
The Sisters Of Auschwitz: The True Story Of Two Jewish Sisters' Resistance In The Heart Of Nazi Territory Quotes

The Sisters Of Auschwitz: The True Story Of Two Jewish Sisters' Resistance In The Heart Of Nazi Territory by Roxane van Iperen

The Sisters Of Auschwitz: The True Story Of Two Jewish Sisters' Resistance In The Heart Of Nazi Territory Quotes
"The moment we drive onto the woodland path and the house emerges between the trees, we fall in love."
"This house is enormous and even has a name: The High Nest."
"Walls are renovated and stairs sanded, revealing ceilings with ingenious beam structures."
"A perplexing history which, as it turns out, includes an important part of the Dutch war years, unknown to most."
"One cannot become untrue to oneself. One cannot fool oneself either."
"Fietje has fallen madly in love with ever cheerful Joseph."
"The victory marks the beginning of a loving relationship."
"Fietje and other women in the neighbourhood always keep a large pan of soup on the stove for the poor."
"We have not come here to oppress and destroy a national character."
"Things will be different here than they are in the eastern occupied countries."
"The Germans will at least show respect for this civilized Western country."
"Jews are now banned from visiting cinemas, cafés or markets."
"I am not filling in any declarations and neither are you."
"The Germans are completely taken by surprise by the resistance."
"Bob goes into hiding with Haakon and Mieke at Johannes Verhulststraat, Amsterdam."
"Janny is on her own now, fortunately she sees a lot of her family."
"As it was, it was neither the Jewish sisters, nor the German deserter, who was forced into hiding first, but the Dutchman."
"A shadow of the former Eberhard reports at the committee in The Hague."
"Anything with a beating heart passes; they simply need cannon fodder."
"It is impossible to stay in Bergen, returning to The Hague is no option and Amsterdam is hermetically shut."
"With gentle charm but a look that will not take ‘no’ for an answer, she arranges for Bob to be allowed back at the Food Supply."
"The High Nest has its back turned towards the road; the entrance to the central hall as well as the kitchen door is at the back."
"In the middle of the lawn is a gazebo, square with a pointed roof and large windows all around."
"Jaap’s head pops out of the shed, his glasses on the tip of his nose, a dazed expression on his face."
"The High Nest is enclosed by wild heathland and woods. In the middle of the lawn is a gazebo."
"The rest of the party is still on their way – Eberhard with Father, Lientje with Kathinka."
"As dawn falls, the meadows behind the window fade and the reflection of her face slowly appears."
"The High Nest, elevated above its surroundings by the earth."
"Trees everywhere, trees as far as her eyes can see. Not one house, not one street, not one person."
"It is as if they have never lived there. Lien has left with Kathinka, Eberhard’s detailed instructions impressed on her mind."
"In a dark corner of the living room, Joseph is waiting in an armchair."
"All that matters is arriving, even if it takes them all night."
"The street is dead quiet, only the soft thrumming of raindrops on asphalt follows them."
"The thought briefly fills Mik with optimism and pride."
"The fight has flared up, Discord must go away, From our beautiful land."
"Be careful not to take too many people in. It might go wrong eventually."
"We must watch these people here. Mark my words."
"The streets of Amsterdam have changed beyond recognition."
"The exuberant tweeting and twittering of males attracting mates delights her."
"The sun drives everyone outside and there are more people on the streets."
"It is a good thing active measures were taken. And thus the Jews have gone."
"The only one awake in the large house, with warm, sleeping bodies around her."
"Mik was young, young in years, young in his ideals."
"The creation of the Afsluitdijk dam and causeway may have robbed the village of the sea."
"But when she thinks of all the other children she meets... she finds comfort in the thought that at least their children are together, with their parents, their grandparents and their uncle Jaap."
"The presence of so many grown-ups has made them rather smart."
"In the morning, when Janny arrives downstairs... it feels as if, right in the middle of the forest, she is back in Amsterdam."
"As she’s walking, it always feels as if someone is following her, but she must remain calm."
"Each time she returns to Amsterdam, Janny finds the city emptier."
"On 1 May they cook each other a special dinner... their creativity makes all the difference."
"And it happens; the Brits and the Americans land on the Normandy coast."
"People in shelters throughout Europe are thinking exactly the same: it is only a matter of time before our liberation is a fact."
"Janny is unconscious when they carry her into the police station. She comes to, passes out again, comes to, passes out, but always that tingling sense of triumph."
"In Westerbork there is no place to be alone; each bit of self-determination has been taken from them."
"They worry about deported family members and about what might be awaiting them."
"It is Saturday, 2 September when the verdict is passed – 1,019 names are called for transportation."
"The villa on the hill looks forlorn. Inside, nothing is the same; furniture has been moved, mattresses are turned upside down, curtains pulled off their rails."
"You are not here to eat, you are here to die!"
"It feels as if they are going back. Back in time, back in space, back towards the Netherlands."
"No matter how hard the Nazis try to completely strip prisoners of their personality, in the barracks their last ounce of humanity is persistently standing."
"Stay as close to the doors as possible, gasp for air at the crack."
"The wind is howling across the grounds and tents are flapping like lashes of a whip."
"Bergen-Belsen descends in a free fall of illness and chaos."
"Life’s full of beauty and wonderful things. Don’t hide in a cage, but instead spread your wings."
"Keep your head high, stick your nose in the air. What others are thinking, why would you care?"
"Keep your heart warm, with love it will sing. Wherever you go, you shall be king."
"This gift to yourself keeps on giving. Remember: life is for living!"
"In the midst of winter I, at last, discovered that there was in me an invincible summer."
"The person you talked to in the evening can be outside the barracks on the pile the next day."
"One thing quickly becomes clear: you do not stand a chance on your own."
"When through a lofty gift of fate two souls obtain one jewel, resplendent with health and blessing."
"Life is full of beauty and wonderful things, don’t hide in a cage but instead spread your wings."
"Remember: life is for living! Keep your head high, stick your nose in the air. What others are thinking, why would you care?"