
Utopia Quotes

Utopia by Lincoln Child

Utopia Quotes
"If we don’t challenge ourselves, we won’t evolve."
"It wasn’t apprehension—Sarah Boatwright had never had much use for fear of any kind—so much as a kind of wariness."
"We don’t shy away from artifice here. Instead, we strive to immerse guests in illusion. Drown them in it."
"The illusion was remarkable. If it wasn’t for the other guests around him, he’d have sworn they’d traveled back in time."
"She has to like Fats Waller. But then, who doesn’t?"
"Despite how much closer they’d grown in the last three years, there was still this pocket of terra incognita into which he was not allowed to venture."
"Sometimes the realism can get disorienting to guests. So the Nexus provides a neutral setting, a buffer zone, a transition between the Worlds."
"The guidemap folded in his pocket felt like a ticket to another world, one carefully engineered from dreams and digital magic."
"Looking out over the pond, he felt a ripple of something akin to displacement, as if the water itself was a portal to the worlds crafted within Utopia."
"The air smelled of earth, and fresh-cropped grass, and summer, weaving a tapestry of scent that was as inviting as it was artificial."
"Business will go on as usual. Guests will come and go, just like they do every day of the year. Everybody has fun, nobody gets hurt."
"Nothing need happen to compromise that; nothing at all. As long as you follow a few simple ground rules."
"Do exactly as I say, when I say it. Don’t try to stop me, or hamper me, or deceive me in any way. Or else."
"You’ll find I know more about you and your Park than you realize."
"Business as usual. Guests will come and go, just like they do every day of the year. Everybody has fun, nobody gets hurt."
"You may be inclined to doubt what I’ve told you. And you’re clearly a woman who doesn’t scare easily."
"I always think threatening someone should be like administering an injection. Do it quickly, and it won’t hurt as much."
"I mean, you put on so many, shouldn’t you get to see one yourself once in a while?"
"No matter how many women are assigned, the bearing of a child takes nine months."
"When a task cannot be partitioned because of sequential constraints, the application of more effort has no effect on the schedule."
"Everything's striped to a uniform SMPTE time code running at thirty drop frames per second."
"If the beam had been a couple of inches higher, we’d need a body bag instead of a stretcher."
"They checked their fight-or-flight instincts at the door."
"We’ll deal with John Doe. But on our terms, and with our people."
"This is our Park. And that gives us a home court advantage."
"Whenever she had finished a new boat design, she’d given Georgia a replica to add to the bracelet."
"Miscalculated. For the briefest of moments, Warne felt something almost like relief."
"It’s like I told you. He likes to chase things."
"I’d rather you send them to watch my daughter instead."
""Keep him alive for the rest of the day, and maybe you’ll get your lifetime pass.""
"What I couldn’t deal with was confession. I hated it."
""I was convinced I had died in that closet.""
""It’s dark. Somebody’s got to hold your hand.""
"Whatever the case, sixty seconds and another coaster would come through, bringing light as well as noise."
"But I disagree. I saw the blast signature from that charge, remember? Whoever set it was a goddamn artist."
"The fact is, I’m here, and I’m here to help you."
"It was as if they were expecting a flood of casualties. Perhaps they were."
"And then people were falling upon him, crushing him with their weight."
"As he did so, he took a covert glance toward the intersection. Nobody was watching."
"It’s a sad commentary on the times we live in."
"But right now, that didn’t matter. The important thing was, this guy wasn’t the type who’d panic. He had come here for a reason."
"I am a man whom Fortune hath cruelly scratched."
"The worst thing, strangely enough, was the music."
"We’ve got some very bad people in the Park today."
"We designed the ride to be as safe as possible. Not as tamper-proof as possible."
"My God, was it possible he had been here only seven minutes? He felt as if he’d aged at least a year."
"Are you happy with the service? Any problems or concerns I should take up with senior management?"
"The only nonelectric vehicle allowed is the armored car that makes a weekly pickup."
"I suppose the procedure would be about the same."
"Because some very dangerous men are about to come down that passageway."
"We're not dealing with anything normal right now."
"You remember the man, the one with the accent?"
"Sarah is upset. She’s trying to take care of him."
"Grown-ups aren’t supposed to cry," the girl said at last.
"Grown-ups cry, too," Terri replied, still stroking her hair.
"I always wanted to have a sister," Georgia murmured.
"Do you think he’s going to come back—that man with the gun?" Georgia pulled away.
"No, honey. I don’t think so. But we need to stand guard, just the same," Terri drew her close once again.
"Maybe . . . maybe you should lock it, too," Georgia stirred in the embrace.
"OCEAN: PROFOUNDLY BLUE, deep inviolate azure, troubled only by infrequent flecks of white."
"Pain is your friend. It means you’re not so far gone that you’re useless."
"You light the fuse with a portfire. At full-arm extension. There’s a very short delay, perhaps a half second, so be sure to get well away."