
Time Bomb Quotes

Time Bomb by Jonathan Kellerman

Time Bomb Quotes
"It’s what I went to school to learn how to do."
"The police don’t know much yet. Expect to be finding out more soon."
"I’m twenty-nine already. Comes a time you have to just settle down and bite the bit."
"No reason for you to apologize for that either."
"Common as brown sparrows, but rotten just the same."
"By the time I was twenty-seven I was directing a program for two thousand patients, overseeing a staff of a dozen."
"To talk of the odd girl. Try to explain madness to children."
"You seem to be coming from a hostile place. Possessiveness."
"We’ve had to keep the kids inside for lunch and recess—not that they’re exactly begging to go back out."
"Comes a time you have to just settle down and bite the bit."
"Who is rich? He who is satisfied with his portion."
"Without manners, there is no scholarship. Without scholarship, no manners."
"The true wisdom of the Ethics of the Fathers lies in the ability of the tana’im to put our lives in perspective, generation after generation."
"When we complicate things, we drift further away from our purpose on this planet—getting closer to God."
"The beauty of it, Doctor—of the informational age—is that things can be done so simply."
"The plot thickens, eh, Mr. Policeman? More meat, more worms."
"Given her state of mind, that surprised me. But she kept to herself, avoiding people."
"Knowing Sophie, though, my assumption would be politics."
"If we pull the child away when the wave is high, he never sees that, never learns how to swim and remains afraid."
"The world they live in is dangerous. What could I tell them? Pretend it's Dick-and-Jane territory and go merrily skipping along?"
"We live in a cold world, Alex. Adding to the cynicism level isn’t a virtue."
"He doesn’t like doctors, doesn’t trust them. Can always do better himself."
"My standard advice to companies is, Stay away from mental health benefits."
"He’s a fucking badger, never listens, never gives an inch."
"Holly was weird—she was always weird. But never violent."
"She didn’t cling the way other little sisters do—she always went her own way, doing her own thing."
"I wish there was some way to turn back the clock. I know it’s a fucking cliché, but it would make life a helluva lot easier, wouldn’t it?"
"You can’t do that, can you? It just doesn’t fucking work that way, does it?"
"Nothing like that feeling of competence . . ."
"Think good thoughts. Think about Linda. About kissing her."
"The first kiss was long and deep and I felt as if I was giving myself over to it completely."
"Just as we made it to the door, the phone rang."
"It's an old picture," I said. "I didn't know I still had it."
"In a good way. I think you can handle yourself."
"Fantastic. I'd trade dinner for about an hour of it."
"First we pig out on Mexican food, then we return to either your place or mine, I give you a real Texas massage, and then you can smother me."
"You fought for your stripes a long time ago, Linda. No one's going to take them away from you."
"I'm not the same guy I was a year ago. The whole thing made me take a good look at myself."
"It's over, but we're still dealing with some of the . . . friendship residue."
"I said, 'Wait. Is everything really okay with you?'"
"You just keep getting better and better at the old detecting game."
"I said, 'You just keep getting better and better at the old detecting game.'"
"He said, 'I'm sorry you feel that way. Why don't you come over again? The two of us can put our heads together, develop some hypotheses.'"
"I said, 'Maybe in a while,' I said. 'I'm a little tied up now.'"
"He said, 'I see,' he said. 'But you're not closing the door?'"
"He said, 'Good.' Pause. 'Quite a ruckus down by the school yesterday. Papers said Councilman Latch brought in a rock singer to entertain the children. Making political hay?'"
"He said, 'Why not?' he said. 'Seize the moment. Next thing you know, they'll be dancing on my daughter's grave.'"
"One thing you can take comfort in: Your hunch about there being something funny between Massengil and Dobbs was right on."
"The way things are going, we may never find out."
"The main thing to look out for is their attributing Massengil’s death to something they did—or something they thought."
"The whole thing had the arrogant detachment of an academic conference, the participants conducting scholarly, high-minded discussions of optimal killing techniques."
"Children shoved into boxcars under the approving eyes of soldiers not much older than children themselves."
"Homicide in service of the state. Psychopathy elevated to patriotic duty."
"What’s been going on is so weird I don’t even want to apply logic, because when I do, I start doubting the value of logic."
"Keeping the chain on, I opened the door a couple of inches."
"I looked through the hole, couldn’t see much, even after switching on the landing light."
"Behind her glasses she had a tax auditor’s eyes."
"Blanchard said, 'You’re careful, Doctor. That’s wise.'"
"Consciousness faded. I saw Crisp, watching. Amused."
"Blanchard kept squeezing. I wanted to tell him what I thought of him."
"A heavy, oily blackness oozed up all around me."
"I managed to sit up. My head felt as if it had been squeezed for juice."
"Behind the banner, a red spear-in-a-circle motif."
"Ahlward smiled. 'Because,' he said. 'Every second’s precious.'"
"Ahlward said, 'We’re talking damage control, D.F.'"
"I said, 'Sometimes it’s hard to tell the good guys from the bad.'"
"Blanchard said, 'Not to worry, Doctor. We’re the good guys.'"
"My legs gave out. A heavy, oily blackness oozed up all around me."
"I pressed my face against the window glass. Cold and soothing."
"Blanchard laughed. Crisp laughed back. No internecine conflict now."
"I looked out the window again, barely able to keep my eyes open."
"It felt as if we were moving very fast, but that could have been my head spinning."
"You held up nicely. Your own military background, no doubt—quite impressive."
"I’d suggest that you conserve your anger for those who deserve it."
"Your own people sold you out. Extremely bad form."
"Because he’s a moron, I could see right away there’d be no use working with him."
"If it wasn’t so sad, it would be funny, the incompetence."
"The idiot," said Burden. "He actually believed he had a chance to be promoted to deputy chief."
"Too much time spent on what officers do in bed, whom they do it with, religious beliefs, other irrelevant issues."
"To share feelings. Outline management strategy."
"All in all, a very productive adventure, wouldn’t you say, Gregory?"
"The more questions the merrier. City and state commissions, senate subcommittees, our beloved press. Bring them all on."
"The public has no attention span, craves constant novelty."
"Sounds like something out of Dobbs’s book of tricks."
"Big trouble out in Van Nuys. Fire, multiple deaths. I was lucky—all I lost was my shirt and ID."