
Three Dark Crowns Quotes

Three Dark Crowns by Kendare Blake

Three Dark Crowns Quotes
"Every ounce of strength in her slight frame is needed to keep her chin high and her shoulders square."
"Small queens do not inspire much confidence."
"The poison she will have to consume, the sheer amounts of it, may still overcome Natalia’s training."
"Tonight is a party. For you, on your birthday. Enjoy it, Queen Katharine."
"What would be the death of others will nourish you."
"The strongest poisoner queens have poison blood."
"When the real queen comes, we’ll offer her your head on a pike."
"Times are not so peaceful now, with decades of poisoners in the capital."
"One day, perhaps after you are crowned, I will take you to the War Queen’s Temple in Bastian City."
"To be a priestess is to have no past, but Mirabella is certain that Rho possesses the war gift."
"The Goddess’s bidding and the queen’s duty. Is there ever anything else?"
"Feeling the fool, like a bird fluttering against a cage of robes."
"She makes this sacrifice for you. Do not disgrace her."
"The wind and the lightning, always at her fingertips."
"You should have told me. You should have told me, Rho!"
"She does it to make me strong. She does it to save my life."
"The gift matters less and less. Crowns are no longer won, they are made."
"In the beginning, it was difficult to watch. But it has been years now since any have made Katharine cry."
"It will only get worse. Perhaps you should go home."
"No," he says. "Never. I know what you’ve got to do is worse. And I like what you did just now. Snatched your hand away. Made me come clean."
"But we will be neighbors, for some time. So perhaps you will shake my hand and guide me carefully back down this treacherous path?"
"She might not even like him. And he still has to meet the other queens."
"After all the stories I’ve told him about Arsinoe, I think he is half in love with her already."
"We will only have to do that in front of people."
"Out there, men don’t tremble when women speak."
"No one ought to tremble. That is why the island needs change in the Black Council."
"I thought of it sometimes, when I was away. And then Billy would take me out to get drunk."
"I am not in the mood for the market today. Let’s buy something to eat and walk up into the orchards. It’s not too cold for that."
"You’re not very good at hiding. Those lovely black skirts of yours are sticking out all over."
"And when it is over, they will have a new queen."
"I do not know why we’re doing so much, for an upstart boy who smells of the mainland."
"I have to leave. I have to get away from here."
"It is foolish to be sad. Things are the way they are. Even if you were free, I could never keep you."
"You sound like my friend Bree. I will be fine."
"That stone is sacred. Elemental priestesses once sacrificed hares on it and threw their hearts into the lake."
"Sometimes, I think that she wants me to fail."
"You must kiss the Chatworth boy just like that."
"You are the queen and must have your choice of consorts."
"Do not make a pig of yourself," she says, "just because there is no poison in it."
"I would not have chosen to meet you this way."
"It is a strange custom, naming the child the same as the parent. Almost as if the parent hopes to one day inherit the body."
"Everyone is watching us and pretending that they are not."
"I don’t think it is strange at all," Arsinoe says. "Don’t you see? It has to be one of us. It has to be her."
"You ought to let this air awhile. Before you wrap it up again."
"Is that all it takes to buy your loyalty?" Cait asks.
"Maybe so," he says. "But there are worse things to sound like."
"I’m not touching that," says Madrigal. "It’s oily and it smells."
"Sleep, Jules," Arsinoe says. "It will be better in the morning."
"It is only until the Chatworth boy leaves. Then Genevieve will be banished again."
"I would never hate you," she says. "But if you do not leave now, my cat will tear your throat out."
"He deserves his misery," Arsinoe says. "Every cruel word she gives, and some from me besides."
"I don’t want to marry you. You have none of the proper makings of a wife. But I don’t want you to die. You have become my friend, Arsinoe."