, really, I prefer to be alone, so don’t feel bad for me, okay?"
"I’ve been thinking for a while that maybe we could "meet" before you move here. How do you feel about a video chat? I’d really love to see you, even if it’s through a screen. Only if you’re comfortable, of course."
"I’m not sure that I would call what I do "dating." It’s hard to commit to someone when you know you’ll be gone in a few weeks. I don’t see the point in long distance."
"And wait. You tried to write fiction? Was it a short story? The beginning of an Elves sequel??? I’m sure it wasn’t terrible. You can always share your writing with me if you want an opinion!"
"It’s about time. She’s been giving you hints for a while."
"Just tell her the truth. You like her, and you want to take her out for a nice dinner. Be yourself. You got this. You’re the man. Come on, say it."
"I’d like to see you too. I can do Sunday. How about 12pm, New York time? That’s 7pm for me."
"Why couldn’t she just be normal and talk to him?"
"One day soon, she’d get up the nerve to actually talk to him."
"She wasn’t bold like Violet or strategic like Iris, but she’d have to be in order to ask out Fine as Hell Neighbor."
"But how the hell was he supposed to continue a story he’d given up on over six years ago?"
"That’s what happens when you let your child watch Cobra Kai."
"And it was literally the best kiss of my life."
"I’m trying to decide where we should go for Violet’s bachelorette party."
"Neither of us are looking for anything romantic."
"He’s sure got you cheesing pretty hard to not be a date."
"His partially visible brown chest was strong and smooth."
"Thank God for sisters who wore the same clothing and shoe size."
"Seventy bucks for a pair of pants. Can you believe that?"
"You should keep them. They look good on you."
"Well, if that’s what you think, maybe I should."
"I spent at least three hours searching for bell-bottoms."
"Marcus’s fiancé, Caleb, will be happy. He takes themes very seriously."
"The apartment was almost completely dark, save for the huge disco ball."
"She was here to find a potential wedding date."
"I’ve never been in a serious relationship before."
"At the end of the day, Nick really had no idea what he’d gotten himself into."
"She looked so fucking good. Like a golden goddess or something."
"I wish you would have told me that when we were at IKEA."
"A family tradition. A concept he knew nothing about. But he wished he did."
"Fuck it. No more of this bullshit. Lily owed Edith nothing."
"She deserved respect and to work with someone who believed in her."
"I have something really important to say to Lily, and I’ve never done something like this before."
"If you are genuine and earnest, whatever you say will be well received."
"I wrote this book when I was twenty-two years old."
"I needed Deko to survive despite the many life challenges he experienced, because I needed to survive the challenges in my life too."
"She was beautiful and still. He didn’t take his eyes off her as he continued to speak."
"I love you. I’ve loved you since you sent me that first email last year."
"I’m sorry about what I said on the phone the other day. All of the things you said were right."
"Valentine’s day was nothing but a capitalist scam."
"Love was a joke. At least the romantic variety."
"She didn’t have time to think about lost love or old ghosts."