
Dead To The World Quotes

Dead To The World by Charlaine Harris

Dead To The World Quotes
"It's not easy being telepathic. Most often, it's not fun."
"But I have to admit, the world is a more interesting place to me now."
"Women shouldn’t be out alone this late at night."
"I need the money. I got this house to maintain, my car is old, and I have taxes and insurance to pay."
"Everyone's got a secret or two. Her secret was just a little more colorful."
"I just hope to not be beaten up. So my resolution is to stay out of trouble."
"You think Sam's slight until you see him shirtless unloading boxes of supplies."
"He’s all I have, except for a cousin who’s been on drugs for years. She’s lost, I guess."
"But darn if I didn’t miss Real Eric. You knew where you were with him."
"I began to ease out of the room, because they’d want to talk about secret vampire stuff, I was sure. And if there was anything I didn’t want to know, it was more secrets."
"How did this happen? I asked the fire, when they were all gone."
"I must be a frightening person, when I am myself. Or do I inspire so much loyalty through my good works and kind ways?"
"I’m scared to leave the sleeping Eric so vulnerable. What if the witches came looking?"
"I found myself smiling. Rescinding an invitation was extremely satisfying."
"Not all humans. True enough, he said. We vampires are all murderers."
"But humans kill other humans all the time. And they don’t even need to eat them or drink their blood."
"Lions all kill stuff. So you’re predators, like lions and raptors. But you use what you kill. You have to kill to eat."
"It took me a little longer than usual to fall asleep, because I was thinking over the things that had happened that day."
"I’ve got more secrets than Fort Knox has money. And those secrets are staying locked up just as tight."
"But I just couldn’t sit at home, waiting. I could read the minds of the human employees and find out if they knew what was up."
"On the one hand, if I went to Shreveport, I’d be out of touch with what was happening here. On the other hand, I’d be doing something."
"Wisely ignoring my tears, Tara began asking me the logical questions."
"But Tara’s parents had been evil, both alcoholics and abusers."
"Yet now that I was in trouble, here she was, ready to help."
"I’d adored my father, and I’d always known that no matter what Mother put me through, she was acting out of love."
"All of a sudden, I was certain I didn’t believe her."
"I had so many expressions I wasn’t sure my face could fit them all in."
""I’m sorry to meet you on such a bad day," I said."
"Her skin had an odd quality; it looked glossy and thin, reminding me of the skin of a plum."
""You have vampires, and Weres, and lots of other stuff all tangled up here in Bon Temps."
""I don’t think either of us better go back to Jackson.""
"I was pretty sure there was a synagogue in Shreveport, but I’d never even met a Jew, to the best of my knowledge."
""You draw from a power that most people never tap into."
"Witches with nearly the physical power of vampires-that seemed a very dangerous combination."
"I couldn’t think of another plan, and I just couldn’t go home and sit and wait."
""I wouldn’t have brought her if it wasn’t important."
""We’ve dumped a body together, and that creates a bond.""
"I wish I could save orgasms in a jar for when I need them, because I think I had a few extra."
"It’s just common courtesy to help someone in trouble."
"The bad thing about learning about all the creatures that existed in the world besides us is that I could imagine that there were things that might swallow Jason in one gulp. Or a few bites."
"Right now everything looked bleak and sordid. In the spring, it would seem almost charming, picturesque; the decay of poverty gilded by Mother Nature."
"Of course he expected to 'be my man' in every way, along with protecting me; but he wasn't being lascivious in his manner, or offensively explicit."
"If you need some place to hide, if you need someone to watch your back or defend you, I'll be your man."
"That's not something to get all snitty about."
"I am." Regular men might have found my outer package attractive, but my inner package repelled them.
"I'm flattered that you think so, and I appreciate your offer."
"I was very fond of Sam, who'd often had a starring role in some of my most private fantasies."
"You have to ignore the mythology and just accept me for what I am."
"Doesn’t every gal want to walk into a room side by side with a gorgeous woman who practically has 'I want to fuck' tattooed on her forehead?"
"A piece of happiness should never be taken as due."
"You are beautiful. You are smart, and you are loyal. You have a sense of fun and adventure."
"We’ll find out what happened to Jason, and we’ll find a way to restore Eric to his mind."
"You’d call Arlene. She’d come over with the kids, and she’d try to spike your coffee, and she’d tell you about Tack’s angled dick, and she’d get you to laughing, and you’d feel better."
"Tonight we attack the witch and her coven. The Weres have persuaded the local Wiccans to join us. We need you to bring Eric. He can fight, even if he doesn’t know who he is."
"The Weres of Shreveport are allying with vampires in battle. You can watch history being made, my telepathic friend."
"Sometimes I felt that my whole life had been spent stuck between a rock and a hard place. But then, lots of people had complicated lives."
"These witches were bad, and bad should be stopped; bad should be overcome. That’s the American model."
"You just had to like the honesty. This was the closest to the real Eric I’d seen in days."
"Then I got up from my crouch, stood behind Pam, and watched in awe while she cocked a leg and kicked with the force of four or five mules."
"The room was full of flying bodies and spraying blood and screams."
"The aftermath of a battle is melancholy and nasty."
"I told myself I was brave and resourceful, but the words rang hollow."
"I felt better when I had the knife, which was real pretty and felt very sharp."
"The job of bartender at Fangtasia doesn’t seem to be a good-luck job."
"I’d definitely fired the shotgun all by myself."
"It’s family you want when you have to clean the blood out of the kitchen."
"You killed a shifter who was a treacherous, murderous bitch."
"I kept the bullet from you in the most expedient way, and then you defended me effectively."
"I realized that attention to these tiny details was helping me keep my mind off of the main event."