
The Last Goodnight Quotes

The Last Goodnight by Kat Martin

The Last Goodnight Quotes
"She’s been dead eight years, Sam. So yeah, I’m okay."
"Maybe they’ll find something in the car that’ll give them a reason to reopen the case."
"No matter how things had turned out between them, he owed her that much."
"A cold fury that wouldn’t leave him till the day he found the man responsible for his wife’s death."
"But she wasn’t a former police detective like Skye or an army ranger like Trace Elliott, Conn’s right-hand man."
"And the weather doesn’t bother me. I know ranching, Mr. Logan."
"If you want to find your wife’s killer, you’ve already had eight years to think about it."
"You find my wife’s killer, and I’ll give you a ten percent bonus."
"The ranch was beautiful, like something out of the old West."
"Kade Logan was a man’s man, and her hormones seemed to know it."
"I need to know who my wife was seeing at the time she was murdered."
"Heather wanted to go to college first. I didn’t want to wait."
"I would have let her go if it would have made her happy."
"Then your failed marriage wasn’t entirely your fault."
"It’s breakfast. Bacon and eggs aren’t much of a challenge."
"She couldn’t help admiring him for the success he had made of the Diamond Bar."
"In her line of work, a woman’s femininity was a valuable tool."
"She wondered how long ago that was and if the woman he was having the affair with could have been Heather Logan."
"Droughts, blizzards, cattle theft, disease, falling beef prices."
"Once I break their trust, I’ll never get it back."
"It was dark as she rode next to Kade across the pasture."
"We’re going to do everything we can to take care of him."
"The rumble of mirth coming from his chest completely surprised him."
"She was hoping it wouldn’t happen, but she’d had a fear of tight places since she was a kid."
"Just watching him sent her anxiety up another notch."
"She’s sleeping. Looks like she’s going to be okay."
"You don’t have to worry. I’m not the kind of man who takes what a woman isn’t willing to give."
"You think that’s what I need? A meek, docile woman I can boss around?"
"Think about it, Ellie. Maybe you being you and me being me might work out just fine."
"You just watch over Alejandro. The rest will take care of itself."
"Unless he’s somehow connected to the murder—He’s a sheriff. He wouldn’t kill anyone."
"This is police business, Kade. You need to stay out of it."
"No way would she cheat on me. Or so I had thought."
"I would never be free of the guilt that rode me like a ravenous beast until Heather’s killer was dead."
"I wish I’d been there when Smoke got shot. I would have gone after that guy myself."
"Enjoy him while you can. He’s a great fuck, but he doesn’t really give a damn."
"I've looked at them hard, Kade. I don't think any of your men would go behind your back to have sex with your wife. Or hurt her or you in any way. As near as I could discover, you guys are loyal, honest, and trustworthy. Kade's lucky to have you."
"I wish he wanted me to stay a little longer."
"Maybe you should talk to him, tell him the way you feel, ask him what he feels for you."
"I think it's time we told the men the truth about who you are."
"If the sheriff can't figure that out, we'll do whatever it takes to make sure he does."
"He hadn’t noticed the bottle of lotion she’d brought with her."
"I’m working on it. If any of you have ideas, I’d like to hear them."
"She has given him what he needed in a manner he hadn’t expected. Not sex, though he thought that she would have responded to him if he’d wanted."
"Instead she had sensed a different sort of need. Relief from the burdens he carried, the chance to ease his troubled mind, if only for a while."
"We can’t afford to let down our guard. Not yet."
"With any luck, Sheriff Fischer will come up with something."
"We’re going to need your help till this is over. Eventually it will be—one way or another."
"We aren’t letting this bastard win. You all work hard. You deserve time off. Whatever’s going on, we’ll figure it out."
"In the meantime, I need you all to stay alert. More than that, I need you to stay safe. We’re all family here."
"I haven’t found any mutual friends or hobbies, but after I talk to Barbara’s husband, that might change. It’s going to take some time. I’m planning to stay overnight."
"I’ve got things pretty much under control around here, at least for the moment."
"I didn’t have anything to do with any of this."
"It was one of the things I liked best about living on our ranch."
"Everything’s going to be okay, Earl. I’m Ellie. I’m with Kade. I’m calling for help."
"I’ll sleep a lot better if you’re beside me."
"We’re here to see if we can find a common thread between the two women."
"That’s the way it is with detective work. You ask questions, you get answers, then you try to fit the pieces of the puzzle together."
"I should have walked away, but I couldn’t. I could no longer pretend I didn’t love her."
"Jesus Christ, man. If you love her that much, you’d better marry her. You’re going to be even more miserable than you are now if you don’t."
"We’ll figure it out. Let’s go inside where it’s warm. We can talk about it after supper."
"Tomorrow’s Saturday. Why don’t you take the day off? This may take more time than you think."
"With any luck, we’re about to have a wedding—if the groom can figure out how to get his future bride to forgive him."
"The man just has to look at her, and Maria will forgive him anything."
"Just a good business decision. Important to keep the head cook happy."
"You didn’t kill her, Kade. Heather made a series of bad decisions. That’s what got her killed."
"I don’t come here often, but this is where I met Grace."
"He’d better not if he knows what’s good for him."
"You mean something to me, Ellie. You’re the woman I want in my bed."
"I love you, querida. Please say you will do me the great honor of becoming my wife."
"I’ve loved her for years. She told me she loves me too, so I’m asking you, my friends, to help me convince this woman I love to marry me and end the misery I’ve been suffering since I lost her."
"He loves you, Maria! You have to marry him so the rest of us don’t have to put up with him moping around anymore."
"I’d remember you if I saw you twenty years from now."
"Keep your hat pulled low, Kade. We still haven’t caught this guy."
"The price I’m asking is seventeen grand, but I can let you have it for a thousand less."
"We’re umm . . . dating." Not exactly, but the best she could come up with. "The two of us are just getting to know each other."
"If I were twenty years younger, I’d try to lasso that man myself. Be a hard man to tame, though."
"You’re looking great," Jonas said. "Better than great."
"Your jealousy is getting old, Kade. And it’s completely misplaced."
"I can’t apologize for hitting some sonofabitch who’s poaching on my territory."
"I wasn’t having a tantrum. I was administering a lesson."
"Every day she spent with him would only make their parting more painful."
"I’m not like Heather. Either you trust me or you don’t."
"You loved her. She just wasn’t worthy of your love."
"I’m afraid to say it out loud. I’m afraid you’ll think I’m crazy."
"Maybe not, but the day we met, I thought we made some kind of connection. I thought you felt it too."
"Dammit, Kade, he just surprised me. I had no idea he was going to kiss me, and I didn’t kiss him back."
"As I recall, neither of us believe much in coincidence."
"I thought that might happen too, but things didn’t work out."
"You can go deeper, but you'll only get lost down there."
"I know that. Believe me, I've spent plenty of time thinking about it."
"I would never hurt you, Kade. I wouldn’t lie to you, and I would never betray you."
"You’re right, darlin’. I’m the luckiest man in Colorado."
"A man broke . . . broke into the house. He tried . . . tried to kill me."