
The Kindness Of Strangers Quotes

The Kindness Of Strangers by Katrina Kittle

The Kindness Of Strangers Quotes
"He looked back and remembered a time he’d never dreamed there’d be a scene like this."
"They couldn’t live like that. They’d never get anything done."
"Danny loved the days when they remembered that."
"But in college he’d studied a bit about reincarnation in a comparative-religions class."
"Knowing everything he knew now, seeing how it had turned out so far, from this better place, he thought he’d choose this life again."
"A jar of raspberry preserves was bound to set off a family story."
"She cracked open an egg, but instead of a yolk, a bloody chick embryo fell into the bowl."
"She remembered kissing him, with the tangy juice still on their lips."
"I’ll keep you from floating away. There’s a connection between us, even though you can’t see it."
"Nate didn’t believe that everything happened for a reason. He refused to believe it."
"I’m going to count to three, and on three I want you to cough."
"Sometimes the memory seemed so recent it could still make the panic thicken in Danny’s chest."
"You’re safe here, and we’re going to make sure no one hurts you ever again."
"Sometimes they’d just have small dinner parties. Not clients. Associates. Still business, just smaller, more informal."
"Courtney had complained about it. She got tired of being 'on,' but it was the reality of their livelihoods."
"He’s always in a trance, it seems. Lost in his head. It makes him seem almost... slow."
"I think he’s just painfully shy, but it can come across as sullen or aloof."
"You never got to see him? At all? That poor boy was in the hospital and hadn’t even been able to see his mother?"
"She clasped her hands in front of her as if in prayer."
"The girl had left the room when Sarah entered. But other than how embarrassingly schoolgirl-giddy Sarah became in Mark’s presence, she mostly remembered the cigars."
"Sarah couldn’t get a grasp on the questions."
"She wondered if he had somehow brought down this nightmare on his parents."
"The enormity of what had happened expanded in Sarah’s chest."
"They make it sound like it was all his fault."
"The sensation of being held brought tears to Sarah’s eyes."
"She hoped Courtney would be out by the time Monday’s mail arrived."
"She didn’t think she could tolerate another body next to her right now."
"I guess they haven’t seen or spoken to each other in almost twenty years."
"Yesterday she’d felt so sure of what she knew; she’d expected the truth to fall down like rain."
"Isn’t it a trip to think of that? This … this person came from us? Is a part of us. Is us. You know?"
"I want women to know their own bodies. To have power over their own bodies."
"The sound a child makes when sexually assaulted is often silence."
"Most successful child molesters are attractive, white, upper-class, educated people."
"The purpose of this meeting was not to alarm you and send you home full of fear but to educate you."
"It is not a cycle that has to continue. Not at all."
"It’s as if they have letters painted on their foreheads that are invisible to everyone else."
"But illness or no illness, it is a crime."
"Kids are amazingly resilient. To a point, of course."
"It's important for you to also see that helping you was not really her intention."
"Offenders are misread over and over again because people like you and me expect those who use us to have the decency to feel bad about it."
"But they don’t. Instead of feeling remorse over hurting or deceiving others, most sexual offenders feel satisfaction, a kind of childlike pride in putting one over on people."
"Helping Jordan is in our hands, so let’s concentrate on that."
"We’re entrusting you with someone else’s child. We have to know that this child is safe."
"It seemed stupid that some kid who lived in a house where anyone who wanted could have sex with him might be considered in danger living with this family because one of their windows was painted shut."
"I knew you wouldn’t do it. You’re just gonna defend your sicko ‘friend.’"
"Curled up on the couch, she looked as if she’d sit there forever and listen to whatever he wanted to say."
"It was easier to talk about Dad to someone other than Mom."
"I’m not saying I’m changing my mind… But I sure wish I knew what made them so unfriendly to each other."
"This new way of being felt like speaking a foreign language."
"The only things under this bed were Jordan’s shoes."
"I never had a brother. I have no idea what I’m supposed to tell you."
"You can have anything, except the orange-and-pine-nut ones."
"I thought maybe … maybe what? That he’d get to screw her?"
"He’s going to recover … you know, physically."
"I don’t know yet what I’m going to do with you. It makes me tired."
"I thought about coming over, I was so mad at you."
"I don’t want to talk to you about the damn rabbit."
"I don’t want the first time to be… I don’t know."
"Maybe I am different since Jordan came to live with us."
"We just… didn’t. We were going to, but… we messed around and—"