
A Girl From Nowhere Quotes

A Girl From Nowhere by James Maxwell

A Girl From Nowhere Quotes
"No one’s doubting that. Bax are as tough as basalt wood but you knew how to bring them down."
"I’ve always heard rumors, bouncing around from the rovers to the settlers and back. But the mystic here, she can cast far enough to actually see it."
"If you don’t like the truth, next time don’t ask."
"My whole life people have looked at me like I’m a monster."
"He’s a runt. One of the wherries that never become wyverns."
"I’ve never seen it, but it’s what I’ve heard."
"Everyone says that the Protector of the white city is wise."
"Everyone needs to fit into their place. A home. A life. People who care about you."
"It’s like when your pack settles on your shoulder, or when you put a knife back in its sheath."
"A strong mystic is worth hundreds of warriors."
"There were countless experiences around her, a lifetime to behold."
"She is in there. Your wife was only taken three days ago."
"You know she is gone. I will soon be fighting humans wearing her skin as armor."
"I’m sorry, but it has nothing to do with me."
"The humans may murder our young, but we will not descend to their level."
"You can take your chances with the bax and your skalen friends."
"Looks like you’ve rejoined the land of the living."
"I don’t need to tell you to avoid scorpions. They range from no larger than your finger to the size of a wyvern."
"The biggest are the hellstingers. If you find yourself facing one, the only way to survive is to cut off its tail."
"Its claws are razor sharp and can take off a limb as easily as you can pick a cactus flower."
"Its spit, which is a painful acid. Just avoid them, Taimin. Avoid them at all costs."
"The poison in the hellstinger’s tail was said to be unlike anything else: lingering and excruciating."
"Humans can get blood madness from a firehound’s bite, but not from a wyvern."
"The Protector wants you to see him as an enemy. Not just him, but all of his race."
"As long as you are afraid, he remains in power."
"Out in the wasteland, people tell stories of the incredible white city. A haven. A place of peace."
"Zorn could trade for the water it needs. Blixen doesn’t want war. He just wants the raids to stop."
"The people should know the truth. If we tell the people the truth, then the Protector will fall."
"We will not stop until we have taken the city."
"You defy the soldiers they all fear. Galen can’t let you survive any longer."
"By the rains, look at those monsters," Vance muttered. "Have you ever seen jaws that big?"
"Our chances aren't good," Taimin let out a breath.
"Please, let it be quick," she whispered under her breath.
"Listen to me," Taimin said sharply. "They crunch bones in their jaws, that's why their heads are so big."
"You can fight," Vance said to Lars in admiration.
"I'm old, but I'm not that old," Lars scowled back.
"The people don’t want to see me defeat a man who has been poisoned or had his fingers broken."
"You can do it, Taimin," she whispered under her breath. "You can beat him."
"People of Zorn! This is your time. Rise up and join us!"
"Abi had always taught Taimin to never falter, to stay committed until his enemy was down."
"The city guard was gone. Galen had fallen, but the Protector still lived."
"Taimin kept his gaze fixed on the tower’s summit."
""You know it’s over," she said. She held his stare."
"Selena stood on the verge of the precipice and her expression was thoughtful."
""The Protector has used fear as his weapon. He has sought to create hatred for anyone different from ourselves."
""We began this war, and we can end it. With the fall of the city guard, we have an opportunity for peace."
""We want peace restored. We want to trade and share knowledge," Elsa said."
""The city can’t continue as it is. Give us hope," Elsa told Taimin."
""It’s like the stories we tell of Earth," Taimin said."
""This changes everything. The news alone would give people hope," Elsa said."
""I refuse to cast anyone out of the city, but there are too many people here. What can I do? They have nowhere else to go," Elsa expressed her concern."
""It was like the stories we tell of Earth," Taimin reflected on their discovery."
""Zorn could be a haven for all," Elsa envisioned a future for the city."