
The Silent Ones Quotes

The Silent Ones by K.L. Slater

The Silent Ones Quotes
"I thought we’d never get to the end of that lot."
"Our time could be spent far more productively and you might not complain about being exhausted the whole time."
"I’m on top of my responsibilities, thanks for asking."
"We have big plans to expand by selling to Europe in the next twelve months."
"Sir Alan Sugar never got anywhere in business by being cautious."
"Fairly paid work for local people, and we get vibrant, happy clothes made with care."
"There’s been a serious incident and we need you both to come with us to the station."
"We can’t afford to do anything to jeopardise this order now I’ve put the house up as collateral."
"It’s vital we break through that as soon as possible. It can only hamper their defence."
"We fight with everything we have to get them out of here."
"You’d think the police would need all their resources there, instead of rounding us up."
"Your daughters aren’t injured, but as I’ve already said, there has been a serious incident."
"It’s a big ask, but I don’t want innocent kids blamed for something they didn’t do."
"I can’t bear seeing my baby like this, Mum."
"I thought they’d go easier on her, be less formal."
"That poor old lady is seriously ill in hospital, and someone put her there."
"The press haven’t been informed yet, and he’s asked you don’t repeat the information outside of this room for now."
"Her heart beat a little faster when she began to consider just how far Chloe could go with this."
"Absent-mindedly she rubbed the arms of the chair, her fingertips grazing over the worn, bare patches."
"Maths! Joan thought disparagingly. Where was the glamour in that?"
"‘Don’t be silly.’ Joan suddenly sat up so Chloe’s head slid away from her shoulder. ‘If you’ve got a talent for something, then you go for it, my girl. Don’t be weak and don’t let anyone get in the way.’"
"His heart was heavy from worrying about Maddy."
"‘I can see you performing as a rhythmic gymnast, and I’ll be right there in the front row to cheer you on.’"
"‘You’re not in trouble, Josh. It’s just very important that your dad and I know every scrap of truth.’"
"‘We’ve got to find out from the kids exactly what happened in that house, Dana.’"
"‘Local businesswomen’s daughters are now murder suspects.’"
"‘You’re not that school therapist they had to fire last year, are you?’"
"‘I wouldn’t mind a session,’ I say quietly."
"‘I want to hear all about the trip. We can go to Annesley Woods and you can show me some survival stuff. How about that?’"
"‘I’m afraid we’re now looking at a murder inquiry.’"
"‘This is not any family. This is a family that’s hiding something. I can feel it in the spaces between their words and the odd dynamic between them all.’"
"‘She doesn’t need us turning against her as well.’"
"‘If I don’t do my job, then justice can’t be done,’ was her stock answer."
"‘The only thing that’s going to help is to get them talking. We have to know what happened in that house.’"
"‘I still can’t believe it.’ Helen stared vacantly at the tabletop. ‘I can’t stay long, but someone said you were in the café and so I had to come in. I just had to.’"
"‘She’s always been mischievous, you know that… remember the bathroom flooding incident at the dance school and the prank with Mum’s neighbour’s cat?’"
"But she had found her courage too late."
"The stuff people told her either added up or it didn’t. Simple as."
"She could just sense there was something stuck at the back of all their throats like a fish bone."
"The way people actually felt inside compared to the way they wanted to appear externally was always an interesting study."
"Talking about a problem often helps, because it provides an outlet for all that stress bottled up inside."
"Facing up to your actions and working hard to try and put things right."
"We willingly accept different standards of behavior from different people and before we know it, the brainwashing is complete."
"She’d made no reference to happiness, love, or closeness."
"I’ve had it with pussy-footing around her, Tom. She needs to face up to what she’s done."
"The problem is in following through and making it happen."
"You’re causing yourself undue distress by dipping in and out like this."
"Everything in there has literally gone up in smoke. It will probably totally ruin us."
"I’ve known you long enough to tell when you’re distracted."
"The truth has got to come out soon and I can’t believe either of the girls did anything wrong."
"I’ve put so much into the business for so long, it keeps pulling me back."
"I’ve got to try somehow and put my poor boy’s death behind me."
"I’m so sorry to hear you’ve been forced to close InsideOut4Kids."
"She’s a child, for goodness’ sake. She didn’t do it… Maddy can’t have done something like that."
"People do make mistakes, but that doesn’t mean they deserve to be vilified all their lives by their own family."