
Ritualist Quotes

Ritualist by Dakota Krout

Ritualist Quotes
"There is nothing we could have done to predict this."
"You think those eco-terrorists that masquerade as conservationists will give a damn that there was an earthquake?"
"We need someone to take the fall, and you are the only likely candidate."
"I was only here so I could make enough money to finish my doctorate!"
"I’m going to find a way to get back at all of you, even if that means ridding the world of its dependence on oil entirely."
"Drink up boys! Tomorrow we’re on QRF all day long!"
"If they get too dehydrated, just do what ya always do! Stick ‘em!"
"Johnson, you know that you can’t be so casual and use my first name like that around officers."
"First platoon got hit, they found an IED the wrong way."
"Different man, different way of dealing with pain."
"Nothing you could do, brother. Nice work on that tourniquet."
"Pardon my insubordination, ma’am, but I think it is that bad."
"Why are you lazing around? Rub some dirt in it, you’ll be fine."
"The army says they’ll pay for everything, but it’s the army."
"You must understand how difficult it would be for a twenty-year-old woman to be married to a quadriplegic, sir."
"Suicide is never the answer. It’s a permanent, terrible solution."
"Think of yourself as the sickly lad who never ate, got exercise, or left the library."
"You can’t play for twelve hours, which is twenty-four in-game."
"I have no idea why it happens! Maybe I just taste good."
"Not all of us can afford not to work and hang out in pods all day."
"Go do social quests or something. I bet someone around here needs a letter delivered."
"It’s obvious you haven’t taken damage yet or else you wouldn’t be excitedly telling someone else to get hurt for you."
"Think like that, and you are good. Play like it isn’t a game."
"I don’t care if you were a dang-nab General, if you cannot do what I tell you, when I tell you, I will leave you out here to die."
"You level five yet? That why you’re here? Not yet! I was actually hoping to study up on rituals and see if I can’t make them more... accessible."
"It is because we numb the pain and remove the trauma from you."
"Focus on what makes you unique. To increase your skills, you need to study them, practice them, and try everything you can think of."
"How do I increase my skills faster, and which ones should I devote most of my time to? Focus on what makes you unique."
"Are we... lost? Where did you think we were going? Now just reconnect the mana to the pool, and you’re done!"
"You’d probably hurl or pass out. Maybe bleed all over the place or something."
"I’m glad to do it. For some reason, I wasn’t able to set your bones with magic."
"It uses the target’s shadow to attack them and seems to move at the speed of darkness."
"I got access to it when we got that title for staying outside overnight."
"Joe was here to kill foxes and chew bubblegum, and as far as he could tell, bubblegum didn’t exist in this world."
"His attempts to use specific portions of shadows so he would hit critical areas must be helping him to understand his spell a bit better."
"A few experience points later, he stopped to examine the wound that his shadow spike made in an animal."
"Joe marveled at the potential this skill offered."
"Too excited to spend more time grinding foxes for minor bits of experience, he started walking back to town."
"Joe looked at the guard, and under his helmet he could see the poor guy squinting and sweating."
"Joe’s stamina was dropping swiftly, but he wasn’t at the point of puking just yet."
"Joe found himself back in the virtual reality loading room, and with a sigh, he decided that it would at least be a good chance to check in with his mom."
"Joe’s mouth dropped open, and he could do nothing for a long moment but stare at the light coming from the palm-sized stone."
"Joe sat down on his bed with a happy grin covering his face."
"Joe checked his status sheet, he confirmed that he did indeed have the occultist profession."
"Before he could continue going through other books for truth, Joe felt that he had no choice but to revamp his grimoire."
"Joe had to physically sit down and breathe deeply to keep from screaming like a furious pterodactyl."
"Joe looked at the mess they had made on the path and made an ‘oops’ sound."
""I! Love! This! Armor!" Dylan bellowed as yet another wolf staggered backward from a concussive blow to the head."
"Joe’s need to maintain a fairly slow pace made the others huff with annoyance by the time they were halfway back."
"Joe’s first target had collapsed to the ground, falling dead from the accumulated damage of the rapidly cast spell."
""Woo. Hoo." She paused for a moment. "That’s somewhat less fun to say when it is in a monotone.""
"Joe looked at them, then Tiona. "Shouldn’t we help him?""
"Her mouth was like a reverse black hole; instead of absorbing things, she constantly spewed noise."
"Server wide announcement! Rejoice! The Mage’s College has been freed from the tyrannical slavery of the Archmage by player ‘Joe’."
"You completed a quest that no one knew was a quest by destroying a contract that could not be destroyed."
"He has moved from ‘unknown’ to ‘pretty much unknown’. Rare knowledge, items, and locations will be 5% easier for all players to discover for two weeks!"
"You are the chosen of a deity and have his blessing. When your class would show as ‘cleric’, it will now show as ‘Arch Cleric’."
"You have killed the highest ranked mage in the Kingdom. By doing so, you have proven that you have what it takes to kill any of them."
"You have withstood spells that could shatter buildings, and weapons that can pierce steel. You did so stoically, without flinching, dodging, or dying."
"His bones shifted painfully as his muscles thickened and became more supportive."
"Standing suddenly didn’t feel like a chore, and he felt like he could carry an entire backpack filled with wolf meat!"
"This is amazing! Max reputation with Ardania and seventy-five percent less tax?"
"Looking over the stats and skills, Joe rubbed his chin thoughtfully."
"Joe felt a piercing gaze as he finished reading."
"He sighed and stood up. It was time to get to work."
"Joe knew that he would never stop until he had completed everything the game offered."