
Garden Of Shadows Quotes

Garden Of Shadows by V.C. Andrews

Garden Of Shadows Quotes
"Life is very much like a garden, Olivia. And people are like tiny seeds, nurtured by love and friendship and caring."
"It's better to fill your time with sensible and productive things."
"I find most so-called beautiful women vapid and rather silly."
"I prefer intelligent women who know how to think for themselves, women who can be real assets to their husbands."
"I realized all I could know of love and life would be from books."
"The harder things are, the better we become."
"The only difference being that everything about this house would tell me something more about the man I had just married."
"I felt carried along, almost against my will."
"The love I had longed for would never be mine."
"Never had I seen or imagined an attic as big as this one."
"The wide wooden planks of the floor creaked softly beneath my feet."
"Everything of value had been draped with sheets on which dust had accumulated."
"For a moment I wished there were voices, for they would be the voices of Malcolm's past."
"All of the secrets of Foxworth Hall had found sanctuary here."
"It was not the kind of view that would distract children."
"My legs actually trembled and for a moment my feet felt glued to the steps."
"The sound of chatter and laughter grew with every passing moment."
"I felt as if I'd been publicly slapped in the face."
"I hugged my pillow in solace and fell into a tortured sleep."
"In his wake he left a deep, deadly silence, like the silence that comes before a great storm."
"Never did I feel the need to cry out the way she did."
"It was the way Malcolm and I should be, I thought."
"Never, since they were born, did Malcolm ever kiss the boys good night."
"I sat there wishing they could remain babies forever."
"I understood a great deal more than other children my age."
"You knew she didn't have the patience or tolerance for endless discussions."
"Did he harbor the same fears in relation to me, afraid that I might leave him?"
"It didn't matter what he thought about my money."
"He wouldn't look into it. He would act as though it no longer existed."
"It's disgusting what goes on in that room now."
"The trophy room was to be his private sanctuary, a man's room in every sense of the word."
"I brought my eye to it and saw Garland and Alicia naked in the swan bed."
"I was sure he would deny knowledge of it, but what would be far worse would be my own embarrassment."
"Malcolm's fire of passion and anger, a fire that burned and singed her."
"She kept herself busy with Christopher, who was now nearly two and a half."
"I had opened Foxworth Hall to more demons of the heart and of the mind."
"The children must learn to cope with discomfort anyway. It makes us stronger Christians."
"I think it will be that way for you until you leave this house."
"I want them all to love me the way they loved Alicia."
"I'm doing this only to wash away your sin and Malcolm's and to convince people that the child is mine."
"No one will ever replace you, Christopher, neither a little boy nor a girl."
"You are the bad witch now, Olivia. And I'm going to eat your baby up."
"Despite my dislike of Mrs. Worthington, I quickly began to admire her talents."
"Corrine, darling, you know I would rather it be only the two of us."
"Girls must be brought up in a different manner. Socially, more is expected of them."
"I would hope you, too, had more to do than go skulking about watching for some violation."
"I'll let you have your new nursery, Malcolm, but only on one condition."
"I understand what Mrs. Worthington is trying to do by bringing Corrine to the table to eat with us."
"You conspired against him until you found an opportunity to get rid of him."
"It's what I want; it's my money I'm spending. Don't interfere."
"I will make all the decisions. Now, stop interfering."
"She's my daughter. Did you forget? She's a complete Foxworth."
"I'm sure she will be strikingly beautiful and tall."
"You should never turn that money back to your father. He might just take it and spend it all on Corrine."
"You've got to stop pampering your sister. She's using you, taking advantage of you."
"It's not too late to help her, but you can just imagine what kind of a woman she is going to turn out to be if this continues."
"Teach her some abstinence and patience. Help her become a better person."
"Just understand that you're not as defenseless as you might sometimes feel."
"Everything will get better in time. Of course, I knew it wouldn't."
"I may have left a girl, but I'll be returning a woman!"
"Relations between a man and a woman are more complicated than you can ever imagine."
"For you have the gifts all women long for—beauty, sweetness, innocence, a loving heart."