
Jar Of Hearts Quotes

Jar Of Hearts by Jennifer Hillier

Jar Of Hearts Quotes
"Justice isn't just about the punishment. It's about restoring what was lost, as much as that's possible."
"Angela's mother was a shallow, materialistic woman fourteen years ago."
"Seeing their faces, etched with equal parts heartache and fury, is the worst part of this whole thing."
"I could have spared them fourteen years of sleepless nights."
"The discovery of the sixteen-year-old's remains sent shockwaves through the community."
"Every year after high school, wherever she was in the world, Candace Wong Platten mailed Geo a Christmas card."
"Five years. It's both a nightmare and a gift."
"A beautiful girl on a beautiful day, with the world at her feet."
"She describes her fear and confusion, things she's never discussed with anyone before."
"If they gave degrees for compartmentalizing, Geo would have a Ph.D."
"Her hands remain in her lap, and she twists her ring around, feeling the weight of it, the security of it."
"The only way to get rid of it is to consume it."
"Years later, when you saw the news reports, did you put it together that Calvin James was the Sweetbay Strangler?"
"In the beginning, Geo never expected to get away with it."
"The reality of prison—the bleakness of it, the sameness of it, the unrelenting fear of getting attacked—is horrific."
"She’s a prison virgin. And they can smell it on her."
"Hold your head high. Carry yourself like you run the place."
"She’s never felt anything like it before, or since. Not even with Andrew."
"I wanted to tell you back then what happened, what I did, so many times."
"It’s hard to believe that just over six months ago, she was interviewed for an article."
"I remember how it used to be. We were all best friends, for fuck’s sake. That shit doesn’t go away."
"It's not as bad as people think it is. You get used to it."
"I can’t imagine what that did to you. It’s a punishment all its own."
"She’s never allowed herself to think about it in a long time."
"Being friends with a CO has made life a bit easier."
"Keeping Bukowski happy for the twenty-four hours until her release is important."
"Caring for Cat reminds her that she’s still a good person, that she can still do good things."
"Tomorrow, you’ll be a free woman, and I want you to go home and never look back."
"Don’t ever come back here, ever. Not even to see me. Not even when I’m dying."
"Technically, Cat needs to be approved to have a TV in her cell, but Geo can’t imagine anyone will deny her sick friend something that Geo doesn’t need anymore, anyway."
"Five years ago, Geo had regular appointments at the nail salon down the street from her house."
"Those mani-pedi appointments seem like an absurd luxury now."
"How can she leave her friend in here to die?"
"Police haven’t yet confirmed the identities of the victims, but we can confirm that one is an adult female and the other is a minor."
"Terror seizes her heart in a vice grip, wrapping it in steel fingers that won’t let up."
"The first time Geo laid eyes on Calvin James, she was sixteen."
"It was confusing; he seemed to want other guys to notice her, but god forbid they looked too long."
"Deep down, though, there was a small part of Geo that liked it."
"The problem was that none of those public service announcements addressed any of the real issues behind abusive relationships."
"It’s strange to not have a routine, to not be told when she can or can’t do something."
"Living a life that isn’t meant for you is its own version of hell."
"This is all about you, I feel it. If that concerns you at all."
"We can sit here and discuss who’s the bigger failure, but I’ll save you the trouble: We both are."
"MURDERER. It’s not the welcome home she expected, but that doesn’t mean it’s not the welcome home she deserves."
"Her father only had two girlfriends after his wife died, the first while Geo was in grade school and the second while she was in high school. Both women were very nice, but neither relationship lasted long."
""You only get one heart," Walt said to his daughter after the second one ended."
"You might have been a good kid. But you surprised us all, didn’t you?"
"The devil. With a pretty face and a showy car."
"You both suck. I would never ignore either of you for a guy."
"Our fight... that was a wake-up call. I don’t want to throw my whole life away for a guy."
"Don’t do what I did and waste it on the wrong person."
"If he wants to be with a sixteen-year-old, then he needs to see what your life is like."
"You’re the girl guys marry. You’re the one I want, Georgina. Only you."
"Because we’re sixteen, and that’s the shit we do."
"You’re the only person I know who knew Calvin intimately, and is still alive."
"Calvin didn’t grow into a monster. Calvin was always a monster. I just didn’t see it back then."
"Because that smell—of rotting flesh, of rotting soul—is you."
"He left the same way he came in, through the window."
"What was left, he took the night he raped her in her own bedroom."
"Geo stares at the empty Mason jar on the nightstand now."
"It was punishment for what she’d done to Angela."
"No one, not even Kaiser, could love her if they knew the whole story."
"Like Claire Toliver, the woman’s eyes are gouged out."
"All I care about is catching the motherfucker."
"It’s hard seeing victims this way, especially children."
"The only thing deader than their affair were the two bodies in the ground."
"I can’t deal with any more death. Of any kind."
"That’s the missing piece, whoever’s child he is, that’s the key to this whole thing."
"You see what you want to see, not what’s there."
"It was a loss multiplied by infinity, the grief of it all feeling like a giant hole."
"How could she possibly apologize to her child for his life?"
"I’ve been going for twenty years," she says. "I lead the weekly meeting at St. Andrews."
"I promised her I wouldn’t let her die in there."
"The philandering husband who was divorcing her."
"I lost her, too, you know. Or did you forget that part?"
"I know you did. And I am so sorry for your loss."
"I can’t bring back the dead, but I can protect the people I love who are still alive."
"It was ironic to her how she could spend those days with someone else all the time."
"It’s just… she was supposed to live here, with me."
"I can’t imagine getting rid of it. And I can’t imagine being a mom."
"I have to keep moving forward, okay? That’s what’s best for me."
"We were best friends. At least, I thought we were."
"I don’t have the gene," Mrs. Robinson said flatly.
"It’s how I push through all this, Detective."
"After everything, after every terrible thing she’s both done and let happen."
"Is today too soon? I can be there in an hour."
"I didn’t kill her, but I helped Calvin cover it up. And then I lied. To the cops, to her parents, to my father, to our friends, to everyone."
"I think I justified it by telling myself it wouldn’t bring Angela back."
"Covering up her death was a mistake. That’s really the part that makes you a terrible person."
"I understood, for the first time, how hard it is to be judged by your worst mistake."
"Fear can make you do more wrong than hate or jealousy."
"Love—healthy love, the kind that doesn’t hurt or bruise or take away someone’s sense of self-worth—is like anything else that’s important in life. It has to be taught."
"Hurt people will always hurt people, and the wounds gouged into Dominic over the years can never heal. They’re too deep."
"Every decision she’s made, everything she’s done, has led to this. Her son is a monster, yes. But he didn’t get it all from his father."
"She didn’t think, that was what. Years of her baby’s childhood, spent with parents who didn’t truly love him, or each other, as it turned out."